Young people between a legitimate dream and a distressed reality

  • Time:Sep 07
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

I am a follower of your column, "People's Words", both political and social. I want to consult you on a matter that concerns me. It is related to an emotional issue that linked me to a girl I met five years ago and I intended to marry her, but unfortunately our relationship ended without marriage.* I worked hard to improve My economic situation after completing my university studies and obtaining a bachelor's degree, but I did not succeed in obtaining a suitable job, and I used to avoid talking to her about this matter.* This is how M. began. M.S sent his e-mail in which he said: I am a young man in the prime of life full of hope and love of life, and I was hoping for financial stability so that I could propose to the family of the girl of my dreams.. but unfortunately I could not. And I began to worry and feel frustrated, especially after she blocked my phone number and cut off contact with me completely. I went to her workplace and tried to find out the reason for her change in my regard, but she did not tell me the truth and said to me: There is no positive gesture on my part towards her.. Nevertheless, she promised me patience, perhaps and perhaps. But she quickly cut off her contacts with me. When I asked her again about the reason, she surprised me with a suggestive answer, saying: Marriage is a share and a share.. It means that it is no longer my share.. Life began to darken in my face after I lost hope in my dearest possession and left me to face grief and sorrow alone. * This is how M.M.S. ended his letter, wondering: What changed her feelings towards him? And where did this symptom come from, which closed the way for him and closed the door of hope, which was his motivation for diligence, perseverance, and striving to improve his situation and his future?*First, we must point out that the case of M. M.S. is not abnormal in our social life, but rather it is present in a recurring carbon form in the lives of many young men for reasons beyond their control/n. It is not possible to blame the girls alone because the factor of time has a greater influence on them, but that does not mean that life is over and the young man regresses He is unlucky for himself and spends the rest of his life lamenting his condition and crying for the one who lost it. Indeed, reality must be faced in all its cruelty with rationality, patience and certainty in order to be able to overcome the period of shock and move to the spaciousness of life renewed with hopes.* It is true that love is one of the most important pillars of a healthy marital life, but It must be recognized that it is not by love alone that a person lives and that the marital relationship can be based on understanding, appreciation, respect and shared responsibility. The real stakeholders – intensify efforts to address them together and join hands, especially in these more complex “economic” conditions.

Noureddine Madani, Al-Tahrir newspaper

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Young people between a legitimate dream and a distressed reality