You will not need a dentist .. 6 "golden" tips to prevent the accumulation of lime on the teeth!The most important news

  • Time:Jun 13
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

You know that it is important to clean the teeth with brushes, thread and rinsing with disinfectant mouthwash to prevent the accumulation of lime.

But do you know why?What is lime?How do you touch your teeth?What can happen if that happens?Get the facts directly.

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What is calcification? Even if you take care of your teeth well at home, you still have bacteria in your mouth.Mix with proteins and secondary food products to form a sticky layer called the tooth plate.This sticky substance envelops your teeth, sticks below the gum line, sticks to fillings or other dental actions.

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Black holds bacteria that can harm teeth enamel and lead to tooth decay.But if you remove the plaque regularly, you can prevent permanent tooth decay and gum disease.

More problems arise, however, if the plaque remains on your teeth and hardens to Gear.

Lime is formed down and above the gum line.It is rough and foolish and can lead to a decline in the gums and gum disease.It should be removed with special tools in the dentist's clinic.

How does lime affect teeth and gums? Lime can make it difficult to brush teeth and thread as it should.This can lead to tooth decay.

Any gear that is formed over the gum line may be harmful to you.This is because the bacteria in it can irritate and damage the gums.Over time, this may lead to gradual gum disease.

The lighter of gum disease is called gingivitis.It can usually stop and reverse its direction if you clean your teeth with brush and thread and use antiseptic wash and get regular cleaning from your dentist.

If so, it may be worse, to the point that the pockets form between the gums and teeth and infected with bacteria.This is called elderly inflammation.Your immune system sends chemicals to respond and mix with bacteria and the things you expel.

The result can damage the bones and tissues that prove your teeth in place.Some studies also link bacteria in gum disease, heart disease and other health problems.

Tips to help control lime

The best bet is not to let the lime form on your teeth.Here's the way:

Use the brush regularly twice a day for two minutes at a time.Exfoliation for 30 seconds will not cause a plaque removal or prevent lime.Use a brush with small soft bristles enough to suit your mouth.Make sure to include hard -to -reach surfaces behind your teeth and on the rear molars.

Studies have found that electronic or powered dental brushes may get rid of plaque better than manual models.Regardless of the type you use, make sure it carries the approval seal from the American Dental Association (ADA).These strict tests were subjected to quality and safety control.

Choose a toothpaste to control lime that contains fluoride.Fluoride will help repair enamel damage.Some products contain a substance called triclosan that fight the bacteria in the plaque.

Thread, thread, thread.Regardless of the quality of your use of toothbrush, the teeth thread is the only way to remove plaque between your teeth and keep lime away from these difficult areas.

Rinse it daily.Use a daily antiseptic wash to help kill bacteria that cause plaque.

Watch your diet.The bacteria in your mouth feed on sugary and starchy foods.When they are exposed to these foods, they release harmful acids.Try to follow a healthy diet and reduce the amount of sugary foods you eat.

This also applies to snacks.Every time you eat, you also feed the bacteria in your mouth.You don't have to give up sweets or snacks.Just be aware of the number of times you indulge.Wash your teeth and drink a lot of water during and after meals.

Do not smoke.Studies indicate that people who smoke cigarettes or use other tobacco products are more likely to develop lime.

Once the lime form, only the dentist will be able to remove it from your teeth.Therefore, visit your dentist every 6 months to remove any plaques and gear that may be to prevent more problems.

Source: WebMD

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