Why do we wear the watch in the left hand?- Al-Watan Newspaper

  • Time:Dec 08
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

She was sitting next to me on the meeting table.She caught my attention that she wore the watch in her right hand!Focus..She is also written in the right, not the family, "writes with the left hand".I told her surprised: You are dressed in your right hand!She replied: Normal...I wear it on the right, on the left, what separates me.I liked her simple logic, stopped for a while and asked.Why do we wear the watch in the left hand?And why do we adhere to this tradition and do not deviate from it except in the case of those who depend on their left hand? In the history of the watchmaking manufacture, the personal automatic watches began, with multi -size pocket hours and shapes.Then the wrist watch was invented as a kind of jewelry as a bracelet for women's hands, and men continued to use pocket hours.One of the military pilots is said to have asked his friend, the famous watch designer "Louis Cartier", to design him an hour to suit his trips and be better than the pocket hours..He designed for him the first men's watch suitable for practical use.He wore it in his left hand for easy looking at it when he was carrying his weapon in his right hand.Then the use of wrist watches in armies in the First World War, and was very popular.So the war was the one who launched the watch in the left hand in honor of the weapon with which the right hand is busy!Then the accounts say that making wristwatches preferred to put it in the left hand, protecting the hour from the many tasks that the right hand takes over, which may end up with the hour to smell and damage if it was involved with the right hand in those tasks.And leaving the exception to the people of the hard hand, "dependent on the left hand", where the verse turns on them in their dependence on the concentration of tasks in the left hand.What if we exceeded the reasons for "the watches and damage of the hand", and we were in a situation that does not require the right hand to carry out its heavy tasks?Is the absence of the cause we can wear the watch in the right hand?If we do it, we will start at the beginning..But we can not care and automatically answer our personal freedom to wear the hour in any hand we choose.However, we are used to stereotypes, and we are equal to others, especially in "formal" issues.We are in our path behind the "unstable" constants a little. We ask the question "Why?", "What is meaning?".The watch site is not important, but it is a metaphor for small issues that we do not know, yet we adhere to, preserve and inherit it.This is not a matter of adherence to the system.But it is restricted to the most stable patterns of the system.Accordingly, I decided to wear the hour in any hand..And that species in wearing it between the right or left hand.In order to change an unimaginable pattern in the reality of my current use.

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