Why did the position of the cameras change between my iPhone 13 and 12? Is it just marketing purpose?

  • Time:Nov 30
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Looking at the new generation of Apple phones: iPhone 13, a very clear fact cannot be ignored, as the design is almost identical to last year. As there are slight differences in terms of the size of the bump at the top of the screen, for example, but noticing the difference is difficult without a direct comparison. But in contrast to the fact that this difference is almost invisible, there is one difference that is very clear: the placement of the cameras. The dual camera lenses of the iPhone 12, iPhone 12 and 12 mini are placed vertically on top of each other. However, in the iPhone 13 and 13 mini phones, the two lenses are located diagonally on the two protruding corners.

This change has led to some controversy and even derision by some who viewed the change as superficial and effortless. But how true is that? And did Apple change the position of the camera in order to make the appearance of the new phones differ from the previous one only? Or are there real reasons why this distribution of cameras is appropriate for new phones.

The practical reason for changing the position of the cameras is to upgrade them

In principle, it cannot be said that the iPhone 13 phones are a major upgrade compared to its predecessor, the iPhone 12. There were no really revolutionary changes, but rather partial upgrades and improvements here and there. And new features in general. And one of the new things in these phones was the optical image stabilization feature by moving the sensor. As this feature had appeared in the iPhone 12 Pro phones last year, and it finally reached the phones of the regular version of the iPhone.

Why did the cameras change between my iPhone 13 And 12? ></p><p>In case you don't know this feature and how it works, it relies on innovative technology to make video and even photos less jittery and

Of course, moving the entire sensor with small motors means that the size of the mechanism as a whole is larger than before. Of course, the matter coincided with reality, as the camera that possesses the technology in the iPhone 13 phones is clearly larger than its counterpart in the previous generation. With the increase in the size of the camera, it was necessary to find a place for it, as it would not fit in its previous place under the other. As a result, the two cameras were placed diagonally to take advantage of the size of the camera bump.

In fact, not only is the reason for the change convincing, but the change is necessary even as long as the company does not want to overturn all the foundations of its current design. Where the alternative solution was to make the camera bump rectangular downward, for example, and thus make the new phone incompatible with the accessories of its predecessor.

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Marketing plays a role, but it is secondary in this case

It is known that a large percentage of iPhone users see these phones as A way to brag and express even wealth. Where many are racing to buy the latest iPhone phones because it is a means of bragging in principle, and for this percentage of users, the changes are important. As the presence of two phones with an identical design means that the external appearance will not be sufficient to indicate that the phone is from the latest generation of phones.

So, in theory at least, there is no doubt that Apple knows about it and usually tries to exploit it. Even while preserving the basic features of the design, the company always makes simple changes that make the phones distinct from their predecessor. In the past generation, the shape of the camera bump as a whole has been changed from the previous one. And in the current generation, the position of the cameras has been changed. Going back to years ago, these simple shifts can be seen in abundance.

However, in conclusion, it is clear that the main reason for the transformation is my work to make the camera fit in the place designated for it within the bump. Although the aesthetic and design choice is important and undoubtedly played a role in supporting the decision, it is not the first reason.