How'd you like to experience eating in restaurants under the Corona virus pandemic?

  • Time:Jun 01
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) -- when looking at the safety reviews that will be applied, it seems that the experience of eating in restaurants after the end of the Corona virus pandemic will be very different from what it was a few months ago.

While there is obviously plenty of enthusiasm for restaurant workers to return to work, the people with whom CNN talked do not plan to set up businesses soon.

"The safety of our guests and employees is our top priority. Until we have more information, we will not put anyone in an unsafe situation or an uncomfortable environment. We will keep our doors closed," he said.

Rethinking Space

The Director of Hospitality Design at C Chateau, a company that designs hospitality projects, Allison Cook, works with clients and their interns for the reopening process.

Cook supports restaurants throughout the country through “simple strategies that they can apply, are low-cost, and make their reversals safer”.

To stay at a distance between customers, restaurant owners plan to absorb a maximum of 50% of customers.

Cook points out that some pathways, such as the way to the bathroom, tend to intersect with congested pain, such as the kitchen entrance, and must be reconsidered.

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The banners will remind guests to respect others and keep their distance.

Staff welfare

Restaurants will require all staff to wear personal protection equipment, such as fumigation, masks, and hand washing, which is part of the standard protocol, will remain important.

The chef and owner of the “Otaku Mahmood” group, Sarah Gavigan, plans to monitor the temperatures of their employees upon arrival at work.

Changing weather.

The atmosphere in your favorite restaurant may have changed, and the co-founder of Edmond's O'Oran 's in South Carolina, Scott Morgan, said, "There will be some things that have to happen that might make restaurants less beautiful and less dynamic."

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American Restaurants Reinventing the Concept of "High Food" in light of the outbreak of the Corona virus.

To ensure that guests eat with tools, tables may not be prepared unless they are occupied by a customer.

Many restaurants are considering the idea of using cutlery and cutlery that can be disposed of as they plan to reopen.

Delivering salt and pepper to customers only on demand, instead of the sauce and spices that you usually find in the middle of the table, will be hand sanitizer.

Technology development

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A restaurant in Amsterdam is inventing a new food experiment in the shadow of the Corona virus.

In addition to printing disposable menus, Ferrara of the "Medal Schnasslight" group said that they would use QR rapid response codes that allow customers to scan and see lists in their personal devices.