Start of the week analytics: gold, currencies, indices, and oil

  • Time:Dec 23
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article


The situation is complicated, and the Chinese Bank is cutting interest rates to support existing companies after some Chinese companies failed to pay $3.8 billion in payments, and Japanese stocks closed strongly lower due to fear of The Omicron mutant, and a global panic that starts from Britain, specifically London, and extends to the whole world in the third or fifth wave, as they say, and is expected to be the largest, fiercest, and fastest, especially after the ineffectiveness of vaccines against Omicron, and oil is declining due to fears of widespread government closures to confront the virus, and some countries are still Reckless about the spread of this mutant. And geopolitical relations between China and Taiwan and the American intervention and between Russia and Ukraine and the American intervention, and strong recognitions from Jerome Powell of the seriousness of inflation and confusion in the markets and the exchange rate of the dollar between push and pull and a blurry vision that makes trading difficult and the most difficult is the decision to trade.


Dear reader, it may be better to try to rely on short-term speculations only, much better than trading in a wide range of time, this may limit the risks that you want to take, so we will remain on some narrow analysis scope for a clearer view.

Technical Analysis:

Here are some technical analyzes that may help you in making some of your trading decisions. We wish you a successful week and a profitable trading start, God willing.

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Weekend analysis: gold, currencies, Indices, Oil

We wish you a happy weekend, and we will provide you with developments almost daily, God willing.

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The price of gold

Canadian dollar

The US dollar against the Canadian dollar

Dollar Franc

The US dollar against the franc

Dollar Yen

The US dollar against the Japanese yen

Turkish Lira

Turkish Lira


The euro against the dollar






The Nasdaq Index

The Dow Jones

The Dow Jones


This content is just the opinions and analyzes of the author and personal diligence and not direct recommendations, if we are injured, pray for us. If we make a mistake, excuse us. The final decision rests with the investor and the speculator in determining the direction and knowing the risks resulting from his trading, which may lead to a large or total loss of capital.