The American embassy in Kabul issues instructions to its employees to destroy "sensitive materials"

  • Time:Feb 19
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Atlanta, United States (CNN)- The American Embassy in Kabul issued instructions to employees to destroy sensitive materials in addition to the elements "that can be misused in advertising efforts", according to the administration's notice that was sent on Friday and witnessed by CNN, and another source described it to be aware of the matter.

يأتي الإشعار في الوقت الذي تستعد فيه السفارة لسحب عدد كبير من الدبلوماسيين، ومع استمرار تدهور الوضع الأمني ​​على الأرض في أفغانستان، حيث قال مصدر دبلوماسي لشبكة CNN إن أحد التقييمات الاستخباراتية يشير إلى أن كابول قد تكون معزولة من قبل طالبان في غضون أسبوع وربما في غضون 72 ساعة القادمة.

Al -Mutawa called on the embassy members to "reduce the amount of sensitive materials", including papers and electronics.

السفارة الأمريكية في كابول تصدر تعليمات لموظفيها بتدمير

The American embassy in Kabul added: "Please also include the elements that carry the slogans of embassies, agencies, American flags, or elements that can be misused in advertising efforts.".

The notification said that there will be a variety of means to destroy these materials, including burning boxes, dismantling machines, Holocaust, and heavy equipment.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

One of the diplomats told CNN that the situation on the ground represents a major challenge for American diplomats who say the plans change every minute.

CNN reported on Thursday that the administration is considering moving the American embassy from its current location in the capital to Kabul Airport.