Unusual things that dogs can recognize with the sense of smell - Al -Manar channel - Lebanon

  • Time:Jun 27
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Dogs are known for having a very strong sense of smell so that they get to know the smells a kilometer. Therefore, we find that the police services are keen to train police dogs in their devices to help them in criminal cases. But the sense of smell helps dogs get to know more than just normal scents! She can discover things that did not occur to you, using the sense of smell that you will know during the topic. Unusual things that dogs recognize through the sense of smell! Scientifically, the area of ​​the dog's brain associated with the distinction of odors is forty times larger than the same area in the human brain! Dogs have between 125-300 million different smell receptors in their noses, this means that the dog is able to distinguish the smells with the power of human superiority by 10,000-100,000 times! The following is what the dogs can distinguish with the sense of smell except the smells: feeling bed bugs (bed insects). The bed remained is a terrifying ability to hide inside the pillows and family without feeling its presence and then nourishing the blood and skin of the human during sleep! But dogs have an amazing ability to smell these micro insects when they are trained in this matter! The dogs trained to discover bed bugs are able to determine their decision with a accuracy of up to 96%! Therefore, some of the competent authorities use dogs to examine bed and furniture in public facilities. Emotions are automatically changing human hormones depending on the mood and emotional state they are going through. The dogs have an amazing ability to determine these changes in human nature and his mood through the sense of smell! They distinguish fear, sadness or happiness in humans! So dogs are often useful to help psychologically disturbed! The discovery of molded bodies in the United States of America, the police often use dogs to find sowed bodies and underwater bodies, as harmful pollutants. Where the dog is trained on certain odors emitting from the bodies in the water by taking the dog on a boat, swimming in the lake, river, or even the beach. The discovery of bacteria since the 1960s, beekeepers had been facing a big problem with bee icing disease that threatened US bee cells with extinction! But dogs provided great help in this field by detecting the sick bee in the cell and disposing of it before spreading the disease among other cells. Trained dogs are able to discover the smell of pathogenic bacteria in the beehives and save more than 100 cells of the infection when determining the affected bees within one hour! It is also able to determine the smells of pathogenic fungi in plants. Whales follow biologists spend long years in search of whales that take from the depths of the oceans as a refuge away from the inconvenience of scientists and other beings. What makes the task of studying the life system of whales by biologists is very difficult. But the whales behind them are a guide that can be tracked by the use of dogs! Where whale waste floats on the water, so dogs trained in this field can trace the waste through the smell from a distance. The dog often leads the ship of researchers by bending left or right, or tingling with their ears when discovering an effect. Disclosure of the tipped plant (poverty)

أشياء غير عادية تستطيع الكلاب التعرف عليها بحاسة الشم – موقع قناة المنار – لبنان

Class is one of the types of wild fungi that grows in the depths of the Earth, which makes it very rare and difficult to find. Culture cultivation can cost hundreds of dollars in private farms. Since humans cannot easily discover fungi, some people resort to training dogs to discover this mushroom through the smell very easily. Disclosure of diseases for dogs is an ability to smell changes in human hormones and blood sugar levels. In the past decade, many of them have been trained all over the world to detect epilepsy, diabetes and cancer. Dogs are able to discover rare tumors and decrease in the level of blood sugar and hormones that are active for a quarter of an hour before they are trained to smell the distinctive smells of these cases. Detection of CDs and computers except for dogs' ability to detect drugs such as cocaine and heroin, special dogs have been trained to discover "polycarbon" that is present in computers and everything related to them, such as CDs, digital video discs and hard disks and softening them in cases of inspection . Knowing the period of ovulation in livestock is another strange ability for dogs that make it special! It is able to determine the period of ovulation in cows so that farmers can conduct industrial pollination of cows in a timely man! Farmers resort to training dogs to discover cows during their ovulation by smelling urine smell and identifying certain chemical compounds that rise in urine in the period of ovulation of the cow, thus vaccinating cows when ready and avoiding losing thousands of dollars from this process if the cow is injected and is not ready! Metal exploration and raw materials in Finland, government agencies sponsoring programs for dogs to find metal deposits in the ground as sulfur rocks, for example. Dogs are able to track this stone from a special smell that resembles a spoiled egg smell. The revelation of military ambushes has been included in the American army since the revolutionary war because of their ability to alert soldiers of the presence of enemy soldiers, or even the army's warning of an ambush or landmines. It is able to smell the smell of weapons and gunpowder, which protects the soldiers from falling into the enemy's trap. Dogs were also trained to refer to ambushes in other ways other than barking so that the enemy does not notice such as lifting their neck hair, moving their ears, or even walking back.

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