Coordination of universities 2021 .. Question and answer .. All you want to know about coordinating alienation

  • Time:Mar 01
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Students to coordinate the first and second stages of university admission for the new academic year 2021-2022 have started the work of coordinating transfers to reduce alienation through the coordination website, to continue until next Wednesday.

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research prepared a guide for students on the details of the transfer system to reduce alienation:

We publish here everything you need to know about the transfer system to reduce alienation for the academic year 2021-2022 in (question and answer)

Q1: What is the main purpose of transferring a student?

The main purpose of the transfer of the student, after his nomination through the Coordination Office, is to reduce the alienation of the student so that he joins a college in the geographical area (A), and the purpose of the transfer is not to change the student's opinion and re-nominate him in another location.

Q2: When are transfers to reduce alienation open to students?

After announcing the result of the second stage of coordination, the door for transfers to reduce alienation is opened for the first and second stages together, and the result is announced within the limits of the prescribed percentage, which is 10% according to the capacity of the college to be transferred to, and it is within the framework of the geographical area (A), After announcing the results of the third stage, the door for transfers to the third stage is opened with the same rules.

Q3: Is the student entitled to transfer more than once?

No, the transfer is for one time only.

Q4: Is there a paper transfer?

No, it will not be allowed to make any paper transfers at all, but the transfer is done through the electronic coordination website only.

Q5: How can a student transfer to reduce alienation?

By registering through the coordination website, and entering the student's seat number and password.

Q6: What is the position of colleges that are subject to regional acceptance of transfers?

It is not permissible to transfer between colleges to which admission and nomination are based on regional admission.

Q 7: What are the rules for reducing alienation?

The main purpose of the transfer of the student, after his nomination through the Coordination Office, is to reduce the alienation of the student so that he joins a college in the geographical area (A), and the purpose of the transfer is not to change the student's opinion and re-nominate him in another location.

The conversion process is divided into two types:

For students of the Egyptian General Secondary Certificate: The geographical area (A) in the geographical distribution is defined as the area in which the student's school is located in the general or technical secondary certificate.

Coordination of universities 2021.. Q&A. All you need to know about coordinating alienation reduction.</p><p>In the case of boarding schools (sports, military, and outstanding students) and Nile schools, the residence of the student listed in the data of his progress in the secondary school form obtained shall be considered.</p><p>It is allowed to transfer new students (candidates from the Coordination Office for the academic year 2021/2022) between Egyptian public universities to reduce alienation in accordance with the rules in force in the last academic year 2020/2021, as follows:</p><p>The transfer is for one time only.</p><p>It is not permissible to transfer between faculties to which admission and nomination are based on regional admission.</p><p>Students are allowed to apply for transfer between corresponding and non-corresponding faculties in Egyptian universities to reduce alienation through electronic coordination by 10% of the prescribed numbers of the college to be transferred to, according to the student’s order among students wishing to transfer, for the general secondary certificate, provided that the transfer is for one time Only through the electronic coordination website only on the dates determined by the coordination office, and no paper transfers will be allowed at all, and the work of the coordination office regarding transfers ends with the announcement of the results of the transfers, according to the following:</p><p> Converting to a non-matching college:</p><p>- For Egyptian high school students:</p><p>A student who was nominated in the coordination process for a college outside or within his geographical area (A) is allowed to transfer to a non-equivalent college in his geographical area (A) only, provided that the following is required:</p><p>The student obtains the minimum total score accepted by the college to be transferred to (registration / directed affiliation), and in light of the prescribed percentage and absorptive capacity.</p><p>The student fulfills the rest of the rules for admission to the college to be transferred to, such as passing the aptitude tests (if any).</p><p>For example, a student who accepted the Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, and whose geographical area (A) is Gharbia Governorate, can apply for transfer to a college other than the Faculty of Engineering (such as science, arts, commerce, etc.) at Tanta University, where Tanta University is located in Geographical range (A), according to the student’s ranking among students wishing to transfer.</p><p>Transfer to a corresponding college:</p><p>- A student who was nominated in the coordination process in a college outside his geographical area (A) is allowed to apply for transfer to a corresponding college in his geographical area (A) only, regardless of the minimum total score accepted by the college to be transferred to, and an example of that A former student at the Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, who is from Gharbia Governorate, can apply for transfer to the Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University, where Tanta University is located in geographical area (A), according to the student’s arrangement among students wishing to transfer.</p><p>- In the event that there is more than one corresponding college in the geographical area (A), the student who has been nominated for a college outside the geographical area (A) is allowed to transfer to the corresponding college with the lowest minimum in his geographical area (A). An example of this is in Greater Cairo, five colleges. For engineering (Cairo-Ain Shams-Helwan-Al-Matareya-Shubra), and the minimum for admission to it, for example, in the Arabic certificate from Kuwait (392, 391, 390, 388, and 387) degrees, so only the corresponding transfer is allowed for the college that is lower in the minimum (387 degrees), according to To arrange the student among the students wishing to transfer.</p><p>With regard to the corresponding transfer to reduce alienation in colleges that apply the two admission systems (regularity - directed affiliation), the following is taken into account:</p><p>☆ First case:</p><p>In the event that the student is nominated to a college (regular) and wants to transfer to a corresponding college to reduce alienation, then the transfer in this case is according to the following:</p><p>- If the student has a total score that exceeds the highest total score of his college admission to which he wishes to transfer according to the directed affiliation system, he will be enrolled upon approval of his transfer according to the (regularity) system.</p><p>- If the student has a total score equal to or less than the highest total score of his college admission to which he wishes to transfer according to the directed affiliation system, he will be enrolled upon approval of his transfer according to the (directed affiliation) system.</p><p>The second case:</p><p>In the event that the student is nominated to a college (directed affiliation) and wishes to transfer to a corresponding college to reduce alienation, then the transfer in this case is according to the (directed affiliation) system only and may not be registered according to the regularity system.</p><p></p></div>
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