Universities are trading the exams method ... and the professors admit the difficulty of "remote" format

  • Time:Aug 08
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Many questions surrounding university exams are still pending despite the Ministry of Higher Education’s reports, universities have not yet taken, and the professors are afraid of the organization’s confusion, a few weeks before the date of the first half of the school year tests.

Until the moment, no university has reached the decision to take hours after the Ministry of Higher Education’s reports, while the option of examinations received several criticisms, by returning to the weak technologies and the lack of equal opportunities between the laboratories.

Some universities began holding internal meetings in order to deliberate in the form of "remote exams", especially in the contexts of Corona's outbreaks, and the emergence of cases in educational institutions.

Hassan II University in Muhammadiyah went through the adoption of the option of "remote study", and others discuss the possibility of resorting to the same matter, in light of the Ministry's recommendations to prefer the "remote" formula..

الجامعات تتداول طريقة الامتحانات.. والأساتذة يُقرون بصعوبة صيغة

Jamal Sabani, the general writer of the National Syndicate of Higher Education, said that "the professors understand the epidemiological situation in Morocco, but conducting university exams is very difficult.".

Sabani added, in a statement to the newspaper Hespress, that "a series of decisions to close the air borders and remote exams, and the situation in neighboring countries, indicates that Morocco is about to be a difficult stage.".

The same spokesman appreciated the second remedial communication issued by the Ministry of Higher Education, after it was granted the possibility of postponing universities, considering that he had tried the option of exams remotely, and not agreed with him, "by evoking a basic reason, which is equal opportunities between all.".

On the ministerial rhetoric, Sabani said that he contacted yesterday with the ministry's general writer after the first issuance, and clarified the difficulties of organizing the exams remotely, referring to the capabilities of the organization in the presence, as happened in the baccalaureate..

With the emergence of the first case of the "omekron" interlocutor in Morocco, and in order to avoid any epidemic setback, given its speed, the discussion began about the return of the study remotely, especially in universities with open polarization, returns to the forefront.

Although some colleges announced the organization of exams in attendance, after holding their council meetings earlier, they left the option for professors, which may lead some of them to organize them remotely, to facilitate their automatic correction..