Unidentified assailants attack an Islamic center in Arizona, USA, and clash with the guard (video)

  • Time:Apr 11
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) condemned the attack on the Islamic Center in Tucson, Arizona, which was carried out by unknown persons, last Saturday morning.

The council explained in a tweet on Twitter that "due to the attack on American citizens outside the Islamic Center in the city, it has become necessary to protect people while performing their religious rites and to secure mosques and their contents."

The video clip - published by the local Toussaint news agency - showed three people (two women and a young man) throwing stones at the doors and windows of the center, and then assaulting a person when he confronted them.

Sohail Muhammad, a member of the board of directors of the Tousan Islamic Center, said in the published video that the incident was unjustified and had not happened before.

Muhammad added that the accident resulted in the center’s guard being injured in the eye, as a result of the unknown attackers on him, as shown by the surveillance cameras.

مجهولون يعتدون على مركز إسلامي بولاية أريزونا الأمريكية ويشتبكون مع الحارس (فيديو)

One of the center's windows was smashed due to the unidentified persons throwing stones at it, as it appeared in the video as well.

Commenting on the incident, Azza Abu Seif, a CARE official in Arizona, said we call on law enforcement authorities to “intensify security in the mosque area affected by this troubling incident, and in all mosques and other places of worship statewide.”

"Given the number of violent incidents targeting minorities across the country, this attack must be taken seriously," she added.

It is noteworthy that many American cities and states have witnessed during the past few months repeated cases of attacks on Islamic religious centers.

In mid-December, the US Congress voted in favor of a resolution establishing a special office in the US State Department to combat Islamophobia around the world.

Nihad Awad, Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations described the draft resolution as a "historic success for Muslims," ​​adding that the council cooperated with "Rep. Ilhan Omar and many congressional leaders on the need to take serious measures to protect Muslims around the world from religious persecution."

The Council on Islamic Relations (CAIR) praised the draft resolution in a statement, saying, "Today, the US House of Representatives voted to approve the law of Representatives Ilhan Omar and Jan Schakowsky to combat Islamophobia at the international level."