Madness is unacceptable

  • Time:Jun 25
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

"Ertococcles bin Ariston", a philosopher known as Plato, believed when he said: “We are crazy if we cannot think, and fanatic if we do not want to think, and slaves if we do not dare to think.” It is time for the responsible authorities to have the same boldness that is discussingIt has "bullying", "harassment" and other topics ... to open the topic of "mentally disturbed" and "crazy" groups, and to take the necessary measures to protect the country and citizens from the reckless behavior that leads to destabilizing the image of Morocco among foreigners, and destabilizing the feelings of citizens who have no guilt in front ofThis imminent danger that lurks everyone.

The unfortunate picture was repeated during the recent period, after a crazy person, who suffers from a mental imbalance, has killed a French citizen in cold blood in Tiznit, and the outcome almost was greater after this "crazy criminal" moved to the city of Agadir to continue his attacks that the mind does not imagine inThe right of a café's clients to the coastal strip, and among them was a victim of Belgian nationality, but she was more fortunate than the "French victim".

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Who among us does not dare the bitterness of the scene, while watching the legions of the beggars, crazy, and scissors ... they surround customers at the doors of stores, intercede cars at traffic lights, and expose citizens ’lives to various dangers, starting in some cases with“ insulting and slandering ”and may end with a physical attack.Between madness and reason, livelihood, exploitation, abuse of general spaces lives, ignorance, and the country is lost.

What a madness of a large political cost, as the aforementioned type of madness targeted foreign citizens, and if the defect of the house remains in it, then the "defect" came out this time abroad, so that the citizens themselves in a "justification" situation for this heinous crime.What is the guilt of this poor tourist until you are killed in a shameful way?What is our madness?Is not madness to justify the actions of the insane?

An incident of this kind does not require the distribution of feelings of sympathy for this supposed criminal, claiming that he has a mental imbalance confirmed by his family’s statements, and Moroccans always say “God allows us from parents”, but the mother’s crying over the pleasure of her liver, family solidarity, and the testimonies of neighbors, do not justify anyIn any case, matters are launched at their faces. Rather, all efforts must be mobilized to besiege the phenomenon of the spread of mental disordered in the streets, and the fairness of families also by providing centers for social and health care for these groups, instead of hiding behind this deadly waiting.

Finally, the crazy criminal accused of murder was arrested, and Al -Razi Hospital for Mental and Psychiatric Diseases in Sala was deposited at a time when the state institutions specialized in protection and social welfare must unite their efforts to besiege the phenomenon of madness of all kinds, even if it requires greater boldness than courage.