Ukraine: The world is in front of the nozzle of the abyss

  • Time:Aug 22
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Ukraine: The world is in front of the nozzle of the abyss

الأحد - 3 شعبان 1443 هـ - 06 مارس 2022 مـ رقم العدد [15804]حسام عيتاني

Whisper is between Western experts in Russian politics, that President Vladimir Putin will press the nuclear weapons button if he feels that he is approaching a defeat in Ukraine.Although the current war and the previous crisis provides adequate evidence of the belief that restricting what is happening there with Moscow's fears of the expansion of NATO and its threat Russian security is not enough to put this global development in its proper context.That is that the issue is not related to Putin's mental safety, or to the level of misinformation practiced by his propaganda means against the Russian public itself..Rather, the matter reaches a standard vision (Abu Kaulabiyeh) does not see the benefit of the existence of the world at all if Russia is humiliating and dependent.The destruction of Ukraine from this point of view is easier than handing it over to the West, which it will take advantage of to surround Russia and impose new equations aimed at returning Moscow to what it was in the 1990s: a land of chaos run by criminal gangs.Let us from Putin's psychological health a little, and to agree that the Russian novel, which does not lack supporters, is based on the fact that the current president has regained some position to Russia on the international scene.Does this type of thinking belong to the nineteenth century?Is power in Russia a "mafia mafia", led by "Mafin Leaders", Putin?The owners of the aforementioned novel reduce the importance of these two questions, to confirm that the West is still failing to confess that the nineties have ended, and that Russia has a set of values that do not agree with the Western Code of behavior.One of the values is that the force is an acceptable means of achieving the goals, even if the UN Security Council resolutions are in the manner that the United States does when it wants to invade Iraq or Afghanistan, for example.And they continue that skepticism about the legitimacy of the current government in Russia is sometimes, and in Putin's mental integrity at other times, it will not lead to a place.And that the West must deal with the authority in Moscow as a legal authority, as long as the Russian citizens are not updated to it.The acceptable solution from the Russian point of view is to grant the regions of Donbas and Logansk an expanded self -judgment, according to the MINCS Conventions that Kyiv did not abide by, and these two regions obtain the right to veto in relation to foreign policy within a federal structure of the Ukrainian state..This should be neutral towards the major powers, and even outside the European Union because of the structural changes that it requires in the state’s policy that is not consistent with the directions of Moscow..And it prevails in the American conservative circles, a reading based on the fact that there is no value for Ukraine for the West.From the strategic point of view, Ukraine does not provide any addition to the security of Europe and the United States on any threat.As for economically, it is a poor country that has not yet been able to leave the Soviet heritage, while the corruption that has erected it for thirty years has left unimaginable effects on all its institutions..Likewise, Ukraine does not have a cultural weight except that it contains some Orthodox ecclesiastical heritage.Reading, which cited statements of a number of former US officials, goes on that Washington adheres to the "Monroe doctrine" and bites it with the windows..The summary of this doctrine explained by President James Monroe, in a letter to Congress in 1823, that the United States will not allow European countries to occupy more colonies in the western half of the globe, and that it will also resist the "doll countries" of the European Empires.Over the passage of time, the doctrine lost its "liberation" content - if you will - and it is used as one of the American foreign policy axioms that make the western half of the world a "back garden for uncle Sam".Against the background of this doctrine, the Cuban missile crisis took place in 1962, it was not acceptable in the American political mind deploying Soviet forces, not to mention that they were armed with nuclear missiles, ninety kilometers from the territory of the United States.The question that some American conservative researchers ask today is why Russia should accept the establishment of an "American Cuba" on its borders as long as Ukraine has no strategic value for American security? The problem is what was presented is its two visions of two visions of the Ukrainian issue.American and Russian.While the current crisis, like all major issues in the world, has various faces.One of these faces is the Ukrainian face.There are 44 million Ukrainians who were not asked about their opinion on the perceptions and solutions proposed.There are those who wonder: Why do the Ukrainians not accept neutrality and demand through their elected government to join the West and NATO?What is the problem if Ukraine also underwent Russian influence to avoid a successful and final destruction?The answer.A large part of their independence time was under the rule of supporters, followers and supporters of Russia, the last of which is Victor Yanukovic, who blended the softness in front of the Russian demands with corruption and bribery similar to those who preceded him, which left a double bitterness of dependency to Moscow and from comprehensive poverty, before fleeing to Russia to escape the revolution of his people.The Ukrainian resistance that the Western media is currently celebrating, may only be an introduction to a global confrontation that the West evades until now.However, the refraction of this resistance, like its victory, may put the world in front of the crater of the abyss.The nuclear Holocaust was not more realistic than today.


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Ukraine: The world is in front of the nozzle of the abyss