Ukraine is now direct: Watch violent battles near Mariopol.

  • Time:Aug 05
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

With the entry of the war launched by Russia on Ukraine on its ninth day, the battles are continuing in various axes, in light of attempts to achieve further progress by the Russian forces, and to confront it from the Ukrainian side.

The most prominent event witnessed the nuclear station in the city of Zaburujia, where Ukraine spoke of Russian bombing, which led to a fire that was subsequently controlled;However, this caused victims among its employees, according to the Ukrainian novel, while the Russian Ministry of Defense accused the Ukrainian forces of responsibility.

South, the Russian forces entered Micolaev, and the fighting took place in parts of it, according to the mayor of the city.However, the Ukrainians responded to attempts to advance the Russians, according to the advisor of the Ukrainian President and the Staff, while the Russians achieved partial success in the direction.

In the Donbas region, the Ukrainian forces stated that they had thwarted an attempt to advance the separatists, while the separatists spoke of their control over more cities.

Warning sirens dot in the cities of Dnibro in the east, and Valv in the west;The capital, Kyiv, witnessed successive explosions, while clashes extended to its northern suburbs, specifically the city of Erbin.

In Chernev, the Ukrainian authorities spoke of the killing of at least 47 people in Russian raids on Thursday.

And in the following developments of Russia's war on Ukraine on its ninth day:

Two minutes ago

Russian Foreign Intelligence: NATO intelligence transported terrorist militants to Ukraine.

4 minutes ago

Pentagon official: We are concerned because we do not know what Russian experiences control the Zapurujia nuclear station.

8 minutes ago

Canadian Prime Minister: We call with our partners to suspend Russia's membership in Interpol.

Russian defense:

The Ukrainian forces are seriously damaged to water supplies and energy systems to create a humanitarian catastrophe in Donbas.

Ukrainian nationalists spread rocket launchers in the buildings in Kharkiv and hold residents.

New penalties

Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayaish.

"We asked Russia to immediately stop its attack on Ukraine, which was damaged even to ordinary citizens, and to withdraw its forces," Hayshi told reporters..

In the context, the German Foreign Minister called for any gaps in the sanctions imposed on Russia.

23 minutes ago

A new round of negotiations

تستعد أوكرانيا لعقد A new round of negotiations مع موسكو خلال عطلة نهاية الأسبوع في محاولة لوضع حد للقتال الذي اندلع مع الغزو على ما أفاد أحد مفاوضي كييف.

"The third round may take place tomorrow (Saturday) or the next day.We are in constant contact. ”.

For his part, the Ukrainian National Guard announced that a violent battle with the Russian forces is taking place near Mariolol.

29 minutes ago

Ukraine Ambassador to Washington, CNN: The Russians kill children and target hospitals and schools.

The US Department of Defense (Pentagon):

Ukraine delivered security aid worth 240 million dollars out of a package of 350 million.

14 countries have delivered security aid since the beginning of the Russian invasion.

The US administration requested additional financing to provide security aid to Ukraine.

We monitor a fight near Mikolaev, northeast.

Do not provide concrete to the Russian forces towards Kyiv and are still 25 km from the center of the capital.

There are no indications of Russian attempts to intercept shipments of security aid to Ukraine.

46 minutes ago

A European invitation to immediately stop the war

The European Union's foreign policy official, Josep Borrell, called on Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday to stop the indiscriminate shelling in Ukraine.

"This is Putin's war, and Putin should stop this war," Borrell told reporters before a meeting of foreign ministers from the union countries and other countries to discuss the Ukraine crisis..

The European official stressed that the Union imposes sanctions that affect the economy and will result in major repercussions.

53 minutes ago

Lithuanian Minister of Defense:

Putin sends additional units of reserve forces, contractors and military equipment to Ukraine.

Russia introduced most of its forces around Ukraine in the war.

56 minutes ago

The Ukrainian Staff: Our army controls the sky of Ukraine and the destruction of a Russian Su-25 attack plane.

58 minutes ago

Microsoft: We stopped many aspects of our business in Russia in line with government decisions with sanctions.

one hour ago

British Foreign Minister: We want to see more severe and broader sanctions on Russia.

Canada Foreign Minister: We worked within the Group of Seven and NATO to punish Russia and we will work on this within the European Union scope.

one hour ago

Mayor of Kyiv: The capital is fortified and our soldiers are ready to defend it and repel any attack.

one hour ago

The separatists in Donetsk: 77 of our elements have been killed and 406 have been wounded since the start of the military operation in Donbas.

two hours ago

Emergency session

Diplomats said that the United Nations Security Council will hold an emergency meeting today, Friday, 1630 GMT, after Russia's attack on the Zaborigalgal nuclear power plant in Ukraine.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister: (Russian Foreign Minister Sergey) Lavrov publishes false information about our intention to restore our nuclear arsenal.

two hours ago

The Ukrainian Army: We bombed a base for Russian paratroopers in the Kozarovichi area, north of the capital, Kyiv.

The United Nations Human Rights Council: 331 civilians have been killed and 675 were injured since the war in Ukraine began.

The Municipality of Jayson: The Russian forces did not agree to the safe passage to provide the city with humanitarian aid.

The Swiss government:

We support the new European sanctions package on Russia.

Transactions with the Russian Central Bank are no longer permitted.

two hours ago

Ukrainian presidency consultant: We will not give up in any way that the Ukrainians may humiliate their struggle to preserve the unity of their country.

two hours ago

Reuters: The European Union discusses ways to restrict Russia's access to the funds of the International Monetary Fund.

two hours ago

Ukrainian negotiating delegation:

The Ukrainian delegation, negotiating with Russia, said that yesterday's negotiations in Belarus had reached an agreement to establish safe corridors and the delivery of foodstuffs and medicines..

He pointed out that Ukraine seeks to obtain some safe passages to get citizens out of dangerous places.

The delegation said- in a press conference held in the city of Lafif in the west.

two hours ago

وزارة Russian defense: قوات دونيتسك تقدمت لنحو 8 كيلومترات باتجاه منطقة كراماتورسك وتواصل تقدمها.

3 hours ago

Stoltenberg: The alliance raised its defensive standard and will continue to do what is necessary to defend its lands (Anatolia Agency)

NATO: We are not a party to the conflict

NATO Secretary -General, NATO, said that Russia is continuing a war against Ukraine, the worst decades..

After the alliance's meeting, he added that the Russian forces are mobilizing more heavy military equipment and continuing their attacks in Ukraine, stressing that Moscow is paying the price of its war now that Putin planned, and we ask him to stop it immediately.

On the NATO position, Stoltenberg said that the alliance raised the level of its defensive willingness and will continue to do what is necessary to defend its lands, explaining that the alliance is defensive and not a party to the conflict..

The Secretary -General of NATO stressed that the alliance does not seek a war with Russia and the Kremlin wants to expand its influence and suppress states from the right to choose its path, indicating that relations with Russia have changed radically in the long run in the long run.

He added that the establishment of a flight ban on Ukraine may lead to the extension of the war to more European countries, rejecting Kyiv's demands to impose such a region.

3 hours ago

Turkish position:

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşo و lu said on Friday that the situation in Ukraine is getting worse and it should not be allowed to exacerbate, adding that Ankara will keep its air field open..

Speaking after a NATO meeting in Brussels, Ihsanoglu said that contacts with Russia on the military level to ensure that Turkish ships are safe from the Black Sea ports..

3 hours ago

The Kremlin: President Vladimir Putin discussed a phone conversation with the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, the course of the special process in Ukraine.

3 hours ago

Lithuanian Minister of Economy: We invite the Lithuanian companies to leave Russia and Belarus.

4 hours ago

Kyiv Municipality: The launch of the sirens in the city and everyone must go to the shelters

4 hours ago

Reuters: Putin calls on countries to normalize its relations with Russia and undertakes to implement all his country's economic obligations

5 hours ago

The United Nations Human Rights Council approves the formation of a committee to investigate allegations of Russian violations in Ukraine

5 hours ago

Fighting in Miklav

Reuters news agency said that the Ukrainian president's advisor had been repelled that attempts by Russian forces had been repelled in the southern city of Miklav..

The Ukrainian President’s Adviser added that Kyiv’s forces had confronted the attempts of the Russian forces aimed at advancing in the city of Miklav, and that there is no imminent threat to the neighboring city of Odessa..

On the other hand, media reports, quoting the mayor of the city of Miklav, spoke that the Russian forces entered the city and that a violent fighting is taking place in a number of neighborhoods, especially located in the outskirts of the city.

5 hours ago

Reuters on the German advisor: NATO will not engage militarily in the conflict in Ukraine

5 hours ago

Reuters for the mayor of Micoles, southern Ukraine: Russian forces enter the city

5 hours ago

The United Nations Human Rights Council votes on a decision on the human rights situation in Ukraine

6 hours ago

International Atomic Energy Agency

The Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Grossi, said that the targeting that occurred in the Zabarujia facility was not close to the reactor, noting that it is important to emphasize that there is no radiological leakage in the nuclear facility.

Grusi confirmed that the safety system at the Zabarujia station was not affected and no radiation source was monitored, pointing out that a shell hit a building inside the nuclear station, but it is not part of the reactor.

وأضاف أن أوكرانيا طلبت مساعدة فورية من International Atomic Energy Agency، وأن الوضع في المحطة النووية ذاتها لا يزال يشكل تحديا بسبب التوتر في المنطقة.

Grusi indicated that he assured Russia and Ukraine his willingness to help within the framework of the artistic work of the International Atomic Energy Organization, explaining that the Russian forces fully control the two Chernobyl and Nuclear stations of Chernobyl and Nuclear.

6 hours ago

The head of the Ukrainian nuclear energy company: interruption with Ukrainian employees at the Zaparujia nuclear station

6 hours ago

Ukrainian presidency: We call on the International Committee of the Red Cross for urgent assistance to create humanitarian corridors

6 hours ago

The European Union's foreign policy official, Josep Borrell, said that the Russian attacks on Ukrainian nuclear power stations should stop immediately because their consequences may be dire.

6 hours ago

Zelinski's comments

Ukrainian President Foludmir Zellinselkilka, Reuters, said that the imposition of an air embargo is the only guarantor to prevent Russia from bombing nuclear infrastructure, noting that Russia intentionally targets Ukrainian infrastructure and residential areas.

Zellinski added: We lived a night that almost stopped the history of Europe and Ukraine, noting that Russia's targeting of the nuclear plant was intended, which is "organized terrorism" as described.

He also announced the killing of 9,200 Russian soldiers since the beginning of the war on Ukraine.

7 hours ago

Russian response

The Interfax news agency quoted the Russian Ministry of Defense as saying that the Zabarujia nuclear facility is under its control and operated normally.

The Russian Ministry of Defense added that the Russian National Guard forces responded to a sabotage group in the Zabarujia reactor area, and Ukraine also held the responsibility of the fire that broke out near the nuclear station..

The Russian Ministry of Defense considered that the aim of provocation in a nuclear facility is an attempt to accuse Russia in creating a focus of nuclear pollution.

According to the ministry, the Ukrainian National Guard forces left the Zabarujia station before the arrival of the Russian forces.

The statement pointed out that the Russian defense forces have controlled the Zabarujia facility since February 28.

The Russian Defense Zara also said that the Donetsk forces advanced about 8 kilometers towards the Karaamrask region and continued to advance..

7 hours ago

European Union Foreign Policy Coordinator: All options still exist for sanctions on Russia

7 hours ago

The French Energy Minister said that no change in the levels of radiation after the fire was recorded at the Zabarujia nuclear station in Ukraine, noting that the crisis cell in the French Nuclear Safety Authority after the fire at the Ukrainian nuclear station was increased.

7 hours ago

Reuters from the Ukrainian authorities: 47 people were killed in Russian raids on the city of Chirniev on Thursday

7 hours ago

Peace calls

The Secretary -General of the NATO NATO (NATO) said that Stoltenberg said that the alliance's calls for peace do not mean that it abandoned its defensive level and securing the borders of the member states, calling on Russian President Vladimir Putin withdrawing his forces immediately and starting a diplomatic process, saying: We do not seek tothe war.

Stoltenberg indicated that NATO is not part of the war and its defensive role and supports Ukraine and does not seek to clash with Russia, noting that the alliance members coordinate their response to the Russian aggression against Ukraine and its long -term repercussions.

He considered that the attacks against nuclear establishments show the seriousness of the war and the importance of Russia withdrawing its forces and returning to peace, adding that Russia has destroyed peace in Europe and began a war that we have not seen since the Second World War to create a new reality.

7 hours ago

Spanish Foreign Minister: It is not possible to allow the return of the nuclear threat and our goal to preserve peace and we are united within NATO

7 hours ago

Reuters on the advisor of the Ukrainian President: Kyiv will not announce in advance the date of the upcoming negotiations with Moscow

7 hours ago

United Nations: The escalating conflict in Ukraine threatens the life of 7.5 million children and put them at risk

اوكرانيا مباشر الآن : شاهد معارك عنيفة قرب ماريوبول اخبار اوكرانيا وروسيا اليوم مباشر تطورات الحرب في أوكرانيا الجزيرة مباشر

8 hours ago

Al -Jazeera correspondent: The launch of sirens in the city of Lviv, western Ukraine

8 hours ago

Al -Jazeera correspondent: The State Duma approves a law punishes the publication of fabricated information related to the operations of the Russian army in Ukraine

8 hours ago

Ukrainian Minister of Defense: The losses of the Russian army exceeded 10 thousand people dead and wounded in the past 8 days

8 hours ago

Ukrainian President Zellinski: Moscow is seeking to repeat the Chamnopolic disaster by bombing the Zaburigia nuclear station

Zellinski: Russia resorted to nuclear terror by bombing the Zaburigia station

Zellinski: The Russian army must be stopped immediately and if any nuclear explosion occurs, it will be the end of Europe

8 hours ago

Polish border guards: Nearly 625,000 people have entered Poland from Ukraine since February 24

8 hours ago

The British Ministry of Defense: Intelligence information indicates that Mariipp is besieged, but it is still under the control of the Ukrainians

8 hours ago

Borrell: The international community has condemned the aggression on Kyiv and the mission is now to end violence and open the door for diplomacy

8 hours ago

Minister of European Affairs in France: The recent Russian attacks are worrying and we must show firmness with Moscow

8 hours ago

The Ukrainian Staff: Stopping the occupiers towards Micoles, but they achieved partial success in the direction

Explosions in Kyiv

Al -Jazeera correspondent said that successive explosions in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv this morning, and the Ukrainian president's advisor said that missile and air strikes are targeting civil infrastructure, large cities and civilians.

9 hours ago

Independent: Experts expect the war in Ukraine to cost the global economy at least $ 400 billion this year.

9 hours ago

Bloomberg from the Ukrainian Border Guard Department: About 80,000 Ukrainians returned to Ukraine for the war.

Zaparujia nuclear station

أعلنت مفتشية الرقابة النووية في أوكرانيا أن القوات الروسية سيطرت على Zaparujia nuclear station (جنوب شرق) إثر هجوم نفذته في الساعات الأولى من صباح اليوم، وقالت إن أضرارا لحقت بحجرة المفاعل في المحطة، دون أن تؤثر على سلامتها.

The Inspector said that the important systems and crews for the safety of nuclear power plants are still doing their work.

Earlier, the Ukrainian Emergency Authority said that the firefighting teams managed to put out a fire that broke out in a training building inside the Zaparujia station complex.

10 hours ago

Al -Jazeera correspondent: The launch of the sirens again in Kyiv.

10 hours ago

Ukrainian Army Staff: We recorded the launch of cluster bombs by Russian forces in Ukraine.

10 hours ago

وزيرة الطاقة الأميركية عبر تويتر: تحدثت مع نظيري الأوكراني بشأن الوضع في Zaparujia nuclear station.

10 hours ago

Al -Jazeera correspondent: The launch of the sirens in the city of Dnibro, eastern Ukraine.

10 hours ago

هيئة الطوارئ الأوكرانية: إخماد الحريق القريب من Zaparujia nuclear station.

11 hours ago

Commander of the Military Region in Zabarujia: Evacuation plans are already prepared despite the Russian forces targeting the province's infrastructure.

11 hours ago

Al -Jazeera correspondent on the spokesman for the administration of the Zabarujia station: The Russian bombing of the nuclear station has caused victims among the workers.

11 hours ago

مراسل الجزيرة عن وكالة الأنباء الأوكرانية: فرق الإنقاذ تمكنت من السيطرة على الحريق في Zaparujia nuclear station.

11 hours ago

وكالة الصحافة الفرنسية عن بيان رسمي أوكراني: فرق الإطفاء الأوكرانية توقف تمدد الحريق في Zaparujia nuclear station.

11 hours ago

Al -Jazeera correspondent on the spokesman of the Zabarujia station management: Chechen fighters stormed the nuclear station and tried to plant mines.

11 hours ago

Director of the Atomic Energy Agency: It is very concerned about the situation at the Zabarujia station and spoke with the Prime Minister of Ukraine in this regard.

11 hours ago

وزيرة الخارجية الكندية عبر تويتر: ندعو روسيا إلى وقف الأنشطة العسكرية قرب Zaparujia nuclear station في الحال.

11 hours ago

رئيس الوزراء البريطاني عبر تويتر: تحدثت مع زيلينسكي بشأن الموقف الخطير في Zaparujia nuclear station.

11 hours ago

وكالة الصحافة الفرنسية عن أجهزة الطوارئ الأوكرانية: فرق الإطفاء تمكنت من الوصول إلى Zaparujia nuclear station لإخماد الحريق.

12 hours ago

French Defense Minister: Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier will take a position in the Mediterranean, for a reconnaissance tasks over the Baltic countries.

12 hours ago

The French Press Agency for the British Prime Minister: Putin's reckless behavior can directly threaten the safety of the entire Europe.

12 hours ago

French Press Agency: The British Prime Minister calls for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on Ukraine.

12 hours ago

وزيرة الطاقة الأميركية: لم نرَ أيَّ قراءات تفيد بارتفاع الإشعاع بالقرب من Zaparujia nuclear station.

12 hours ago

وزيرة الطاقة الأميركية تقول إن العمليات العسكرية الروسية قرب Zaparujia nuclear station متهورة ويجب أن تتوقف.

13 hours ago

Reuters on US Energy Minister: The station reactors are protected by strong containment installations, and the reactors are safely closed.

13 hours ago

Reuters on the authority of the US Energy Minister: The ministry has activated the response team to nuclear accidents, and monitors the events at the Zaparujia station.

13 hours ago

وكالة الصحافة الفرنسية: International Atomic Energy Agency تقول إن أوكرانيا أكدت عدم تضرر أي معدات أساسية في محطة زاباروجيا.

13 hours ago

Al -Jazeera correspondence on an American official: The latest information indicates that there is no indication of the high levels of radiation at the Zabarujia station.

13 hours ago

play video

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Head of the Military Administration in Zabarujia: The Russians did not allow the firefighting teams to enter the Zabarujia nuclear power plant.

13 hours ago

Reuters from a US official: Our latest information indicates that there is no indication of the high levels of radiation at the Zabarujia station.

13 hours ago

White House: Biden spoke with a nuclear security official at the US Energy Ministry to see the situation at the Zaparujia station.

13 hours ago

White House: Biden joined his Ukrainian counterpart in Russia's call to allow firefighters to reach the scene of the fire in Zabarujia.

White House: Biden joined his Ukrainian counterpart in Russia's call to stop its military activities in the Zabarujia region.

13 hours ago

French Press Agency for the Ukrainian President:

موسكو تسعى لتكرار كارثة تشرنوبل بقصفها Zaparujia nuclear station.

Russia resorted to nuclear terror by bombing the Zaparujia station.

The US State Department: Plinken and his Ukrainian counterpart discussed the additional, economic and humanitarian support needs for Ukraine.

14 hours ago

International Atomic Energy Agency: أوكرانيا لم ترصد تغيرا في مستوى الإشعاعات في محطة زاباروجيا.

14 hours ago

The French Press Agency on the Ukrainian authorities: The nuclear safety of the Zabarujia station is guaranteed.

14 hours ago

رويترز عن قناة أوكرانيا 24: مدير Zaparujia nuclear station يقول إنه تم تأمين الأمان الإشعاعي بالمحطة.

14 hours ago

Ukrainian Emergency Authority: The fire at the Zaparujia Nuclear Energy Station broke out in a training building.

14 hours ago

The French Press Agency for a US official: Biden spoke with his Ukrainian counterpart about the Russian bombing of the Zaparujia nuclear power station.

14 hours ago

Head of the Military Administration in Zabarujia: Allow the firefighters to enter the nuclear power plant.

14 hours ago

CNN (CNN) of the US Defense Ministry spokesman (Pentagon):

The Russian forces are still 25 km from central Kyiv, according to our estimates.

We still believe that the intention of the Russian forces is to surround Kyiv and eventually occupy them.

The Russian forces were confused and became slow due to the severe Ukrainian resistance.

A ban on flying over Ukraine cannot be imposed without our air force being in a confrontation with the Russians.

Indicators indicate that the Russians control the Ukrainian city.

14 hours ago

Zaparujia Station is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe (Reuters-Archive)

International Atomic Energy Agency:

We are aware of reports of the bombing of the Zaparujia nuclear power station.

We warn of a serious risk if the nuclear reactor at the Zabarujia station is injured as a result of the bombing.

We are in contact with the Ukrainian authorities regarding the situation at the Zaparujia Nuclear Energy Station.

14 hours ago

Civil administration spokesman Zaparujia:

There is a difficulty in the station's fire extinguishing due to the continued shooting and wind speed.

The fire is burning in the station's power generation unit.

We demand the international community to stop the reckless practices of Russia.

We call on NATO to respond to such reckless behavior of Russia.

14 hours ago

The Associated Press for a Ukrainian official: Monitor high levels of radiation near the Zaparujia Nuclear Energy Station.

15 hours ago

Reuters on the Ukraine Foreign Minister: The Russians must immediately stop the shooting, and allow firefighters to arrive at the Zabarujia station.

15 hours ago

Reuters for Ukraine Foreign Minister: If the Zaparujia Nuclear Energy Station explodes, the explosion will be 10 times larger than October.

15 hours ago

Reuters on the Ukrainian Foreign Minister: The fire has already caught at the Zaparujia Nuclear Energy Station.

15 hours ago

Reuters from the Ukrainian Foreign Minister: The Russian army shoots from all sides at the Zaparujia Nuclear Energy Station.

15 hours ago

The Ukrainian authorities say that the Russian forces are intensifying their efforts to control the Zaparujia nuclear power plant.

15 hours ago

Reuters for the mayor of Eyerehudradar.

15 hours ago

Al -Jazeera correspondent: The sirens of warning in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv.

15 hours ago

Al -Jazeera correspondent: 3 explosions in the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv.

15 hours ago

Reuters on the mayor.

15 hours ago

Ukrainian News Agency: The Russian forces continue to shoot towards the Zaparujia nuclear power plant.

15 hours ago

Reuters from the Ukrainian municipality of Ereerhud.

15 hours ago

Blinken: Washington and its allies are committed to ensuring that Russia will pay an expensive economic and diplomatic price for its aggression against Ukraine..

Blinken: We targeted the Russian ports of misleading that contribute to destabilizing Ukraine.

Blinken: We targeted the Russian elites, their financial networks and their assets, and we restricted the visas to those close to the Kremlin and their families..

Blinken: We imposed sanctions on 22 companies related to Russian defense institutions, to hit Putin's war machine.

Blinken: The restrictions may be lifted from individuals who stop supporting the activity of the destabilizing Russian government.

Blinken: We have imposed controls on the oil and gas sector, Russian extraction and refining equipment.