Ukraine between incursion or conquest Muhammad bin Salman .. Israel is not an enemy and America is not an ally

  • Time:Jan 16
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The world is holding its breath awaiting the strategic decision that Moscow will take towards Ukraine, and since the decision to retreat is not on the table, Moscow's non-diplomatic options are limited to two things, either incursion or invasion, and each of them has its own political and military form, and its repercussions on Ukraine and its future And on the European geopolitical map, and how to manage the new conflict between Russia and the West in the post-Cold War end stage.

The incursion means Russia's incomplete control over the Ukrainian lands, and it is difficult to know its size, which requires some time in order to determine it on the ground. Will the capital, Kiev, be within the controlled areas, or will it be divided as Berlin was divided after the defeat of Nazism? The question that the Russian president has Vladimir Putin's only answer to it is: What are the limits of incursion? Will the course of the Dnieper River, for example, be the dividing line between the two Ukrainians, one eastern and the other western?

Ukraine between Mohammed bin Salman's incursion or invasion .. Israel is not an enemy, and America is not an ally.</p><p>The act of partition in general outwardly may seem like a victory for Moscow, but in depth it is a strategic loss and cannot be compared to the division of Germany because the latter was linked to the division of the entire European continent into eastern and western camps, but currently the expected western part of divided Ukraine will be under NATO control , which allows the United States to be present inside Ukrainian territory and to deploy a strategic force on the borders of Russia, in addition to moving the capital to a safe city, most likely Lviv, which is very close to the Polish border, which means that the strategic distance between Moscow and NATO borders begins from inside Ukraine, This overthrows all the security pretexts presented by Moscow to justify the war on Ukraine, and the result is that Moscow, which fought the war to prevent the presence of NATO inside the Ukrainian lands, became NATO inside it as a response to its incursion.</p><p>The other option is to invade the entire Ukrainian territory, and turn Ukraine into a direct occupied country under Russian military rule. Even if Moscow succeeds in handing over power to a government affiliated with it similar to the Vichy government in France during the German occupation, this decision will have great repercussions. It will increase the already exhausted Russian treasury, which will suffer under the weight of harsh sanctions, military efforts, and Ukraine's financial burdens.</p><p>The complete Russian invasion of Ukrainian lands will revive the memory of Nazi Europe, and raise Europeans' concerns about repeating the experience of the Third Reich and invading weak countries under many pretexts, including the protection of Russian speakers, or that they are areas within the Soviet vital sphere, so comes the warning of the US President, Joe Biden , which the Kremlin is planning, to place Western leaders before their historical and moral responsibilities in protecting their continent from the Russian expansionist tendency, as he said,

Russia's massive military power allows it to invade or incursion, and to inflict heavy losses on Ukraine, bearing in mind that the occupation will not be easy and quick, as happened in the first hours of the invasion of Afghanistan, as the Ukrainians also possess deadly weapons that may cause heavy losses to the Russians, so in In either case, the invasion or incursion is a strategic dilemma for Russia, which has put itself in a critical position from which it can no longer withdraw, because the retreat has internal repercussions. The real withdrawal from the borders will lead to the withdrawal of some decision-makers from power. Therefore, the Kremlin is left with nothing but occupation, as there is no difference for it between invasion or incursion except with numerous equipment.