Turkey: Allow Idlib patients to enter its lands again and free treatment

  • Time:Dec 12
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Dr. Bashir Ismail, Director of the Medical Coordination Office in Idlib, announced that after the great humanitarian campaign (they became patient with the patients of Idlib) launched by the Health Directorate in cooperation with relief and humanitarian bodies and activists to allow hundreds of patients to enter Turkey and receive free treatment in its hospitals, a new mechanism has been approved that allowsAll patients enter.

Entering patients and free treatment

In a video statement published by the Bab Al -Hawa crossing administration on its official Facebook page, Dr. Ismail confirmed that the recent meetings between the Bab Al -Hawa crossing management with the Turkish side resulted in the adoption of a new document that allows the entry of transferred patients and received free treatment in Turkish hospitals.

تركيا: السماح لمرضى إدلب بالدخول لأراضيها مجددا والعلاج المجاني

Fruitful meetings

"Ismail" pointed out that the recent meetings were important yesterday, Tuesday, during which it was agreed on a new mechanism for the entry of patients, and the new document issued by the Immigration Department was approved to treat patients transferred from the liberated areas to Turkish hospitals..

The free treatment mechanism was also completely adopted for the owners of the new document in Turkish hospitals, explaining that free treatment will be activated within a very short time after the Turkish Ministry of Health updates the health system for its hospitals to be able to adopt this document..

The director of the medical office indicated that, based on the new procedures, the Medical Coordination Office has restored the transfer system in force before 16/8/2021, and patients will be entered from tomorrow, Thursday, 4/11/2021.

A successful humanitarian campaign

This comes after the Directorate posted on its Facebook and Twitter page and the tag "Take the patients of Idlib" with the aim of highlighting the difficult humanitarian situation that cancer patients suffer in the liberated Syrian north, and an attempt to pressure in order to allow these patients to enter Turkish hospitals and receive free treatment.

The Medical Coordination Office at the Bab Al -Hawa crossing had previously issued a circular that included informing the Syrian patients with medical referrals for treatment in Turkey, that the referrals will stop from the date of 9/11/2021 and beyond, until the activation of a new health system for Syrian patients in Turkish hospitalsOr those involved in it.

Its director also explained that about 300 patients in the liberated north have evolved their entry into Turkey, and 450 patients in the hospitalization role in the city of Rihaniya are waiting to clarify the features of the new health system or the stability of work accordingly.