"Ghosta, Donia" ... Myriam Fares is a fake success

  • Time:Sep 30
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Myriam Fares raised a state of controversy on social media after the "Netflix" platform "Ghosdiah Ya Donia", which depicts the journey of the success of her new album (which has not yet been released) through a classic and consuming structure that is usually used in reports that show success stories that comeAfter suffering.

Myriam Fares, as depicted by the film, lies in her pregnancy amid exceptional circumstances that Lebanon is experiencing, which is witnessing a revolutionary political movement and suffering from an economic collapse that increased severely after the explosion of the port that destroyed the capital, Beirut, and after the outbreak of the global Korona and imposition of quarantine procedures and social spacing procedures.Of course, we do not disagree about the cruelty of the general circumstance that Lebanon is going through, but is it possible to present this tragedy through the Miriam Fares life model?!

"Yes, it is the third, not the second," says Myriam Fares in a baki tone that controls her long monologue in the movie, to announce that and for the first time that she had previously passed the experience of abortion in 2017; But the problem is that this information, which may require sympathy, passes through the film within a number of other information that is doubtful in its authenticity, which Faris frequent in an attempt to increase the suffering in her personal life, which we all know that some of them are not true; It claims that it has been absent from the artistic scene since 2017 due to the abortion and the psychological state that resulted from it, knowing that it has released the end of 2018 the song "My National", which won its share of sharp criticism as well because of the clip in which it offended the people with brown skin, as it tied the skin Dark tribal life, not to mention her concerts in recent years that she referred to in the same movie, when she mentioned that she heard about the first Corona virus infection in Lebanon when she was performing a huge party in Bahrain, so it seems clear that she is trying to invest her abortion to have an additional dose of sympathy, Also, you can justify the long time that has passed since she presented her last successful work.

In the same way, Myriam Fares invests everything that happened in Lebanon to serve her movie, so she rides the wave of the uprising when she depicts herself as she receives a political speech influential on her way to a demonstration;A letter that seems clear that he is very fabricated and was not the result of the moment, he is carefully studied, so none of the corrupt politicians in Lebanon attacks, but at the same time calls for the necessity of serious change.

Also, the Beirut Port Bomb is invested, when the film is included in the film taken from the surveillance cameras, in which they appear crying throughout its palace, but these shots were not enough to make any additional drama in the film, although Myriam Fares is trying to invest in the maximum when it exaggerates inHer performance, so we see her swinging and holding her stomach before she collapsed and fainted and the servants pushed towards her to prevent her from falling.

Myriam Fares lives in a palace with all amenities and luxury, but this image does not correspond to the content of the film in which Fares is trying hard to appear as a simple, creative person who lived a harsh circumstance that prompted her to innovate.For this, Faris enlarged by photographing the effects of Corona's pandemic to make a fabricated dramatic atmosphere, to portray life for us as if it returned to the pre -industrial revolution, to justify this hypothesis to practice all possible handicrafts that will secure the needs of her home and family, and this results in very funny footage in the movie, as a scene Myriam Fares, the pregnant woman, with narrow jeans, which ends with her to sew dresses to wear at home, and here the viewers are supposed to turn a blind eye to Miriam Fares possessing the clothes of pregnant women by virtue of that she has gone through the experience of pregnancy before in a time when the markets were open, and to turn a blind eye to the presence of hundreds Electronic stores that allow you to shop in your home, so that they can sympathize with the personality of Myriam Fares, the human being.

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It is not possible to understand all nonsense and crying that is useless in the movie, except in the last part of it;The entire story is that Myriam Fares will release a song called "Ghamda Ya Donia", and for her marketing is ready to install all the waves of suffering available to her, including the personality and family;It seems as if she refuses to go through the experience of the second birth without investing her, noting that in 2016 she released the song "Ghafi" in which she reviewed her motherhood and filmed her son Jayden when he was still a baby, before she now returns to invest it again in a crying movie that does not resemble his lifeAnd he plays the starring role.

Fares remember at the end of the film that her son Jayden does not like photography, and in the limited shots of her husband does not depict his face, but that does not prevent her from investing these moments in marketing for her new song, and she does not hesitate to invest her son to create a vulgar dramatic moments, such as the scene in which she shows the tears of Jayden and his fearAnd his continuous screaming in front of the door of her room in which she was isolated after she thought that she had had a corona due to head pain.

A ridiculous comic play that is dying, crying and wondering how the virus has reached her home, and she received charges on the servants who fell in their duties with sterilization, and this play ends with the arrival of the medical staff who confirms that it does not suffer from the virus, an end that summarizes all the logic on which the film was built: fake successes after false suffering.