Traitorous wives of Hespress: Hell is others.

  • Time:Apr 08
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

“I was cheating on my husband because he was a “walking man” and for years I suffered because of his inability in the marital bed, and his refusal to divorce me.”.. “I betrayed my husband in retaliation for him because he does not hide his betrayal of me but is proud of his plurality and his relationships.” “I was not born a traitor, but my husband treats me violence and beatings, and I never heard a good word from him..."...

And if the reasons for some wives’ resorting to their husbands’ betrayal – with or without their knowledge – differ between revenge, the husband’s impotence, mistreatment and poverty, then all of these “traitors” agreed – without prior insistence and monitoring – that “hell is the others,” in the words of the existential philosopher Jean Paul Sartre, who hung the motives of their moral crimes on psychological and social causes outside their control.

Below is a sample of the testimonies of some wives who betrayed their life partners. Hespress managed to “extract” their confessions with difficulty after long hesitation, and promised them not to mention their real names or any information that could refer to them or their families.

Forced traitor?

Lubna, a 37-year-old pseudonym, lives in a popular neighborhood in Rabat. She confesses her infidelity to her husband without much shame. Anything against it for reasons “unknown” to some of the neighborhood residents whom Hespress asked.

Some said that the wife controls the entity of her poor husband with magic and sorcery so that he does not feel what is going on around him, and does not believe the news that he receives about his wife’s betrayal of him day and night, even if he saw it with his own eyes, while others attribute the husband’s silence to the weakness of his calm personality and his financial benefit from His wife betrayed him.

Lubna said, in statements to Hespress, that she did not seek marital infidelity on her own, and she never thought that she would do so without her unemployed husband, who did not want to roll up his sleeves to work like other men responsible for their families and children, according to the traitorous wife's expression.

Lubna explains that many years have passed while she was patient with what she called her husband's defeatism and his unwillingness to bear the burdens and requirements of the family, which initially prompted her to try some simple and marginal professions to meet the increasing expenses of life, but that halal path was difficult and did not earn enough money.

Therefore, the speaker continues, “I was forced to take the forbidden path to live and my children live, with my husband’s knowledge sometimes. Otherwise, why is he silent when he takes money from me to buy his necessities or to pay the rent of the house we live in?” The wife wonders in pain.

Bedding is the reason?

Away from the populous, popular neighborhood on the outskirts of the capital, Rabat, another unfaithful wife, Wedad, settles in a neighborhood inhabited by middle and affluent classes as well. Years since her marriage to a respected professional. Wedad, who is also a pseudonym, told Hespress that her husband cheated on her when he did not tell her about his impotence at the beginning of their marriage, otherwise she would have understood his situation or refused his request to marry her very conservative family, as the two parties married a traditional marriage without prior An acquaintance between them and no engagement period, “Everything passed quickly as a blink of an eye,” Wedad commented.

The wife added that in the first weeks and months, she tried to direct her husband to treat himself with specialists when she confirmed his illness with impotence. Her husband is in bed.

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And Wedad decided one day, in the absence of her husband, to have a relationship with a young man who was constantly harassing and harassing her before her marriage, and she continued this disobedience for a period of time, especially as she found her lost lost, before she asked her husband for a divorce for the damage he caused her, and “this is what happened.” After wasting years of my life without enjoying my body and my life like all women,” Wedad concluded her testimony to the site.

woman's revenge

A third case of a young woman who was the wife at the beginning of her marriage, but her psychological and family conditions were turned upside down after her husband deviated from the right path by becoming a lot of sleepless outside the house, which cast many suspicious doubts that prompted her to spy on her husband and follow his movements.

And Naima, in her third decade, discovered that her husband “longed his legs,” as she said in her statement to Hespress, as he became accompanied by a group of bad friends who showed him the night life and evenings, whether in cafes or in homes prepared for this purpose, before the wife added that “the matter He did not stop at this point, but went beyond him to accompanying girlfriends and mistresses, which he sometimes spoke to in front of me without any respect for me,” Naima was surprised.

The spokeswoman added that the women and men of the neighborhood in which she lives now know the story of her husband, who met one of the girls and decided to marry her as a second wife, a situation that broke the pride inside her, so she decided to take revenge for his betrayal of her by betraying him also with the neighborhood youth.

Naima concluded by saying that she did not betray her husband until after he betrayed her many times without regard to her feelings and dignity, and even without a logical reason as long as she had a good wife who would serve him, obey him and protect him in his absence, highlighting that everyone loses in this situation, whether her husband or she herself, where she lost her reputation The pure woman they once had, as well as their children, who are now living with countless psychological and family problems.

Like Lubna, Wedad and Naima, there are other wives who have betrayed their husbands for many reasons and reasons, including the case of Soraya, 38, who attributed her betrayal to her husband to his lack of romance and tenderness, as she had not heard anything of the words of flirtation and love during the years of their marriage, and when words of this came to her ears. From the mouth of her neighbor who took advantage of this deficiency in her personality, Soraya fell into a taboo.

Sheikh Abdul Bari Al-Zamzami: Betrayal runs in the blood of a number of women!

The reasons for wives betraying their husbands already exist and are undeniable, but all of these factors and motives given by unfaithful women cannot be accepted. There are many women who attribute their infidelity to their husbands because their husbands beat and abuse them or because they are addicted to drugs and alcohol.

There is another reason that drives some unfaithful wives, who do not have sufficient religious and moral immunity for not committing a sin and the crime of treason, which is the absence of the man from the home for a long period, as the marital home only lasts a little, such as soldiers or truck and bus drivers, for this was Omar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, permitted soldiers to be absent from their wives for a period of four months in the battlefields of war.

It cannot be denied that there are women in whose blood treachery takes place, although this characteristic is common to both men and women, as they can resort to treason for many reasons, including the sexual impotence of a man who cannot satisfy his wife’s desires, due to weak religious scruples I have a number of wives.

Dr. Abdel Majid Kamy, a psychologist in the city of Oujda: Sex and treatment are the main causes of infidelity in wives

Infidelity in wives is a thorny issue that exists in reality.. Its psychological causes are sometimes attributed to the personality and psyche of the woman, as when the wife reaches a certain age called psychological maturity, which starts from the age of thirty, she needs more gentle treatment from her husband, and she wants to hear expressions of praise And the praise that she might have heard from her husband at the beginning of their marriage or during the courtship period.

But when this wife finds a situation different from what was before due to the responsibilities and troubles of daily life, and discovers atrophy in the feelings of love and lack of interest in her person, or even estrangement or alienation from the husband towards her sexually, this wife may encounter another person who gives her all these feelings, so she falls In the trap of marital infidelity if she is not immune to the religious, moral and family. It can be emphasized that the woman is more slippery than the man by virtue of her psychological structure, which is characterized by fragility, and that her view of sex is different from that of men, and her use of marital intercourse requires a long time of courtship and foreplay .., and therefore If there is a lack of understanding in this intimate relationship between the two parties, the wife may fall into danger, as she can request her urgent sexual desire outside marriage.

As for the wife’s betrayal of her husband in retaliation against him, it is a reality that also exists and cannot be denied, and perhaps it is more widespread than we know. I did.