A traditional delicacy around the world is a New Year's celebration. What is it?

  • Time:Jun 03
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) -- it is an occasion to celebrate the New Year, to enjoy delicious foods, and most importantly, to hope for the new year's prosperity and prosperity.

With the advent of the New Year all over the world, there is a great deal to eat cake, with a long rider (which embodies a long life), peas (representing coins), herring (that is saucy), and pork (good luck).

Tobin 'Nahn, South America

He thinks this dish brings good luck in the New Year. Its roots go back to the traditions of Africa and West India.

The recipe for the Penn 'Chahnahn dish appeared as early as 1847 in a book titled "Carolina Housewife" by Sarah Rot Rutchage, and chefs have made modifications to the recipe over the years.

12 grapes, Spain

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Regardless of where the New Year is celebrated, whether at home or in the field, they adhere to the extraordinary annual tradition of a grape for every bell of the hour.

Some have prepared grapes in advance by removing the beads and the seeds, so that they can enjoy them in the middle of the night.

This tradition began at the beginning of the 20th century, and it is said that grape producers invented this tradition in the southern part of the country where there is an abundant crop.

Since then, imitation has spread in many countries and in Spanish.

أطباق تقليدية شهيّة حول العالم تُعد احتفالًا بالعام الجديد.. ما هي؟

Tamal, Mexico

The tamale, made up of meat-coated corn paste, cheese and other reindeer, wrapped in banana leaves or corn crusts, is essential on any special event in Mexico.

But during the holiday season, this dish is the preferred choice, especially in Mexico.

In many families, women come together to prepare hundreds of this dish and distribute it to friends, relatives and neighbors.

Olypolin, the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, the hot frying beans, known as the "Rahabbolen", are sold on mobile street wagons, and are prepared according to New Year's Eve, and at special ceremonial exhibitions.

On New Year's Eve, Austria and Germany call themselves Sylvester Redd, or St. Sylvester's Eve.

The Austrians celebrate with a cocktail of red wine with cinnamon and spices, eat baby pork for dinner, and decorate the table with a small apron shaped like a moussbane, or a pasta, a type of sugary, called marzipanchien.

At Japanese homes, families eat Soba's black wheat noodles, or the so-called Tin Chi Suba, at midnight on New Year's Eve to bid farewell to last year and welcome the following year.

The tradition goes back to the seventeenth century, and the Long Rhinestones symbolize longevity and prosperity.

In another tradition called the Shrintsuki, friends and visitors spend New Year's Day making rice cakes known as Mochi.

King's pie, all over the world.

Most of the cakes are eaten in the middle of the night on New Year's Eve, although some cultures cut their cakes on Christmas or epiphany on 6 January, and include hidden gold coins, which symbolize a prosperous year for those who find them in their piece.

Ko Bahir, Italy

Italians celebrate New Year's Eve with the traditional koshal dish, which is sausage and lentil soup, which is said to bring good luck, and in some houses, is the case with a zsanone, or a stuffed pig.

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The cake is made of margarine or bran paste, and it is usually served alongside a bottle of wine or an alcoholic acafite, and it can be decorated with chips.