Today's News - Schultz: The sanctions against Russia bear its food and NATO will not participate in the war

  • Time:Aug 30
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

German Chancellor Olaf Schultz rejected the accusation that Germany has frequented it too long, before the supply of weapons to Ukraine.In an interview with the second channel on German television "ZDF", the Social Democratic politician said this Thursday (3 March 2022): "No one sees the matter in this way.".

Schultz added that it would have been wrong, after the Russian attack on Ukraine, to resume the strict Germany policy of supplying weapons to the wars areas.The German advisor considered that the goal must now be a ceasefire and the withdrawal of Russian forces, and said that it is correct to continue to exercise pressure through sanctions and keep a domain of diplomacy..

He said that there is an urgent need for a ceasefire to help calm the situation in Ukraine.He also warned that it is extremely important to prevent a direct conflict between NATO and Russia.Schultz added that the sanctions agreed against Russia showed their impact at an early stage, vowing to impose other sanctions.

Schultz reaffirmed that NATO will not participate in the ongoing war around Ukraine.He said that this would "cause a tragic escalation in the difficult situation in Ukraine, which will result in major risks.".

The Socialist Adviser added: "For this reason, if he did so now, it will not be like a responsible policy." He continued that a direct confrontation between NATO and Russia should be avoided, "and therefore there will be no decisions to lead the NATO militarily in this conflict.".

اخبار اليوم - شولتس: العقوبات على روسيا تؤتي أكلها والناتو لن يشارك Fي الحرب

On a relevant topic, Schultz, former German advisor, Ghorhard Schroeder called for abandoning his positions in Russian government companies.He said in his interview: "My advice to Jeradhard Schroeder is to withdraw from these positions.".He stressed that this issue is not a special issue.

Schultz added that the commitment to such a general position (the advisor), which was occupied by Schroeder, remains existing even after the end of the term of the mandate "..

The matter is specifically related to theher Rooder positions in the Russian Energy Company Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2, in addition to the Roosevelt in which he takes over the presidency of the Supervision and Monitoring Council.Schroeder is also expected to take over as a member of the Supervision and Monitoring Council for Gazprom.

Former Chancellor Ghorhard Schroeder is being criticized for his relations with President Putin and assuming positions in Russian companies

The former consultant, who belongs to the Social Democratic Cholts Party, faces criticism for his long -term relations with Russia.Schroeder has also been associated with a friendship with Russian President Vladimir Putin for years.

It is noteworthy that Germany and other NATO countries support the Ukrainian armed forces with weapons, but these weapons are not directly delivered to Ukraine, but rather are delivered outside the borders, which means that NATO soldiers do not enter the Ukrainian lands.In a related context, US President Joe Biden was excluded by the Hallworms of the Alliance in the Ukrainian War.

F.Hey.H (DPA, Reuters)