Tips for cooling the house without an air conditioner

  • Time:Feb 23
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

On hot summer nights, the room cooling becomes an end that everyone seeks to get.The air conditioners do this role easily, but what if you don't have a strong air conditioner?Because of the high electricity bills and perhaps when the electricity or a malfunction has been affected by the cooling devices, then you will have an urgent desire to search for alternatives to cooling the house without the need for the air conditioner.

This is a set of tips and tricks that reduce the heat of the summer months.


During the hot summer months, the simplest thing you can do to keep the room's cold without air conditioning is to make sure the windows are closed.

If the air outside is hotter than inside, keeping the windows closed will help your inner home remain cooler..

And since about 76% of the sunlight that enters your home from the windows turns into heat, it is good to relax the curtains, so that some people choose dark curtains to keep the windows covered to withhold the sun's rays completely.


If you spend most of your time in one room, think about closing the doors of rooms that you do not use much, such as bedrooms or bathrooms.Closing parts of the house keeps cold air concentrated with one area, and can help the room that you use faster to keep the weather..

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Do not use the oven

Because there is nothing that increases the temperature of the house more than a burning oven with a temperature of 200 degrees, so it is used to use kitchen appliances to reduce the temperature of the house.

Avoid glowing lighting

Kitchen appliances are not the only one that brings unnecessary heat during the summer, the incandescent lights are a major reason.

Invisible lights produce the largest amount of heat by wasting 90% of the energy they use, so replace them with Fluorescent or LED lamps can make a difference in keeping your home cold.As well as it will also help reduce the electricity bill.

Use fans correctly

If you live in a house without air conditioner, the fans are the right alternative, but remember that the fans move the air and not its cooling, so its face towards the most hot part of your home, as this helps in withdrawing cold air from one side of the house and pushing the most hot airAbroad.

It is important to put a fan in a low angle on the floor, where the least intense air is cooler, so that it can push cold air throughout the room.

As for the ceiling fan, the fan blades must revolve against the clockwise direction (and you look at it up) to push the air down straight.

Ice bowl

To make a temporary air conditioner, try to put a large bowl of ice at an angle in front of the fan.This easy trick distributes the cold air escalating from the snow throughout the room.

Some have another trick, such as placing light damp cloth over the fan, it will give you a refreshing air wave for a temporary period, you can repeat the experiment almost every hour.

Open the windows at night

If you live in a place where the temperature drops at night, open the windows before bed to enter cold air throughout the night inside your home, which will remain for a while even with hot day.

Installation of cooling curtains

Sprinkle the bed brush with cold water, and cover the window opening, the air stream will hit the brush and pass through the wet cold fabric, which helps reduce the temperature in your home.

Install umbrellas on windows

Install an umbrella over your windows will protect your home from sunlight, and this will ensure reduce the amount of heat that your home absorbs.


Chrome cultivation works similar to the installation of the canopy.Chrome leaves, such as ivy, grow quickly and provide a cold shade by reducing the temperature by preventing the absorption of the outer walls of the sunlight.