This is how Israel controls Palestinian communications: "Hello.. Ancestors or Death"

  • Time:May 23
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Israel is also employing this control in conducting its hostile operations in order to carry out its air raids, to pursue and liquidate resistance elements, or even to foment sedition and rumors to stabilize the internal front, according to Palestinian experts.

Abu Al Amir, guard of the Al-Shurouk Tower in Gaza, tells that he received a phone call from someone who identified himself as an Israeli army man, who spoke the Arabic language well. He said to him, "Ten minutes ago, you asked everyone to start bombarding the tower, come quickly, or die." After that, he actually settled the missiles on the ground.

Electronic hack.

According to Abu Ghosh, this reality is even more dangerous during times of war, with the occupying army using land and mobile phone numbers and employing data to manage the military confrontation.

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Abu Ghosh cited as an example what happened recently in Jerusalem and what happened last night in the northern Gaza Strip. Israel determines the numbers of the intended geographical area according to smart intelligence technology and directs direct communications or text messages that aim at spreading fear in people.

Earlier, Palestinians had received text messages on their cell phones saying, "You have been classified as hostile and will be liquidated."

Free the resistance

Abu Ghosh believes that full freedom from Israeli control over Palestinian communications is very difficult due to the practical circumstances and restrictions of the signed agreements. However, the resistance's factions achieved tangible success by establishing its own communications network covering the Gaza Strip, which complicated Israel's mission to spy on it and track its movements.

The communications network of Ezzedine Al-Qassam, the military wing of Hamas movement, and the Al-Quds Brigades affiliated to Islamic Jihad proved its success during the current confrontation with Israel and in previous rounds of escalation as they were not penetrated.

Since the 2014 war, there has been a significant decline in Israel's ability to target the activists of missile units. This is evident in the current war, during which rocket launches have not stopped, despite intensive overflights of military aircraft and smooth planes.

Occupation Communications

The contacts of the occupation army during the wars and military confrontations in Gaza take one of two forms: real or direct communications. The expert on strategic and military affairs, retired Major General Rafiq Abu Hani, interpreted the real communications as an attempt to put pressure on the internal front in order to break the will of the people.

As for the illusory communications, Abu Hani puts them in the context of "psychological war" and attempts to spread terror among civilians and deprive them of safety. These agents are usually assigned to work on mixing the papers of the internal front and spreading false rumours.