They were linked and stripped of their assets .. Thus, the Ukrainian police punished the thieves who took advantage of the war

  • Time:Mar 01
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Watan - In an exciting incident, activists circulated videos on social media showing methods of punishing people who take advantage of the war situation in Ukraine to engage in thefts from homes and shops.

According to one of the videos monitored by “Watan”, one of the thieves was tied to a tree in the street.

According to the video, a member of the civilian police appeared. He violently flogs the thief on his buttocks after she has been stripped.

In another video clip, one of the thieves was tied to a lamppost, so that a number of residents of the neighborhood would take turns flogging him on his backside, which was also stripped.

They were tied up and their butts were stripped... this is how I was punished The Ukrainian police thieves who took advantage of the war

Many videos were also circulated showing massive looting of commercial centers, as many thieves took advantage of the dangerous security situation to practice their criminal actions.

The looting did not stop at the Ukrainian thieves. Even videos posted online showed Russian forces looting shops and banks. During their ongoing invasion of Ukraine since February 24.

Russian soldiers looting

Russian soldiers were also seen looting goods from grocery stores, as well as money from banks in many Ukrainian cities. It showed footage of surveillance cameras, which were posted on social media. Russian soldiers eating food and trying to rob a safe.

The journalist, Alec Lohn, who was previously a correspondent for Russia in the British newspapers “The Guardian” and “The Telegraph”, published a tweet containing a video clip of soldiers who the Ukrainian army says stole a safe from the Kherson Bank.

CNN quoted a resident of the Ukrainian city of Kherson as saying that there is a state of chaos and panic in the city, as residents try to obtain basic necessities amid the ongoing Russian invasion.

(Source: Watan + Twitter)

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