They killed themselves .. on the doorstep of 2022 .. "Basant" suicide under the pressure of extortion with a toxic pill in Gharbia .. and a year that cuts the arteries of her hand and received herself from the top of the property in the gathering

  • Time:Dec 30
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

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Balance, psychological pressure and suppression..The reasons for the motives of suicide, and despite their variation between men and women, the extortion receives the lion's share in most casesIt itself and its presentation of extortion, but these laws did not prevent the phenomenon, to begin in 2022 with two suicide and old -time suicide states and despite the clarity of the first motives and the ambiguity of the latter's motives until the investigation men are evident, their unknown fate remains saddened by their loved ones.

Pellet..Blackmanship victim

"Mama, I wish you understood me, I am not the girl, and this is a comprehensive pictures, and God is great, and I swear by God, this is what I am... كانت تلك الرسالة التي تركتها Pellet ذات الـ17 عامًا، والتي جسدت حجم المعاناة والحصار النفسي التي تعرضت له الفتاة عقب تناولها لحبة سامة لحفظ الغلال، بعدما تداول شابين من شباب القرية التي تقطن بها إحدى صورها على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي "فيس بوك" وتركيبها على جسد عاري بين شباب القرية لتلويث سمعتها بين الأهالي، مما تسبب في حصار نفسي للفتاة فأقدمت على إزهاق روحها.

Forcing her to an emotional relationship behind her blackmail

The girl's brothers revealed that a young man in the village of Kafr Yaqoub, which is affiliated with the city of Kafr El -Zayat in Gharbia Governorate, which is the same village in which the girl lives, was the one who stole her image from the social networking site "Facebook" and her installation on pictures of life, to force her to enter with him in a relationship,When she refused, he distributed and broadcast her fabricated pictures on the media and youth phones in the village, to force her to bow to his whims..

Shocking messages

قتلن أنفسهن.. على أعتاب 2022 ..

وكشف شقيقا الفتاة التي تبلغ من العمر 16 عاماً وكانت تدرس في الصف الثاني الثانوي الأزهري أن Pellet فوجئت بسيل من التعليقات الجارحة ونظرات الاستنكار من جانب بعض أهالي القرية.

كما فوجئت بShocking messages وكلمات تشكك في سلوكها، وهو ما لم تستطع تحمله، مضيفين أن الأسرة فوجئت بانتحارها بعدما تناولت حبة الغلة السامة، تاركة رسالة مؤثرة وباكية لوالدتها وطالبة منها ألا تصدق كل الشائعات والأكاذيب التي طالت سمعتها وسلوكها.

The two brothers accused two young men of the village of being involved in the crime, the first, and he asked her to enter with him in an emotional relationship, while the second helped him to promote and broadcast the fabricated pictures of their brother.

And they confirmed that the Kafr El -Zayat Prosecution in Gharbia Governorate summoned the two young men and has been investigating them now, as well as reservations on the girl's computer and the two young phones.

She cut off her arteries

In a shocking scene, the lenses of the cameras were monitored, an elderly, cutting the arteries of the hand and giving it itself from the top of the drug in the first gathering, to penetrate the street's silence, the sound of its body..

A report behind the discovery of the body

The first assembly police department received a report of the presence of a body in a street in the department's department, and the security services immediately moved, and a 65 -year -old woman was found, a housewife.

It turned out that the deceased cut off the arteries of her hand and jumped from the roof of the property, and the surveillance cameras and eyewitnesses were discharged, to determine the circumstances of the incident and know their causes, and the necessary legal measures were taken..