These are the features of "Kanadir" aircraft to put out forest fires

  • Time:Sep 23
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

A number of countries in the world, headed by Algeria, along with Tunisia, Turkey and Greece, are witnessing major fires that came on green and dry and left material and human losses, coinciding with the high temperatures;This is difficult to extinguish it.

The affected countries are trying to use all means to put out fires, especially the planes for this purpose, whether by renting them or free of charge within the framework of help from friendly countries, which is the best way to surround fires in addition to field endeavors..

Internationally, "Kanadir" aircraft, by the Canadian factory, Bombardier, are famous for being the best private planes to put out the major firefights, and the Royal Air Force has five Canadair CL 415..

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These planes specializing in firefighting can mobilize more than six thousand liters of water through two tanks that can be filled quickly, and they are used in most countries of the world;Looking at its reputation and ability to encircle the major fires that erupt in the forests.

The value of one plane of the type "Kenadir" is about 25 million euros, equivalent to 265 million Moroccan dirhams, and it has the ability to take off and land in short distances and on any kind of surfaces, whether water or land;This makes it ideal for all types of relief in the case of disasters and firefighting.

Many countries do not have this type of aircraft. In addition to Morocco, it is located in Canada, France, South Korea, Spain, the United States of America, Portugal, Colombia, India and Mexico.

In the midst of the fires taking place in the neighbor, Algeria, King Mohammed VI gave instructions to both the Minister of Interior and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and African Cooperation and Moroccans residing abroad in order to express their Algerian counterparts about Morocco's readiness to help Algeria to combat forest fires witnessed in many regions of the country.

Since Wednesday, Morocco hastened to mobilize two "Kanadir" planes for this operation as soon as the approval of the Algerian authorities;However, on Thursday, Algeria was quick to sign a trade agreement with the European Union to rent two planes to put out fires.