That's ten allegations questioning the fact that man landed on the moon.

  • Time:May 29
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Let's admit it's still not about understanding, people flying to the moon, driving a car there, even playing golf.

The landing of the first of six missions on the Moon on 20 July 1969 was a milestone in the history of mankind.

But 50 years after this landing, there are still doubts that humans were on this celestial object that revolves around the earth.

These skeptics believe that the landing photos were taken at a studio.

These are the 10 most important arguments for skeptics:

First claim: The flag “fluttering” on the moon

The American novel “Flying” is the clearest example of the structure of the landing on the moon, since there is no wind on the moon, the flag could not be fluttered, at the objection of the skeptics.

Since the moon has no atmosphere, it is difficult to stop the vibration of the flag.

The second claim: The footprints in the Moon Revelation: Many pictures show the traces of astronauts in the dust of the moon.

Critics ask: How can solid earth preserve the image of a foot?

Orus Mal, from the Max Planck Center for the Revelation of the Solar System, explains the good persistence of the effect by holding the moon together so soft. He said that the components of this earth were never affected by wind or water, and it remained on its edges, making it stick together well.

Third claim: astronaut jumps were too low.

Skeptics say astronauts' jumps on the moon were too low, and due to the low gravity on the moon, to the point that it was about one sixth of Earth's gravity, astronauts had to jump as high as one meter per jump.

The low jump money is attributed to the weight of the astronauts' jackets, each weighing approximately 85 kilograms, and the inability of the astronauts to move freely.

He adds that high jumps were not the important thing, and that astronauts deliberately moved with small jumps and short commutes, for safety reasons.

The Fourth Claim: Instability of the Moon Vehicle

Astronauts were driven by vehicles on the moon, and given the lack of gravity on the moon, the vehicles had to slide from the curves, according to the doubters' theory.

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It is highly unlikely that astronauts have cut the curves at full speed.

Skeptics regard similarities on the moon as evidence that similar backgrounds are always used in the studio. However, the repetition of the images is not unusual, as thousands of images were taken from different angles by astronauts at the landing site, which also confirmed that the landscapes at the landing sites were of course very similar.

The glasses of Hasil ’ s cameras – the countries used by astronauts with cameras – were cameras, so that, for example, they could better appreciate distances. In some places, these places seemed to have disappeared behind the bodies, which those who were suspicious of being the composition of the images would say. It seems at the time of scrutiny that the Cow is already there, but it almost appears in front of the background, but only Yumann, photos have been published after editing later.

Claim 7: There are no stars in the sky.

No stars appear in the images published by his astronauts on the moon. The pioneers set foot on the ground of the moon during the day, and the day of the moon lasts two weeks from the days of the earth.

Claim number eight: the angle of shadow is inappropriate.

According to Mal, the reason for this is mainly the bumps on the moon, which can make the rest appear taller or shorter or deformed.

There's no hole where the vehicle landed, and there's almost no dust. According to Yauman, the ship's engines do not have the power that the orbiter is able to gouge a hole in the hard core of the moon.

The tenth claim: lethal brightness.

However, Mal estimated the passage of the Van Allen belt at about an hour, noting that the crew of the space flight was protected by the aluminum cover of the space capsule.

Accordingly, although astronauts were exposed to high radiation, the radiation dose was limited.

In principle, NASA does not respond to the theories alleging the falsification of its space flights, but a few years ago it published images of space objects: “Orbital Moon Explorer, LRO, since the Space Orbit sent Earth images of the landing sites of the Agra space mission, with a high degree of purity.

Even if these images could not establish their suspicions, these images, together with the tools used by the astronauts, show the effects of the spacecraft and, indeed, the footprints of the astronauts.