The world this morning today, Saturday 5-3-2022

  • Time:Jan 03
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The American Bloomberg Network suspended the work of its journalists in Russia after Putin signed a media law, according to American media, and the Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Media announced the start of blocking the “Twitter” website, after it announced earlier Block access to Facebook.


The Russian network Sputnik said that the American channel “CNN” had suspended its broadcasts in Russia, after the adoption of the law criminalizing “disinformation” regarding the Russian armed forces.

A CNN spokesperson said: "Broadcasting in Russia will be halted while we continue to assess the situation and our next steps moving forward." News organizations including the BBC and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation have also stopped reporting from Russia after the law was passed.

The World This Morning Today Saturday 3-5 -2022


The BBC also announced that it will temporarily suspend the work of journalists and support staff in Russia, following a new law that could imprison those convicted of knowingly publishing “false” news.

Tim Duffy, director general of the BBC, said in a statement, "It appears that the legislation criminalizes the work of independent journalism," according to "Reuters".

It leaves us no choice but to suspend BBC News journalists and support staff in the Russian Federation while we assess the full consequences of this unwelcome development."


He made it clear that the BBC News Russian service will continue to operate from outside Russia.

"The priority is the safety of our staff, and we are not prepared to put them at risk of criminal prosecution just for doing their job," the BBC said.