Thunderbolt: One of the Egyptian General Intelligence file

  • Time:Jan 13
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

A word must be..Before you read (thunderbolt)..This was the password that ended one of the largest and most dangerous Egyptian intelligence men, the watchful eyes of Egypt.It is the word that formed the last line in an amazing story, its chapters continued for a long time extension, and included composite or complex human feelings, which were scattered in all its facts and aspects, meanings contradictory to treachery..And the fall..And patriotism..And high professional efficiency !!And before the chapters of this story are successful on paper, which we tell and we celebrate the silver holiday of the great October victory, we may have to refer to some of its features, and the framework of the operations that took place in it.Or (the spy), but then it is also used as a channel - through which the information and misleading data are leaked to the enemy so that it is lost on the zero hour in the glorious October war, which was the last thing he thinks, or it comes to him in mind.Then we are facing an operation that took place on some of its facts on foreign land, especially in the British capital (London), and therefore the volume of professional achievement - if the expression - achieved by Egyptian intelligence men in follow -up and monitoring, then in ending the process and arresting the spy to meet his just deterrent penalty, Technically - a real miracle, and a typical use of all the capabilities and tools available, to achieve the maximum result, and victory over the (Mossad) the Israeli intelligence service in another battle, within the battles of spy war and information.Finally..We are facing a process that is - in the simplest description of it - a work of war, because it is not the process of collecting ordinary information or spying, but a process that had a direct return on war operations and complete confusion, on the information on which the Israeli army's thought is based on forming or making its decisionDirect operational operation on the ground.It is one of the tales of victory..We reveal it with the celebrations of this victory..It is one of the many papers in the files of the General Intelligence, indicating - with all pride and pride - to the capabilities of men who watched and followed with the eyes of wolves and heard foxes, until they fell one of the most dangerous spies before the war to liberate the national territory from among the enemy's clutches for by forceI went up with Arab dignity to the curse of the Rawasi mountains.And when the Egyptian intelligence men confirmed that they had used this spy in achieving all their goals of the operation, and they leaked through the channel that everything they wanted to leak to Israel, there was one word that brought them guidance by ending the process and arresting the goal in order to obtain his retribution.The word was..(Thunderbolt)!We will not tell - here - the last chapter of this story, which is one of the most exciting spy stories, but we will tell its chapters from the beginning, and we are almost locked in our breath and we are following its extremely suspense documents after a chapter, chasing after chasing, observations, deliberations, and dodgers in secret and in publicInside the hotels of the British capital, and its streets and gardens, where an hour witnessed an hour, and a day the day of the seasons of this story, which we reveal the curtain for the first time, twenty -five years after its occurrence, and in the silver jubilee of the great victory of October.A story started with the word betrayal..And I ended it - like a thunderbolt - the word of the thunderbolt..Just as it was the decisive flight blow, led by Hosni Mubarak, the Thunderbolt of War 73, which precipitated the end of the Israeli boy..Although the atmosphere was a typical spring in London on May 16, 1972, and although it was free of any coldness, the spilled of Sirte in the body of (Hisham), while standing on the doorstep (Playboy) on the corner of Kirzon Street, and Park Lin,He did not know - as he later said if this feeling was a cold (internal) he felt, or a feeling of euphoria and excitement that occupied his mind and dwelt his heart full of fantasies and spectrums of this place that he often heard about, and in his mind a legendary image of him was drawn.But what prompted Hisham - the Egyptian young Al -Asmar - to the thresholds of this famous casino, which was in fact the thresholds of a new road and an unknown square, who is about to be denied?It was a long story that knew its beginning, but he did not know how the end would be!The story begins on a day that did not see its sun, the sky, the cold, the cold, from the days of February of the same year, when the EgyptAir plane landed at Heathrow Airport, and an Egyptian young man came down, average length, and next to his young wife is trying to help him, and with the help of the hosts crewIn his sitting father, who is sitting - with his lavish, dilapidated body - on a wheelchair.On the plane's ladder, the young man was the head of the young man - how much he said after that - concerned with the condition of his sick father, the armed forces officer on the pension that cancer was exhausted with his son, may he find a cure - or even a relief of his pain - in London hospitals, leaving his wife Umm Hisham in Cairo.Hisham Ali Mahjoub started - and this is his name as it is written in his passport - wearing a long black coat, he was putting on his hand, as soon as he left the airport's external gate, after he looked at the cold and cold atmosphere, while his left hands were busy with the truth of a hand.His birthday on his passport says that he was born in March 6, 1941, meaning that when he landed at Heathrow Airport for the first time he was thirty -one years old, as he resigned with his wife and father Taxi from the Taxi queue standing in front of the arrival gate, heading to the hotel where he will stay withHis family is in London.Throughout the way his mind was crowing with noisy ideas and he was proved to be on the windows of the traditional black English taxi window, as he was imagining when he came to London for the first time - months before - to work as a first air operations officer at EgyptAir, his mission is to draw tracks and flights,And follow -up to prepare the schedules of the pilots, hosts and employees, that he had already started his way to achieve his great ambition to become something, but he almost put his feet on the path of the road, until he was surprised by the deadly disease that broke out on his father, whose material conditions did not allow to address exorbitant treatment expenses.Hisham used some of his friends from the Egyptian doctors in London to give him advice regarding the issue of treatment, and he had succeeded in obtaining two reduced tickets from Egypt Air for his father and wife, but the issue of residence and the costs it costs was the subject that is concerned with his mind, and spends his bed,On his heart.Hisham woke up from his sending on a violent tremor caused by the taxi stopped in front of the hotel gate (Royal Lancaster) after he crossed the Hydbark Park to Lanceter Gate in (Biz Water), then the driver's computer and some of the hotel workers helped him to transport his father and his belongings inside.*** The Royal Lancaster Hotel was the one with which the Egyptian Air groups descended, in the British capital - usually - and Hisham was always hesitated to meet his colleagues throughout his time and work, then he was descending sometimes whenever he returned to London again from Cairo.In this hotel, Hisham got acquainted with his Egyptian manager Raafat, who was working in the interest of Mossad and followed by the Egyptian intelligence, and the principles of friendship arose between them, and he noticed that Raafat was always seeking friendships with members of EgyptAir crews, under the title that they (my country's sons) !!Raafat was married to a Jewish Englishman, and he told Hisham - once - about the confidence of the hotel owner in him, which made him put most of the work decisions - already - in his hand, and Hisham heard that the owner of the English hotel is of Jewish origin.And within a series of approaches for Hisham from Raafat, he once told him that he could help him when he has any guests who want to get off at the hotel, give them discounted prices, and provide them with any special services.When Hisham moved his father and his wife to their two rooms, he returned to the reception hall to ask about Raafat, and he did not realize that Raafat was sitting in a Qusay corner of the reception hall, and his eyes were proven on him, since he arrived at the hotel, this moment, as he was aware of all the details of the father's illness,Hisham's distress through their previous meetings.The receptionist referred to Raafat's place, Hisham rushed to him to take him in the hugs, and the two sit on two seats in the reception lobby, and Hisham recounted that she had given up everything, and he told him that he is looking for a source.Immediately, Raafat was talking to the reception staff to conduct a large reduction in the hotel residence expenses..Then he goes to Hisham, who was steeped in his feeling of gratitude and gratitude to say to him: (The subject of your work, Hisham, needs some details.Hisham agreed and it seemed unable to express his thanks to Raft, who became the savior and the permissibility of all the contract.As for Raafat..He knew what he did - exactly - and even seemed all the facts that followed from this moment, as if it were a literal implementation of his expectations and predictions.A vital function of the two went after Raafat finished his pink in the hotel to a bar at the Camberland Hotel about five hundred meters from Royal Lancaster, and the two Siddiquom sat a keen session - Raafat who is now having all the keys to the psychological and emotional position - to make it a mixture ofHicham's heart sympathy, and the practical move to support him.In the session, Raafat was keen to listen - again - from Hisham to the details of the nature of his work and his qualifications, on the pretext that this would help him find an additional appropriate work for him.Hisham started telling Raafat that he obtained a high school diploma in 1958, then the wireless certificate in 1959, and that he was working as a first air operations officer, and Raafat was boycotting him from time to time, stating phrases of the model: (It is a very vital function)..(They must be sure of their efficiency before your choice)..(Does it mean drawing the paths and rises of flights that you control, as well as in the area that you and the pilot can monitor on the ground?!From a military zone? Raafat was asking, asking, and Hisham was sending, and he sent, while the famous French wine cups (Yardo) were a cup between them and the other, so the knot of tongues was more and more.While Hisham was tampering with the salted almond grains placed in a plate of glass in front of them on the bar, Raafat, saying: I think that your qualifications and drifters qualify you to work with one of my businessmen who resided here in the country.Here Hisham had begun to be convinced that Raafat was the gift of heaven for him, and he eagerly asked him: (When did he throw him)?Raafat smiled, after he realized that his prey had become completely obedient to his tenderness, and he wanted Hisham to feel that nothing comes easy, as he wanted to leave him looting to feel the danger of bankruptcy for a suitable period, until he was completely ready to deal with him.He replied: He is not present in London now, and he will return after about ten weeks, he is an English businessman of Lebanese Christian origin, and his actions are scattered in a large number of the country, and it requires him to be absent from the main position for long periods in this way.Then he added in a tone in order to be normal, and it has a lack of interest towards the time component, which is well known that he is a pressure on the nerve cells of Hisham and his thinking atoms: (In any case you can take advantage of the period to follow up on your father's treatment, and do not carry them about the hotel's expenses, I will try to runYou have another additional disappearance..Yasidi..If you need something, I am there !!) And Raafat ended with the Hicham Hicham and his confusion in front of the trap that focuses on him carefully, by paying the account, with a large cream, after he was keen to come out of his portfolio, and it has a great deal of (money) in front of Hisham, who saw it as a material accreditation documentFor the great capabilities of Raafat, and that his action will be according to his words !!Raafat placed his hand on the shoulder of Hisham and went out walking until (Royal Lancaster).*** The multiplicity of Hisham's meetings with Raafat, until I took a regular and daily rhythm, once on breakfast and once on a cup, and once on a cup of coffee, and every time Raafat shows an exaggerated interest in the state of Hisham's father, so that Raafat is no longer for Hisham just a savior who sent him careHeaven, but he became the brother who shared his pain, anxiety and harsh circumstances!Once on breakfast, once on a cup, and once on a cup of coffee, the multiplicity of meetings between the two young men.The Lebanese businessman, when the spring was, Hisham was aware that the long -awaited moment with the businessman is an imminent friend, and asked Raafat about the date of his arrival, and he was flying with joy when he answered, he arrived yesterday, and that they would meet at eight in the evening tomorrow.On the eighth of May 16, Hisham was standing in the lobby of the hotel, shaving the face, wearing a dark blue suit, and a neck and a gray colors mixed with gray and the Prophet, waiting for his friend Raafat to go together to meet the businessman..And when the time was long, he asked the receptionist, so I told him that Raafat left a message to him, Hisham opened it to read the following line: (Sorry for not attending the date, I have a work in the Park Street, and I will go immediate..Sorry, Raafat).The name (Playboy) means dozens of images and exciting imagination for a young man like Hisham, 31, and coming from a society that was so close to this time..In itself, it was just the beginning of a series of fascinations they intended to control Hisham and his thinking.The naked girls, the gambling, and the magazine bearing the same name as the casino, were the meanings that Hisham called to his head automatically when he read the name of the Playboy in the letter that Raafat left for him, and it is certain that the choice of the Playboy club for the first meeting between Hisham and the businessman was a broken choiceTo dazzle him and influence him.Hisham Taxia rode to Park Lynn, and reached the casino gate, which consists of five floors, the ground with a large reception, and between them the four floors for playing gambling of all kinds, and when Hisham did not find his friend, he could not hold himself, continues to wait, and entered into a squareThe reception, where the workers told him that entering this casino does not need an organic card, but he needs to fill out an entry form every time the person comes to him, and of course again, the choice of this casino in particular by Raafat and his friend, the businessman did not come from a vacuum, but was plannedFor him, because other casinos have records in which the number of times hesitated, and this is what Raafat does not want!The important thing is that Hisham filled the form on the thresholds of the famous gambling club door, which appeared as a new road threshold and an unknown square that is about to be deported to it.Inside, Hisham was wandering with his eyes inside the gambling halls and crowded restaurants that offer the finest types of foods, beverages and tanks scattered in the ties with dim lights, and he was contemplating - on an empty euphoria - the flight attendants who wear the famous rabbit clothes - the biaious code -, and the rabbits ears look from aboveTheir heads and a round fur, which represents the tail of the rabbit, tops the naked buttocks and stems, except from socks in the form of a network of black and golden strands.And his eyes expanded while seeing the wealthy of the region losing in front of him in a role of roulette - and among this legendary magic world - thousands of sterling pounds, and they laugh and drink, and their eyelashes or their eyelids are shaken.In the Black Jack Hall, where hundreds of sterling flying fly and evaporate in the air, Hisham was surprised by a hand that was gently raised on his shoulder, and wakes him from his messengers and imaginations, and turned behind him, to find his friend Raafat who whispered in his ear: (Sorry, I was late for minutes..The man is waiting for us in the restaurant).*** The two companions fell to the ladder to one of the casino restaurants, and in a remote corner, on one of the tunnels he was a person in his fifth decade sitting in a faint light, his features did not fully show.Raafat came to him, Mohayia, and Hisham's advance to him, with a sign that her words say (You can rely on him for everything), then directed his words to Hisham, saying: (I offer you a dear friend..Edward Kushir is an English businessman of Lebanese Arab origin).In the midst of shaking and completing the conventional courtesy, Kushir's looks swept Hisham from the top of his head to the soles of his foot.The three sat at the table, where Kushir agreed and raised the drink that Hisham requested without hesitation, in a deliberate courtesy, and while the three were sipping the whiskey cups Black Laipl, Raafat did not stop the gossip in a fabricated fun and an attempt to remind Hisham about some of the political jokes that Egypt was filled with in thisTime, and mocks President Sadat and his inability to war, as it mocks the Egyptian army and its horrific defeat in 1967 !!Hisham was sharing laughter from everything that Raafat said, as he was ready to court.Raafat was looking from time to time to Kushir to show him that the victim had reached the utmost preparation for orphans in any bosom, and to surrender to any pressure.A sticky smile, and after Raafat, the remaining wine in his cup at once, asked for permission to do, citing that he wanted to spend his pounds in the gambling hall, and winks with the tip of his eye to Kushir, who smiled a sticky smile that has no feelings !!Edward Kushir was very nice and soft in his conversation with Hisham, who was commenting on some of the vocabulary of the Levantine Arabic dialect that Kushir speaks.Edward said that he works as a nationality, and an agent for several companies, and he wants to deal with the Egyptian market, but he lacks many information about the conditions of trade in Egypt, and whether it is possible to invest money in Egypt or not.And Hisham was trying, despite his lack of experience in investment and economy matters, to participate in talking with any words through which he tried to prove that Kushir is (moving and sharing).While the two men were mutating coffee after dinner, Hisham was trying to get away with the details of the work, and Edward interviewed him and did not give him a complete answer that relieves him, and as soon as Faraga, he sip the coffee, until Edward asked Hisham to meet him the next day on the same time, but at the Silfredge Hotel.Hisham was very surprised, when Edward asked him not to tell Raafat anything about the date of their next meeting, because - as he put it - (a greedy man) and he will try to cram himself in this new biznis unnecessarily.Despite the astonishment of Hisham, he agreed, and he started for months of approval journey, agreeing to anything, agreeing to everything, and he was tonight he sold his friend, or what he imagines is his friend, on his way to sell other things, dearest and most valuable.*** Today May 17, 1972 hour: Forty -five minutes.The place: Silfredge Hotel attached to the famous store that those who are estimated - from Hisham's point of view - in Egypt to buy and shop and the age of this hotel - at the time - seventy years.Hisham came early for a quarter of an hour, until he wandered inside the famous hotel, and walks from the famous watch that is above the main entrance to the store on Oxford Street, then turned right to enter Duke AstrCanadian.Hisham entered from the door of the dizziness with a dark brown color, where a goalkeeper was standing in front of him, wearing a dark green suit and a high hat of the same color, red Sadriya, the ends of which are strands of cane, and in the middle of the entrance a round table of the mahogany of the Autantic, topped by the vessels of the large shywah flowers that are crowded with two dimensions.A huge bouquet of white flower flowers.To the left is an old brown wooden pregnant woman, the famous British newspapers and a dark wooden table attached to which the reception employee stands, two daughters for information and accounting, topped by an ancient hour on its right and left two ancient oily paintings, one of them for Roses Abston dates back to 1715, and the other for hands Abston in 1760, notThe two people have any connection to the Silfredge Hotel, but they were acquired for their archaeological values, and Hisham was accommodating inside the hotel had a good amount of width on its vocabulary and furniture, and the faces of the unique distinctive, where they are scattered throughout the reception hall a few leather seats (dark oily) and next to it.And the shinwah lampshades, and to the right, Hisham ascended a great ladder with copper grains, and its sides are busy with the Black Foreje, and it was accompanied by large copper dialects with the letter S, which symbolizes the name of the shop.The ladder brought it into a small entrance medium with a great archaeological chandelier, and to the right the entrance (orchrares), a Grill restaurant overlooking the Orkard Street, in which a square currency with green bedspreads has been scattered, giving a great sense of joy, amid the balanced, balanced atmosphere that suggests the choice of steel and antique furniture inThe rest of the hotel.On one of these tables, it was the second meeting between Hisham and Edward.Jarrat Factory when Edward shook hands with his victim, he proved his looks at the eyes of Hisham, who was attached.On a luxurious dinner of fish and crustaceans, accompanied by a bottle of French wine (young), a luxurious white house, about the details of the work, which Hisham was yearning for.Edward said to Hisham: (I am the agent of a Belgian agricultural tractors, and she wants to stay a factory in Cairo, and I have applied in this regard, and I have not yet received the response and you will be the agent of this company in Cairo, and we will open a office to manage its business but at the beginningWe want you information about land prices in Egypt, and how much it will cost to buy a land to establish a tractor factory.Hisham wanted any work and peace, and then he answered all Edward's questions, indicating that he was able to meet all his needs.As for Edward and according to expert analyzes, he would like to choose Hisham's ability first to collect ordinary information, and his ability to facilitate after the procedures in Egypt, before he entered with him in more serious details, about this work, which still seems mysterious.The second meeting ended after three hours spent in eating and fun elections, and attempts raging from Hisham to prove that he is on the extent of work, and fulfills his requirements..The third meeting came after that on the night of the twenty -eighth of May in the same hotel, if Edward himself continues to suspend Hisham to work, and then for money, until he guarantees his full collapse, and at the same time, Edward took advantage of the time period between the two meetings to test Hisham's ability to conceal,Where Raafat continued to chase Hisham and ask him if he sees Edward or calls him, while Hisham is completely denied, once and twice, and he is super or drunk, until Edward was completely confirmed that Hisham is implementing his instructions in its entirety, even while he does not know the nature of the bowl in which this is pouredInstructions.*** The next date was at Fielding Restaurant at Silfredge Hotel.And when Hisham arrived at the hotel, he was urgent, nervous, he wanted Edward to attend, to cost him a specific work, and to give him, even if he was in advance of his reward for this work.The hotel salon hacked, and he did not pay attention to all the details around it, or to the movement that the salon was filled with, and the traditional Silverfig bags of the yellow Silverge bags and the hotel's pioneers and its descendants left it next to the seats, and the gilded fruits, with dark oil colors, on which dark brutality was thrown on itOrange, turquoise, and each table in the middle of a system of seats and sofas, has a small white vase with a single cloves, and in the corners of the salon, plants remained from dark stone pots.Hisham ascended - in a hurry - several degrees of peace at the end of this salon until he almost fell out of excess of his rush, and entered the antique Flidger Restaurant on the left, where his luxurious chairs, each of which resembles a small royal throne, while the walls covered a dark carved wallpaper, English, Englishtraditional.Throughout the dinner that Hisham hated his long -term procedures, Edward was leaking a word to him, then he let him burn in curiosity and heaven, then another word, and so on until the dinner almost approached his end until Hisham had reached a state of extreme despair, so if Edward he initiated him with his desire forTo rent to the company a headquarters in Cairo, and to extend it with telephone lines.Then he nodded: (We are ready to provide bribes to install these phone lines).Of course, Hisham knew the difficulty of installing such lines - at that time - amid the suffocating crisis that the Egyptian telephones witnessed in the seventies, but he expressed his willingness to accomplish to show his breakthrough, and to hurry to employment.But is it true that a Belgian company applied for a factory for agricultural tractors in Egypt?Answer: The only companies that set up a factory for agricultural tractors in Egypt at the time were the Hungarian (Magiros) company, as part of manufacturing plans at the Al -Nasr Automobile Industry Factory, and nothing more than that.The balloon is to choose the whole thing - then - it was just a balloon choice for our friend Hisham Mahjoub in collecting information, even if it was simple in the beginning, such as land price information, or testing his ability to move like bribery of government people to install the phone lines in the peak of its crisis.Then, Hisham, after he passes into this test and establishes the office, and will have a base to move and communicate in Egypt that enables him to collect information about other things, other than those that Edward planned through his job in Egypt Air !!And when Edward ended this meeting and prepared Hisham with another date, Hisham was pleading with him in a real embrace to cost him to work directly and not to make him wait more than that, and here Edward smiled, and assured him that he would cost him to work the next time, after he was sure of his efficiency and sincerity,Plan to make it really big !!In any case, the fourth and last date was two days later, as Hisham did not exhaustly wait a lot, and although the topic until this stage did not exceed the limits that appear to be normal, Hisham was turning around during Edward's whisper talk to him in the hotel salon automatically,As he felt that the workers at the hotel who move around him were hearing, as well as scarring who wear black side and jackets of the same color, white blouses and black papheon, and girls who clean the wearing green gowns and white mirrors, and they are involved in removing every dust atom that have been stuck with anything, and the portersThey wear a dark oil solution decorated with reeds, and under it white shirts and black ties.All Hisham was looking at them in its alienation.There was someone who actually watched him, but not those.In the Qusay corner of the salon, one of the Egyptian intelligence witnesses was a metaphor, which was a movement and a residence, pretending to flip tea in a cup of the traditional Chinese crew of the hotel (Dadson).On this night, Edward revealed an aspect of his tusks, when he asked Hisham to fly to Cairo in order to collect the required information, and return it to him in London within two months.Edward said to Hisham: I have appointed you with a monthly salary of $ 600 and if you provided us with the required information, we will raise your salary, then hand him over 600 dollars with a connection without a specific date signed by Hisham and gave him a phone number to call him upon his return from Cairo within two months.Hisham heard the sound of his shoes on the sidewalk of the sidewalk, as he took his way to the Royal Lancaster Hotel.Spring of a London that tampered with his hair!

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الصاعقة:من ملفات المخابرات العامة المصرية،قصة أكبر عملية خداع استراتيجي لإسرائيل قبل حرب أكتوبر: بقلم - ابراهيم نافع