The third elections to postpone

  • Time:Jun 12
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Al -Nahar newspaper wrote:

الانتخابات الثالثة إلى تأجيل

The entitlement to the municipal and optional elections, which was supposed to take place in the next spring, comes out of the current "electoral year" of three successive municipal, representative and presidential benefits due to the state's inability to fulfill the requirements of these three benefits in the conditions of financial, economic and administrative collapse that almost prepared all its capabilities. It is expected that the government will take the decision to postpone the municipal and optional elections and the extension of a year for the municipal and optional councils existing in a session held by the Council of Ministers in the afternoon in Baabda Palace headed by the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun and on its agenda, 26 items, most notably a hurried bill aimed at extending the mandate of the municipal and optional councils, The Minister of Interior and Municipalities, Judge Bassam Mawlawi, presented a study prepared by the Ministry on the mechanism of adopting the major polling stations "Megasinter" in the public parliamentary elections for the year 2022, as well as the two draft laws for saving energy and the second to produce renewable energy distributed in addition to other items dealing with various topics.

As the extension of the municipal and optional council highlights the government's inability to complete this third entitlement, this measure would also shine on the many possible deficits that have begun to overlook its head from now in managing the parliamentary elections process in all its executive stages in terms of providing adequate logistical measures to secure the elections. They are marred by gaps, impurities and violations that are fell asleep. This is because the financial, services and administrative reality in the country warns with a serious exacerbation of the reflection of the steady heights in fuel prices, as well as in the reality of electricity and other vital services on the integrity of the electoral process and the completion of its stages with the minimum standards that guarantee its transparency. Fears of this party have been exacerbated in light of the emergency jumps on fuel prices, affected by the Russian war on Ukraine, in order to warn more for a long time. Yesterday, a big leap in fuel prices was recorded yesterday, the price of a gasoline plate 95 and 98 octane 28,000 pounds, and the price of the diesel rose 41,000 pounds and the price of gas is 15,000 pounds. This attributed to the rise in oil prices in the global markets as a result of the Russian -Ukrainian war, and the price of the $ 116 barrel of oil exceeded US dollars. The head of the oil importing companies, Maroun Shammas, announced that "we are in an exceptional state since the start of the war between Russia and Ukraine and what we see today is unprecedented," saying that "no one can expect any level that the prices of fuel can reach, as they may decline or rise."


In the electoral context, the Ministry of Interior prepared a study on the adoption of the mechanism of major polling centers "Megasinter" in the parliamentary elections for the year 2022, and this study included legal, procedural, logistical, and human resources required. The Ministry concluded that the major polling stations are not possible within the deadline imposed in the current election law in light of the need to make legal amendments, in addition to the logistical and irregular obstacles, and the needs in terms of human and material resources, noting that the time required to complete the preparations is not less than five months starting from The date of publication of the law and the issuance of applied decrees when needed, and that the total cost of the project is about 5,872,500 dollars.