Sudanese professionals gather calling on his partners to work together to make the transition tasks successful

  • Time:Jul 02
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The Sudanese professionals gathering called on its partners in the forces of the Freedom Declaration and Change and the parties to the peaceful process signed on the peace of Juba to work together to achieve the tasks of the transfer and democratic transformation. It indicated in it the necessity of consensus between the components of political and social change in Sudan, achieving the duties and liabilities of the glorious December revolution, the political and democratic transition, in order to achieve the elections, and achieve the full principles of the revolution, peace and justice. The assembly affirmed its support for this trend and initiative with its presentation of discussion and the expression of observations and opinion and more dialogue about it to build and enhance confidence between all parties to the constitutional document and the parties to the peaceful process signed on the peace of Juba and the forces of the armed struggle that stand with change and negotiate with the transitional government and the importance of reaching a comprehensive peace with the popular movement For Sudan Liberation North led by Abdulaziz Al -Helou and the Sudan Liberation Army, led by Abdul Wahid Mohamed Nour, to achieve the values ​​of citizenship as a basis for rights and duties. The Sudanese professionals gathered at the price of the Prime Minister's transfer to dismantling the one -party state in favor of the country of the country and dismantling the June 30 regime as a basis for the success of the transitional period and locking the door for employees of the ousted regime and those who participated to disrupt the transitional period in order to preserve the privileges that the Sudanese brought down the glorious revolution of December and also sees the importance of restructuring Civil and military state institutions to express the aspirations of the Sudanese. The Sudanese professionals gathering indicated that there are threats to the political and democratic transition that require consideration of its issues in depth leading to complete the structures of the transitional authority and build its institutions, including the Legislative Council and Commission. He said that we call our partners in managing the transitional period to develop visions, plans and programs that contribute In economic reform and establishing an economy based on production.

Khartoum (Kush News)

2021/06/240 فيسبوك تويتر لينكدإن واتساب تيلقرامعبر البريد طباعة

تجمع المهنيين السودانيين يدعو شركائه للعمل سويا لانجاح مهام الانتقال