The spread of stray dogs disturbs the residents of the city of Chefchaouen

  • Time:Jan 03
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The spread of herds of stray dogs in the city of Chefchaouen has become remarkable, disturbing the comfort of the population, after these animals occupied most of the main squares and streets of the city, as well as the doors of educational and public institutions and parks, which threatens the life and safety of children and adults alike, especially since most of them It is a carrier of rapidly moving parasites and viruses that may cause the spread of skin and parasitic diseases, tuberculosis and rabies, in addition to the danger that it poses as a result of attacking children and the elderly.

The spread of stray dogs disturbs the residents of Chefchaouen

Activists say that stray dogs threaten the moral capital of Chefchaouen, which is based on its aesthetics, cleanliness and health security, and thus contribute to distorting the city's tourist appearance, which has made it a point of disgust, denunciation and sometimes ridicule by residents and visitors.

Despite the condemnation of this situation by many activities in the city, the number of dogs is multiplying dramatically and rapidly day by day, which makes the phenomenon worse and worse, due to the absence of any strict and serious intervention to reduce it.

The residents of the city of Chefchaouen are increasingly afraid of this phenomenon and the accompanying danger to them and their children. In this regard, they appeal to the urban community and the authorities to carry out urgent campaigns to address this imbalance, which deeply affects the health, safety and economy of the inhabitants of the blue jewel.