The space and surroundings of the public school between originality and modernity

  • Time:Apr 01
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

– Public school space & environment between tradition and modernity

– Espace et milieu de l'école public entre tradition et modernité

- Espacio y ambiente de la escuela pública entre la tradición y la modernidad

A New Hampshire Department of Education reports that the environmental and physical condition of school buildings and the entire school structure (ie, all its facilities) is a major factor in the health and safety of students, staff and visitors. Both confirm any. s. Arul Lawrence and A. Vimala in one of their articles in the Journal of International Educational Studies (No. 2, 2012) that the school environment plays a key role in shaping the student's personality. Also, a large number of researchers believe that there is a relationship between the space and surroundings of the school and its outputs or the profitability of its students.

Since everything has a space and a field in this universe, the school also has a space that makes it different from other public or private facilities. Perhaps the external appearance is what makes it a distinct and well-known feature to all. And since this is the case, it is necessary to preserve that parameter to remain a beacon and beacon that radiates the light of knowledge and thought, and receives the respect of the great and the small in society. The school space can also be divided into two main parts: the inner space of the school, and the outer space or perimeter, and each of them has peculiarities and requirements that contribute to the educational and educational process in order for the school to achieve its requirements and obtain the satisfaction of the community. We cannot expect a school to die with this while its ceiling wets the students’ notebooks, or it almost falls over the heads of these innocent little ones, or its rooms do not have heating means in the cold valleys or on the top of snow-covered mountains, or the necessary air conditioning in hot areas that almost suffocate Little ones breathe.

What is the internal space of the school then?

School space has a significant impact on the psychology of students, teachers or employees in general. The school space is either attractive with its beauty and the purity of its atmosphere and facilities, so that love falls in the heart of the students, or it is scattered and dirty, its shape calls for repulsion and disgust and sows in the hearts of young people idleness and laziness, and even terror, fear and aversion. The school space is of paramount importance because it is the place that embraces a large part of the life that learners live in at all times and school places, including lesson times, breaks, feeding, yards, departments, sports fields and sites of educational or educational visits, in order to exchange intellectual and knowledge. These visits are a space that must be carefully and professionally chosen, in which safety aspects are taken into account during the transportation or touring process and aims to educate students or students through all programmed activities that take into account the cognitive, emotional and sensory aspects in order to refine their skills and personalities, and these visits will not be a useful space unless there is Ensuring the effective and effective work of all concerned parties, including learners, teachers, educational administration and frameworks concerned with educational guidance, parents of students, as well as partners of the institution.

Accordingly, preparing the ideal school space or environment aims to improve the performance of the educational institution as well as create school life in order to achieve an education based on instilling morals in its students and achieving a high-level educational achievement based on a multiplicity of dimensions, methods, approaches and contributors, within the framework of a comprehensive and consensual vision among all actors and stakeholders In the educational system at the level of the institution, and prepares a generation that fulfills the needs of the labor market from developed labor hands who are rehabilitated at all levels, including the ethical, cognitive and professional aspect, so that its reference is an integrated public school open to its external surroundings as a natural extension of it that contributes to its side, in the educational upbringing of generations It contributes to achieving the specifications specified in the curricula and curricula in the personality of the learners, and the development of competencies and values ​​that qualify them for effective integration into practical life and the labor market, without this openness to the outside touching the essence of the institution’s mission in education and training, which is to preserve the student’s identity and culture with all its components and spectra. , as well as religious, national and linguistic constants, and these constants also include competencies and The values ​​that school life seeks to achieve mainly, the most important of which are those competencies related to self-development through strategy, effective communication, methodology, culture and modern technology. It is also possible to add the competencies that can be invested in social transformation, and the competencies that can be disposed of in the economic and social sectors. All of those competencies that were mentioned must be based on a solid structure based on education on Islamic and human values ​​(including values ​​related to tolerance and coexistence), the values ​​of citizenship, human rights and its universal principles (without deviating from the principles of religion and the norms of society), and the school environment must Contributes to the formation of an independent and balanced personality of the student capable of taking appropriate positions according to different situations, strengthening self-confidence and not being dependent on others. We also do not forget here that the fuel of the shipment that motivates students, teachers, and all frameworks and bodies in the educational and educational process must be “love The race to do good and benevolent.

Elements of the school space or environment:

It can be said that the school space or the school environment is somewhat similar to the family home. As soon as you stand in front of the door of the house, your imagination can weave a stereotyped image, a preconceived view, or an image of its people and pioneers. If you saw it, for example, arranged and painted with attractive paints, and its walls and sides decorated with plants and plants and roses, you knew without doubt that its interior would also be tidy; And if you see the door of the house broken and its walls neglected and surrounded by rubbish and dirt, you know, inevitably, that inside the house will be a path of chaos and dirt. In the same context, while you are standing at the school door, you can have a preview of what will be inside it (and even a look at its outputs). Undoubtedly, taking care of the external appearance of the institution not only helps its patrons, but also contributes to the aesthetic appearance of the school and its surroundings, and also contributes to the aesthetic of the street in which it is located.

As for the internal space, it includes more than one part, as it includes classrooms with all their components, classroom corridors, laboratories, library, theater, arena, playgrounds and sports halls (if any). And do not forget that there are international and national standards and standards that must be adopted, the most important of which are those related to the components and elements of construction and engineering form, as well as safety standards (which are the most important as they are a prerequisite before licensing the institution to carry out its functions). Among the most important requirements for classrooms and all other facilities are the following:

Building safety, roof and windows.

Easy access, taking into account people with special needs.

The room space should be sufficient and comfortable in which the movement of students is facilitated, and tables and chairs can be moved easily, especially during group activities.

The room should have heating or air-conditioning equipment according to the circumstances.

The classroom should have modern teaching tools.

To give the students the opportunity to decorate their classrooms according to their own taste and creativity.

As for the rest of the facilities, the same standards are applied to them with regard to the space’s capacity, ventilation, provision of heating or cooling mechanisms, and first and foremost the safety of the building and respect for safety standards in order to preserve the lives of students and the entire staff of the institution. There is no objection to all students participating in decorating the school yard, and they are the ones who plant and care for its trees, and they are the ones who draw their paintings and raise the flag of their country in them with joy and ecstasy, so that the school space is an area in which children have fun spontaneously, freely and fluently.

The components of the external environment of the school:

The school is not isolated from the rest of society, but rather it is an integral part of the mosaic that distinguishes the streets of our neighborhoods from others. The school building has its place within the neighborhood, and it is a teacher and a reference for the community. Our children’s hearts have been drawn to it since their childhood, and they are linked with their parents because they are the ones who draw the parameters of their directions and determine their future paths. And the outer perimeter of the school includes not only the external engineering form of it, nor the large gate and its sides, but it is the perimeter that includes the human element as well.

فضاء ومحيط المدرسة العمومية بين الأصالة والحداثة

Civil society contributes to the formation of the external environment of the school, and all local authorities, including the public administration, politicians, elected officials, men and women of national security, auxiliary forces, civil protection and civil society associations are part of that environment. Awareness and sensitization activities directly, there is no doubt that this will bring relief to students and their parents and will undoubtedly raise their profitability and knowledge acquisition. And if the opposite happens, that is, if there is a rupture between those departments, authorities, and the educational and educational institution, which leads to the spread of epidemics of drugs, violence and crime, the spread of fraud and corruption, and the pollution of the school’s surroundings, then this inevitably leads to the decline of the educational and educational process and inevitably leads to bad results and dire consequences that are not reflected in the educational process. Not only the student, but also the external environment of the school, ie society as a whole and all its segments.

The role of human relations in the school setting:

There is no doubt that human relationships in general depend on communication mechanisms, whether through language, pronunciation, writing or physical language. There is no doubt that effective communication and a kind word nourish the mind and spirit as well. The good word contributes to building understanding, consultation and constructive dialogue, and also contributes to building mutual fraternal relations that confer on the institution a spirit of love and brotherhood inside and outside its walls, in accordance with the Almighty’s saying in Surat Al Imran: There is also no doubt that these good relations play a role in bringing the institution's administration closer to the students' parents and strengthening the bonds of love and brotherhood between them. Educational research in this field has shown that the school's surroundings and space play a role in raising the students' profitability. Talton and Simpson (1987)) say, “The classroom is the basic structural unit of our educational system, and the nature of the classroom is clearly influenced by the design of the school and the goals adopted at the school level.”

As stated in one of the Arab magazines, the success of the school’s work depends on the extent to which its director, his workers and the community surrounding the school understand each other, and the closeness of friendly relations among them, and their cohesion as one class. Also, this cohesion allows the principal to get to know the school’s teachers and his staff and learn about their abilities, tendencies and preparations, and the impact of this is reflected on the students and goes beyond that to building good human relations with the students’ parents and those who deal with the school.”

What is the desired school space and environment?:

There is no doubt that the educational process depends, in achieving its goals, largely on the teacher, as he is the centerpiece of the educational process, and the main pillar in the advancement and improvement of education. and beneficial educational attainment in order to contribute to building, cohesion and development of society. Since the good performance of the teacher is the key to that success and one of the most important basic requirements sought by the Ministry of Education as well as educational institutions at all levels, and a prerequisite for gaining the satisfaction of the students’ parents, attention is first and foremost The position of the teacher within the community, preserving his dignity, providing him with comfort, and raising the level of his performance by giving him the opportunity of accompanying training and attending workshops, conferences and intellectual gatherings aimed at expanding knowledge horizons and updating information related to teaching theories, and providing specific means that ensure his success in his work including teaching tools, modern techniques and a library A beautiful, comfortable and inviting school space is crucial. Since the teacher and students spend a lot of time inside this space, the following must be taken into account when preparing this space:

Study the location of the school so that it is suitable for the educational environment, taking into account the policy of proximity (to reduce the scourge of school wastage, especially in the rural world).

Taking into account the geometric form aimed at preserving the Moroccan style and the original Islamic engineering heritage, and staying away from the geometric shapes that do not inspire the spirit of beauty and pleasure when seeing them (indeed, you cannot differentiate between them and the rest of the buildings, such as prisons, for example).

Avoiding all methods of cheating and corruption during all stages of public school construction.

Preparing furnished halls that allow students to sit in circles, as was customary in seminars in mosques and old schools, to break the routines of students and bring them into the atmosphere of group discussion and encourage intellectual criticism freely and in a spacious atmosphere far from the rigidity of school chairs and tables ( These halls can also be used for prayer.

That the general form of the school and its facilities combine Moroccan authenticity, modernity and keeping pace with the times without compromising the high Moroccan style, which is the pride of all Moroccans.

Setting all safety standards and requirements for people with special needs to preserve the safety and lives of all of them in the institution.

Preparing a spacious yard and relaxing tile for children to have fun, run and skate with fluency and spontaneity.

Equipping the sports hall and the sports field with all the needs of students and teachers, and urging students to arrange them and keep them clean on a regular basis.

Preparing offices for teachers and a hall for their daily consultative meetings, and it will be a comfortable hall that helps the teacher to get some rest with authentic Moroccan tea.

All classrooms are equipped with modern technical means and a library containing references and stories that students can borrow without costs.

Creating an inner space full of mercy, compassion, love and brotherhood, in which the concerned administration and ministry motivate and honor every serious and creative faculty member and every outstanding or exemplary student.

Create a clean outer environment, with no street vendors peddling drugs, hallucinogens, or cigarettes, or malicious people who incite corrupt morals and bad habits, nor those street vendors who are themselves, you imagine, as almost unconscious sometimes, flooding the school perimeter with expired merchandise.

The necessity of maintaining an external school environment free from all forms of theft, crime, verbal and physical violence by strengthening the security presence (even from a distance) and placing surveillance cameras that monitor everything that is happening around the school, and striking with an iron fist anyone who tempts himself to tamper with the safety of our children, brothers and sisters in The teaching sector and all educational institution frameworks.

Establishing a competition for the best school in terms of preserving its beauty and good manners.

The Ministry of Education must strive to bring about a project to reform the structure of the public school in our country that aims to correct the situation of the school space and surroundings in all public schools, and to make this project a participatory and symbiotic campaign to restore every school that needs a new roof, windows, external fence, facilities or Equipment, electronic devices, halls, sports facilities, or a library. And let us make this campaign a national epic to restore glory to the public school and raise its returns in all parts of the country, a noble campaign for a beautiful school, in which watchers race against local groups, owners of big companies, benefactors and everyone who seeks to do good and charity.


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