The "silent killer" captures the souls of fetuses and adults at night and during bathing.. Young children lose memory | Photos

  • Time:May 12
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Panic, screaming and hysterical crying, the members of the two families were horrified by the shock of the crime that took place at the hands of a perpetrator who does not look like humans and does not belong to the elves. He sneaked into the night hidden without anyone seeing him, to record a disaster that took the lives of those who were nearby dancing to the rhythm of a wedding night witnessed by family and friends. It only lasted hours when fate changed.

Victims of the silent killer in Dakahlia Governorate, and a few days ago, in a tragic scene that dyed black white, no one knew that the atmosphere of joy that was unlike others and extended until the early hours of the morning, would change with the departure of the navy officer and his wife hours after the wedding ceremony.

"the silent killer"

The joys were killed by the invader, and who knew that the angel who appeared in white yesterday, would wear shrouds without thread or veil, and that the smell of death would make the mother of the bride unconscious in front of her daughter's coffin, at the time when the groom's mother decided to embrace the navy suit - the last thing that was left for her From her suffocating son - she was chanting, "Do you not rejoice in your bride, Amr, death hijacked your joy and our joy, my son." The wedding ceremony, which ended amid happiness that appeared on everyone's faces, ended, and the naval officer took his wife to their house to spend their first night, and on the second day the parents go to the house of the newlyweds. The knocking on the door continues for hours, during which the parents exhausted all attempts of patience, but the phones ring their rings inside without any response from the spouses, which made anxiety and panic infiltrate everyone until the decision came to break the door of the apartment, to surprise the audience that the couple died suffocating in the toilet.

"the silent killer"

gas heater

The record that the prosecution had drawn up was closed, and the family did not accuse anyone of causing the death. The newlyweds suffocated and died not by human hands, but by carbon monoxide gas that leaked from the water heater and suddenly spread throughout the bathroom, and he refused to leave the newlyweds alive.

"the silent killer"

5 coffins of one family The crime of carbon monoxide gas, which was emitted from the gas heater prepared in the bathroom of the newlyweds’ apartment, which killed them. The incident was not the first of its kind, but the scene is repeated from time to time with completely similar details, where the Imbaba neighborhood in Giza witnessed a mass funeral for a family of 5 individuals breathed their last - at night - after the heater gas leaked into their rooms. The father, mother and three young children died, in a funeral that carried 5 coffins of the poison gas victims.

At night and while sleeping

From Giza to Alexandria, the pavilions follow.. And after that mother decided to go to sleep with her two sons until the husband returns in the evening, suddenly anxiety hijacks the heart of the husband, who has repeatedly tried to contact his wife, to check on her without any response from her phone, which forced him to go to his house and break the door, to find the mother embracing Her two sons The three souls of the supreme comrade, because of the same gas leak, from the kitchen heater, in the property located 8 Jamila Bouhraid Street, Department of the Department.

"the silent killer"

Amnesia for those who escape death, but the young Muhammad, the ten-year-old, had better luck after he was saved - albeit in a dramatic manner - as the child escaped from the clutches of the gas emitted from the bathroom heater, after his parents had to break the bathroom door and rescue him by transporting him to the nearest hospital .

After a coma that lasted for two days in which the child Muhammad remained unconscious in intensive care, the little boy returned to life without recognizing any of his parents. The child lost memory due to the carbon dioxide that damaged brain tissue.

"the silent killer"

Carbon monoxide, the “silent killer,” the gas condemned here in the crimes of death by suffocation - according to Dr. Islam al-Arabi, an internal medicine specialist - is carbon monoxide, which medical encyclopedias defined as the “silent killer,” and it is a poisonous gas, the danger of which lies in the fact that it is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. Incomplete combustion of carbonaceous materials such as wood, coal and organic fuels results in "house gas".

"the silent killer"

How does death happen?

Heating water in gas heaters is through the combustion of fuel inside, and then the production of carbon monoxide begins, which leaks automatically - with a fault in the heater - and with the doors and windows tightly closed in the winter, that carbon gas accumulates and the emitted combustion fumes are inhaled and spread in the body, whether While showering or sleeping, which leads to the withdrawal of oxygen from the blood and sudden loss of consciousness, without any warning preliminary symptoms - according to "Al Arabi".

Complications of carbon gas The complications of carbon monoxide on the body - according to the doctor's addition - grow according to the amount of gas concentration in the blood, stressing that they lead to brain tissue damage and damage to the heart, ending with death, in a period of less than 20 minutes, if the patient was bad luck and did not receive Quick Aid allows oxygen to return to the body as soon as possible.

"the silent killer"

scientific facts

The link between carbon monoxide and hemoglobin in the blood is close and 200 times more than the link between oxygen and hemoglobin - information added by Islam Al-Arabi - advising not to leave children alone during bathing for long periods, while not closing the doors from the inside for speed of rescue, taking caution and detecting combustion devices Fuel, such as the heater, is maintained periodically.

How to save the injured

Regarding first aid, Dr. Nabil Abdel-Maqsoud, director of the Poison Center at Kasr Al-Ainy, in France, says: If a family member suffers from gas suffocation, the victim must be transferred immediately to a place with good ventilation that allows oxygen to reach the blood again, and the gas leak outlets are closed, with an ambulance requesting to transport the injured to the nearest hospital.

Immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation

"Abdul-Maqsoud" also sees an urgent need to perform a cardiopulmonary resuscitation, by lying on his back, and making the head up by raising the chin with the hand of one of the rescuers, and tilting the head back with the other hand, to open the airway, provided that the paramedic takes a deep breath that fills the cheeks and then blows it into the mouth The patient, while closing the mouths, repeats this for several times with the possibility of doing a resuscitation of the heart by pressing the hands on the upper chest area firmly, until the ambulance arrives and the patient receives the first oxygen session.

Specialists advise electric heaters, and the specialists insist on the most famous phrase, “prevention is better than cure,” so they advise replacing any household appliances that burn fuel, such as gas heaters and heaters, and taking the electric as a substitute for them. To leak leakage, close it completely during sleep, with the need to leave ventilation outlets in the house in the winter.

Gas may cause you to lose the fetus

Death inside the bathrooms is the most common in gas crimes, but the presence of gas heaters in the kitchens does not negate the existence of danger for the people of the house - if there is a leak - as the deadly gas does not miss its way to the bedrooms, which may make the idea of ​​rescue not easy, due to the long period of fainting And not being discovered at bedtime. Tracking the fetuses in the womb, another crime recorded by the carbon gas emitted by leakage and combustion, the pregnant mother loses her fetus, because oxygen does not reach his small lungs, as carbon monoxide penetrates the placenta very quickly, and kills the fetus even if the mother is rescued and written to survive. - Information confirmed by the international encyclopedia "Wikipedia".

Beware of these devices and do maintenance

"Heater, oven, stove, heaters, some types of air conditioners" - they are all gas-powered devices that invite you to consult maintenance companies periodically with cleaning the chimneys well, to maintain the safety of the family, especially in the winter season, which increases cases of suffocation, compared to summer, due to the nature of the weather Which forces most families to close the ventilation holes, to avoid the cold air, which may facilitate the task of killing carbon monoxide.

According to a statement by the Civil Protection Agency, there are 12 grooms and brides who died recently, asphyxiated by gas, in the governorates of Beheira, Giza, Cairo, and Sharqia, as well as the death of some families, which prompted Major General Mamdouh Abdel Qader, Vice President of the Civil Protection Sector to meet with him to present Some tips to reduce this phenomenon, most notably: taking into account the installation of appliances and gas connections inside homes through specialized companies, with the need for home alarms to detect dangers early, opening any air outlet to bathrooms before showering, and maintaining chimneys and gas connections.

Absent awareness in villages and hamlets. Although Hajj Muhammad wore over 3 gowns and carried successive wraps over his head - to escape the cold - he and many others, like him, still depend entirely on burning wood and the available tree trunks, for heating, which is an attempt that seems primitive and inexpensive in appearance, to heat Tightly closed houses, but it may cost these poor their lives in the absence of information about the hamlets and villages, due to the preoccupation of those responsible for clarifying it, by anticipating the comments of the blue planet, on the dresses of the stars, and following up on the latest developments in the campaigns “Keep it spinning” and “Stay in your mother’s lap” calling for dismantling the society.