The Royal Armed Forces plans to achieve self-sufficiency in the defense industries

  • Time:Dec 24
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Morocco is preparing to enter the world of military industrialization in the coming years, seeking to achieve self-sufficiency in the field of defense industries, instead of being dependent on foreign imports, which will make it a rising military force in the region.

Rabat is counting on both Israel and the United States of America to strengthen the internal military system, based on bilateral cooperation, which is no longer limited to concluding war deals, but has extended to establishing weapons manufacturing facilities.

Rabat and Washington signed a ten-year military agreement (2020-2030) in order to strengthen the strategic defense partnership between the two countries, especially in light of the fruitful military cooperation during the past decades, after Morocco became a permanent customer of America with regard to the supply of weapons.

Israeli reports spoke of Tel Aviv's tendency to share some of its military technologies with Rabat, by establishing a military factory to manufacture the famous "kamikaze" aircraft on Moroccan soil, according to the security agreements signed between the two countries after the resumption of diplomatic relations.

Royal Armed Forces plan to achieve self-sufficiency in Defense Industries

In this regard, Abdel Hamid Harfi, a researcher in military and strategic affairs, said, “Morocco laid the infrastructure related to the military industry, starting in the seventies and eighties of the last century,” noting that “it manufactured an advanced local aircraft for training, which was displayed at the Le Bourget Air Show. air at that time.”

Harfi added, in a statement to the electronic newspaper Hespress, that "Morocco aspired to manufacture 20 aircraft according to the needs of the Air Force, and then move towards exporting abroad, but the project was not completed for financial and technical reasons."

Recounting the path of military industrialization in the Kingdom of Morocco, the same expert explained that “Morocco is always governed by an obsession with self-industrialization, especially at the level of handling, maintenance and development.” He then added that “all branches of the Royal Armed Forces have a staff for maintenance and development equipped with the latest tools and technologies.” homemade.”

The researcher in military and strategic affairs confirmed that "the Kingdom has moved to another stage related to the development and modernization of military equipment, by creating self-solutions in everything related to technical and informational problems, which made the country not dependent on abroad in this field."

The same spokesman added that “Morocco has developed many military technologies in recent years, including military thermal cameras and military cannons,” noting that the country “developed new military trends from the Turkish model, which developed its civilian industrial infrastructure at the beginning, and then Bring technical expertise later.

Based on this, Turkey thought of establishing the parameters of a national military industry, according to Harfi, who stressed that “Turkish industrialization began with multilateral bilateral partnerships, before it succeeded in manufacturing local equipment,” considering that “this path takes a long time, This is what Morocco takes into account to achieve its goals.”

The military expert concluded that “the Kingdom adopts a gradual approach to the military industry, starting with establishing the legal and informational arsenal, and continuing to search for bilateral partnerships, including the Israeli partnership with which suicide drones are being discussed, along with the American party with whom we are discussing the transfer of technologies, Especially the F-16s, which we want to develop locally.”