The repercussions of Al -Muqdadiya events: The Iraqi army replaces the emergency police

  • Time:Aug 28
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Baghdad - "Al -Quds Al -Arabi": The disturbance of the security situation in the Iraqi province of Diyala, specifically in the Al -Muqdadiya district, continues since the end of last month, and while security leaders held a high meeting in the city, on Monday, to remedy the crisis, which warns of the return of sectarian tension, accused the human rights observatory,Armed Shiite factions affiliated with the "Popular Mobilization" by committing "killing and displacement" acts of the Sunnis in the region. He also accused the government of submitting to the influence of what he described as "Iranian -backed militias"..

New procedures

The security forces in Diyala Governorate have taken new strict security measures to impose security in the Muqdadiya district in the province.Security sources, stated that, "against the backdrop of the recent events in the Al -Muqdadiya district, several security measures were taken to control the situation in it.".She emphasized that «the procedures were to remove the emergency police regiments, replace them with the army forces in Muqdadiya, and to deploy 6 security points in the areas that have been attacked, as well as fortifying the areas that witnessed violations in the whole of Muqdadiya, and set roads in the orchards to control them..The procedures also included, "the deployment of security forces inside the villages that witnessed conditions and tensions, which are the Imam and the Charter, and set up 3 thermal cameras in the affected area" according to local news sites..Meanwhile, the Army Chief of Staff, First Lieutenant General Abdel -Amir Yar Allah, accompanied by the first team, Abdul Amir Al -Shamri, Deputy Commander of the Joint Operations, and the Assistant Chief of Staff of the Army for Operations, the Commander of the Land Forces, and the Director of Military Intelligence, on Monday, the Diyala Operations Command,They were received by the commander of Diyala operations, the commander of the first infantry division, the director of the Diyala Governorate Police, and the commander of the Diyala Axis for the "Popular Mobilization".A statement of the government security media cell stated that, “upon the arrival of the delegation, a security conference was held with all leaders and security agencies to discuss the latest developments and incidents following the terrorist incident that occurred in the village of Al -Rashad, which killed a number of martyrs and wounded, as well as the repercussions of this incident.”.He added: «During the conference, the security leaders were emphasized to preserve the national cohesion and social fabric and not to allow any violations of the citizen’s security because it is the responsibility of the security services, and plans for the severing of responsibility were discussed..

تداعيات أحداث المقدادية: الجيش العراقي يحل محل شرطة الطوارئ

Stop "genocide"

في المقابل، دعا «الميثاق الوطني العراقي» وهو تجمّع للقوى والأحزاب والتجمعات والشخصيات المستقلة، المجتمع الدولي ومجلس الأمن، لStop "genocide" التي تحصل في المقدادية في محافظة ديالى، حسب وصفه، معتبرا أن القضاء يتعرض ـ»للتهجير القسري والتطهير الطائفي».He said in a statement, "Several days and the people of the villages of Muqdadiya in Diyala Governorate are subjected to a systematic, systematic displacement with abhorrent sectarian motives.".He pointed out that, “The displacement operations began in the village of (River of the Imam) on (26/10/2021) after it was subjected to genocide and a militia sectarian cleansing by killing children, women, the elderly and the escape of its people, after their orchards, their homes, service and educational and religious centers and seizure of their properties were burnedFrom livestock, cars and others ».He accused the official government forces, "from the army, the anti -terrorist apparatus, and the internal security forces" of standing "in front of these heinous crimes.".According to the statement, "The people of the village assert that the government forces contributed to the displacement of people and the handing over of the village to the state militias after they informed the people of the inability to protect them and the necessity of their departure from their homes and area.".The charter denounced, "the campaigns of forced displacement and genocide aimed at changing the demographics in Muqdadiya," stressing that "whoever makes these crimes is trying to pass the Iranian occupation plans and its dangerous project at the expense of the lives of Iraqis.".

The international community, the Security Council, and the neighboring countries of Iraq called for "breaking their shameful silence and stopping the genocide in the villages of Muqdadiya in Diyala Governorate" again, calling for "the Iraqi, Arab and Western media - institutions and individuals - to assume its moral and professional responsibility to reveal this terrible plan".He also held the "Rafidain International Center for Justice and Human Rights", which is a human rights observatory, which he described as "Iranian government militias" responsibility, the events that witnessed the Muqdadiya region in Diyala, "with the blessing of the Iraqi state, a media blackout" while he called, the United Nations and the Security Council, to intervene urgently.وذكر في بيان صحافي، «ساهم تنامي قوة ميليشيات الحشد الشعبي في تدهور الوضع الأمني ​​في عموم العراق».On November 26, 2016, the Iraqi Parliament (Parliament) passed the law of the “Popular Mobilization” in the middle of the Sunnis province.


The statement added, “Iranian government militias continue to commit murder, kidnapping, enforced disappearance, sectarian displacement, and seizure of the property of the local population..To this day, these crimes have not been eradicated by the memory of the Iraqi citizen and the international community, "stressing that" all international organizations in charge of monitoring the situation in Iraq and the political arena, the militia of the popular crowd and the government security forces committed crimes that amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity. ".He explained, "What we see from the silence of the government, media blackout and the weakness of the security forces, in protecting Iraqi civilians, in every crime committed against them, gives us indications that what is happening in Muqdadiya is with the blessing of the Iraqi government and collusion with the militias," noting that it "bombed the villages with mortar shells,It attacked the homes of civilians, killed children, women and the elderly, seized their property and orchards, burned their livestock and homes to continue the cycle of serious sectarian violence that tears the country, due to the escalation of militias in Iraq ».He pointed out that «the list of the popular crowd militias responsible for the series of killings, kidnappings and rocket fire on the villages of Al -Muqdadiya district and the threat of a demographic change in the region, included the Asaib Ahl al -Haq militias, the Badr Corps, the Hezbollah Brigades, and the Mahdi Army (Saraya Al -Salam)».According to the statement.He indicated that «the security forces and the militias cooperating with them began to harass the local population in the surrounding villages in Muqdadiya, 80 km northeast of Baghdad, and the recent attacks on the village of Al -Rashad in Al -Muqdadiya are part of a campaign launched by the Popular Mobilization militia to displace the people of the village of Nahr al -Imam, Reem Al -Shuk and the ImamAnd 10 other villages belonging to the Muqdadiya district..The observatory quoted an unnamed source as saying: “armed men and others in civilian clothes affiliated with the local police attacked the people of the villages surrounding in Muqdadia with light and medium weapons, then they bombed the villages with mortar shells,” noting that “the militia of the popular crowd with all their affiliations dominates most of the security and political decisionsEconomic and impose its influence on all border ports in the province..The statement continued: “The crimes of the Mosque of Musab Bin Omair and the Sariya Mosque, which were committed by the Asaib Ahl al -Haq militia in 2013 and 2014, were among the most severe incidents of sectarian violence in Diyala Governorate, and the crimes of sectarian violence are still continuing until now under the pretext that government political parties and figures have broadcast that the population is The Sunnis in the province are an incubator of terrorism and must be displaced from their areas, confiscated their property, kidnapping their men, and carrying out field executions against them outside the framework of the judiciary, forgetting the sacrifices of the Sunni tribal crowd in these areas, which also participated in the liberation of Western and northern governorates from the terrorist organization ISIS ».He pointed out that, "This flagrant violation is a new evidence of the submission of the Iraqi government and its security apparatus and the Iraqi judiciary to the influence of the state militias, and an affirmation of the sectarian approach to political forces in dealing with the components of the Iraqi people, and since the Iraqi government did not take strict measures against the attackers from the revenge militiasThis has exacerbated the situation and increased the number of families forcibly displaced..He explained that, “The fate of many civilians who were kidnapped by the Popular Mobilization militias since 2013 until now is still unknown, and the killings and liquidation continued outside the framework of the judicial system and did not stop, to add to these numbers a new number of civilians.Dozens of men from the villages of Muqdadiyah and their surroundings are still missing, and it is afraid that they will be filtered, killed and forcibly hidden..The statement reaffirmed that "the Iraqi authorities failed to protect the Sunni civilians in the Muqdadiya district from the wave of reprisals carried out by the Popular Mobilization Forces", recalling "the behavior of inaction and indifference by the Kazimi government towards the crime of the villages of al -Muqdadiya, and holds all political and security leaderships with full legal and moral responsibilityWhat is happening against the residents of Muqdadiya villages in front of the international community..The Center called, "the United Nations Human Rights Council and the Security Council to intervene immediately, and urged the Iraqi authorities to conduct an investigation into the attack and arrest its officials, Iraqi civilians," according to the statement..