Region and Ukrainian crisis: When Washington's allies are committed to "silence" and "calm"?

  • Time:Jan 21
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Israel, the closest ally and strategic partner for the United States, has distanced itself from responding to Kyiv's requests to provide it with its iron dome!

Israel cannot rely on others to secure its security, in reference to Ukraine's dependence on America and "NATO" to create a balance with the large and superior neighbor..

The calm of the capitals of the region and its reactions regarding the Ukraine crisis revealed two variables: Russia's success in weaving relations and networks of interests with Washington allies;Washington's weight fell in the region.

The time when most of the allied countries were lined up automatically behind Washington in their wars and war battles and diplomatic..

الإقليم والأزمة الأوكرانية: حين يلتزم حلفاء واشنطن “الصمت” و”الهدوء”؟

Saudi Arabia topped the list of "winners" from the crisis, specifically its crown prince, and it seemed that the slogan of "isolating" Saudi Arabia under the leadership of the Crown Prince did not withstand long in front of the oil rates..

Israeli observers put in the category of losers as a result of the Ukraine crisis, Fawashnton, did not show sufficient hardness and deterrence while the world was locked in its breath, waiting for what will come out of the Kremlin from the decisions.

Iran sat square at the head of the list of "winning" states in this crisis, as it realized early that the involvement of Washington and "NATO" in the front of Russia - Ukraine, will inevitably reduce them..

* * * The capitals of the Middle East could not ignore the Ukrainian crisis, and the possibilities and scenarios that were opened on it, after the parties reached the "edge of the abyss", and Europe almost turned into a theater of a third world war ... but these capitals, most of them at least, preferred to keep on"Safety distance" separates it from the parties involved in the game "broken" and the symptom of muscles, and made sure to keep its leaves close to the issuance of its leaders, and she was silent - officially - leaving the media alone, the task of going in all directions, with positions and analyzes.This does not mean that there are no winners and losers with the outcome of this crisis, among the countries and its axes ... However, the phenomenon reflects the most reflect, the volume of decline in the Middle Eastern position of the United States, even among its traditional allies, and in return, the size of "penetration" appears in return.Which was recorded by Moscow's relations with the countries of the region, during the last twenty or twenty years.Israel.In order not to drop the Kremlin, the "understandings" concluded with it, and prevent the Israeli air force, its freedom to allow the Syrian airspace..Israel's developing relations with Russia were prevented from line up strongly in the face of the second ... but Israel is inhabited by the obsession of security and survival, does not leave a regional or international event, which passes without extracting the lessons and security lessons ... This time, the conclusion was that Israel cannot rely on othersTo secure its security, in reference to Ukraine's reliance on the United States and "NATO" to create a balance with the large and superior neighbor.And Israel is also awaiting the impact of the Ukrainian crisis on Washington's position and its image in the region around it, and in this context, it does not seem that the conclusions that ended in it were comfortable, and even the observers and many analysts put in the region, Tel Aviv in the category of losers due to the Ukrainian crisis, because Washington did notThe hardness and sufficient deterrence appear, while the world imprisoned its breath, pending what will come out of the "Kremlin chimney", from white or black smoke.On the other hand, Saudi Arabia topped the list of "winners" with the outcome of this crisis, specifically the "person" of its crown prince ... Fawashdon under the pressure of fear of a energy crisis that may sweep Europe if its punishment for Moscow includes the supplies of Russian gas to the continent, its allies mobilized in order to help, and it seemed that the slogan "The isolation of “Saudi Arabia under the leadership of the Crown Prince, has not long stand up to the missile rises of oil prices, which is very harmful to the US economy and consumer, and the Biden administration weakens the already weak, according to American public opinion polls..In addition to additional revenues of tens of billions of dollars needed by Ibn Salman, to finance his giant and ambitious projects at home, and spend on the "war of attrition" abroad (Yemen), but the Ukrainian crisis did not weaken the Kingdom's direction to diversify its relations and its international "alliances", as Riyadh has resonatedOn holding the Kremlin responsible for the crisis, and she was not drifted as usual for more than seventy years, behind the American political and media discourse ... It seems that Ibn Salman is very serious in his orientation in the east, without neglecting his established relationships with the West.What applies to the Saudi position, applies to the positions of several Gulf states, in terms of their satisfaction with the high oil prices, in the hope of compensation for a repeated deficit in their budgets during the past years, or in terms of commitment to "neutrality" in the crisis, given the size of rapprochement and common interests with Russia ...The "consuming" countries of oil, preferred silence and "neutrality" despite the splendor of the damage that resulted from the high oil bills, for example, Jordan, cannot gambling his relationship with Russia by looking at the Syrian file with its various rapes, and the need of Amman for the role of construction played by Moscow on its borders.The northern, and the matter is also for Cairo, which holds close relations with Russia, and between them files and joint working arenas, not Libya, the least of which is an affair..Ankara, who looked closer to Kyiv than to Moscow, in terms of its "condemned" position with Russia's inclusion of the Crimea, and sold it more than 500 "Bayrakdar" aircraft for Ukraine, has been calculated by a thousand accounts of Moscow, and suggested to itself the role of the "mediator" in the conflict, instead of the lined party. In the face of Russia.It will undoubtedly be affected by the sanctions system that the West was waving to impose on Russia, specifically Russian gas lines to Germany, and Moscow has many papers in Syria, which can be activated against Turkey, among them, not the most important of them, the Kurdish paper, as well as the file of relationsCommercial, tourism and energy files between the two countries that are vital and strategic for both.Only Iran, I sat in the head of the list of "winning" countries in this crisis ... It realized early that Washington and "NATO" in the front of Russia - Ukraine will inevitably reduce pressure from them, and may accelerate Vienna's negotiations with what its ships desire, to enable the West toThe devotion to the rush of the "Russian bear", which succeeded in strengthening the bonds of its alliance with the "Chinese dragon" ... then that Iran has become more convinced after Ukraine, that the wings of the "American Eagle" are no longer with sufficient power that enables it to stay alone led by the world order, and that there are polesNew, it is ready for adventure to formulate a new global system, based on polarity.As the White House showed a strong insistence on avoiding the slide of war and confrontation, and to abstain from the fighting alongside Ukraine, and prevailing in diplomacy coupled with a strict system of sanctions on Russia and its crossing the border line with its neighbor, Iran that has experienced all these American pressure means, for more than four decades,You have realized that the option of strength against it is not among the American strategic thinking, and that the worst scenarios will not exceed what Iran's experience is lengthy, specifically in the four years of Trump, the most difficult for Tehran.The bottom line is that the "calm" that characterized the positions of the capitals of the region and its reactions towards the Ukrainian crisis, only reveals two variables: the first;Russia's success in weaving relations and interests of interests with the region, even with the closest Washington allies ... and the second;Washington's weight and its position in the region declined, and that the time when most of the allied countries were lined up automatically behind Washington in its wars and war battles and diplomatic, it has been over!The next stage.

* Arab Al -Rantawi, a Jordanian journalist

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