The Prime Minister reviews the basic features of the investment plan for the fiscal year 2022/2023

  • Time:Apr 16
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, Prime Minister, held a meeting today; To review the basic features of the investment plan for the fiscal year 2022/2023, in the presence of Dr. Hala Al-Saeed, Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr. Ahmed Kamali, Deputy Minister of Planning for Planning Affairs, and a number of ministry officials.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Prime Minister stressed the importance of today’s meeting, to review the indicators related to the development of the volume of government investments directed to the implementation of development and service projects in a number of vital sectors that affect the lives of citizens, and which are planned to be implemented during the investment plan for the next fiscal year 2022/2023, pointing out that the state seeks to During the implementation of these projects, we aim to raise the level of quality of services provided to citizens at the level of the Republic in various sectors, in implementation of the directives of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, in this regard.

During the meeting, the Minister of Planning gave a detailed presentation of the volume of government investments to be allocated during the fiscal year 2022/2023, to implement a number of development and service projects in various sectors, including those related to the health, education, housing, transportation, agriculture, communications, youth and sports sectors. And other vital sectors, in addition to the allocations that will be directed during this year to complete the implementation of the projects of the presidential initiative “a decent life”.

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During the presentation, the minister drew attention to the development of government investments directed to the education sector, whether university or pre-university, and the most important initiatives, programs and strategic projects, planned to be implemented and completed in this sector, explaining that among those initiatives and projects is the initiative to reduce the densities of classes, especially within governorates and centers of density. She pointed out that the density of classes in the Egyptian countryside is expected to witness a significant decrease, in conjunction with the implementation of many projects in this sector within the presidential initiative “A Dignified Life.”

The minister added that the initiatives and programs planned to be implemented in the education sector also include working to improve the competitiveness of pre-university education outputs, by expanding the availability of the quality of schools that provide competitive educational services, such as Japanese schools, Nile schools, schools of excellence, schools of applied technology, and others. One of the schools that contribute to achieving this goal.

Dr. Hala Al-Saeed noted that among the projects to be completed in the higher education sector are the automation of test centers at the level of Egyptian universities, and the expansion of the establishment of both technological universities and private universities.

رئيس الوزراء يستعرض الملامح الأساسية للخطة الاستثمارية للعام المالي 2022/ 2023

During the presentation, the Minister addressed the development of government investments directed to the health sector, noting the efforts to provide the necessary funds to speed up the implementation rates of the health facilities being established and developed, whether affiliated with the Ministry of Health or the Ministry of Higher Education, in order to ensure their speedy entry into service as soon as possible. Citizens began to benefit from the medical services provided through them, in addition to implementing projects to expand the availability of intensive care beds, taking into account their geographical distribution, as well as projects for developing specialized treatment services, and establishing a building for central laboratories in Badr City, as well as with regard to strengthening the Egyptian role in Health care for African countries.

Dr. Hala Al-Saeed also touched on the development of government investments directed to the Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities, noting the most important initiatives, programs and projects in the utility sectors "drinking water and sanitation", and housing, pointing out that the projects include the expansion of the establishment of tertiary treatment plants, as well as desalination plants. water.

During the presentation, the minister drew attention to government investments directed to the Ministry of Transport, pointing to a number of projects in this vital sector, especially those related to national and strategic road projects that connect between governorates, as well as projects of Nile axes, and overhead bridges for cars.

Dr. Hala Al-Saeed also addressed the most important projects and programs listed for the irrigation sector within the investment plan for the fiscal year 2022/2023, explaining that they include the completion of the implementation of the work of the national project for the rehabilitation and lining of canals at the level of the Republic, in addition to the project for the protection and development of the Egyptian coasts, and other projects.

The minister explained that the communications and information technology sector projects to be implemented within the investment plan for the fiscal year 22/2023, including the completion of the establishment of a unified national network for advanced emergency services and public safety, and the development of cooperation programs from companies and international organizations, in addition to completing the automation of the technological infrastructure in the administrative apparatus. Developing and updating the information infrastructure and digital content.

Dr. Hala Al-Saeed also indicated that among the projects that will be implemented in the electricity sector, is the completion of the implementation of strategic projects to support the national electricity network, and to secure electrical nutrition for economic and social development projects, as well as the completion of the national project to replace overhead lines with ground cables.

The Minister touched on the most important initiatives and programs planned to be implemented and completed in the local development sector within the investment plan for the next year, explaining that they include projects to establish government service complexes in the governorates, and develop urban communities within the “Decent Life” initiative, as well as what is related to completing local road paving projects, and the program Developing the local administration in Upper Egypt, as well as the solid waste management system.

The minister noted that within the framework of the state’s interest in green economy projects, the investment plan for the fiscal year 22/2023 includes the implementation of many projects in a number of sectors, including the electric train projects, the capital’s monorail lines, the Alexandria subway in the transport sector, and power station projects Wind energy in the Gulf of Suez in the electricity sector, in addition to the implementation of many projects in the sectors of irrigation, housing, local development, and others.