The price of the Syrian pound today, Monday 20-12-2021

  • Time:Apr 21
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Today, the Syrian pound continued to decline against the currencies, and it is declining at a rapid pace, and with large differences in just a matter of hours.

سعر الليرة السورية اليوم الاثنين 20-12-2021

Find out the price of the Syrian pound today against currencies.

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The price of the dollar against the Syrian pound

The price of buying the dollar in Syria at the beginning of financial transactions on Sunday, December 19, reached 3580 pounds, and 3615 pounds for sale, and thus the pound has fallen today against the dollar, on the (unofficial) black market.

The price of the dirham against the Syrian pound

The price of the UAE dirham is equivalent to 684.013 Syrian pounds in today's transactions.

The price of the Turkish lira against the Syrian lira

The price of one Turkish lira is equivalent to 151.26 Syrian pounds.

Learn about the Syrian pound

It is the official currency of the Syrian Arab Republic, and transactions have been started with it since 1978, after the banks of Syria and Lebanon became independent from each other, and they were issuing the Syrian-Lebanese pound when they were working together, as the period was during the Second World War. It testifies to the circulation of the Ottoman lira as an official currency. After the Ottoman Empire fell and occupied Syria and Lebanon, France established a bank for the two countries working on the issuance of a single currency.

The price of the dollar against the Syrian pound today

The US dollar rose today by 0.56% in Damascus and Aleppo, and the rate of increase in Idlib was 0.55%, and the price of 5 dollars is 17.900 Syrian pounds, while the price of 10 dollars is 35,800 Syrian pounds, and 25 US dollars is equivalent to 89,500 Syrian pounds, while it reached The value of the 59 dollars is 179 thousand Syrian pounds, and the value of the thousand dollars is 3 million and 580 thousand Syrian pounds.

Reasons for the depreciation of the Syrian pound

The Syrian government continues to print more currencies, which raises inflation rates, and it has said that this is the withdrawal of the worn-out equivalent currencies, but other currents have compensated these practices and saw that they increase the difficulty of the situation and the high prices that the citizen suffers from.

The Syrian Central Bank continues to price the dollar at 2,512 Syrian pounds, and this was announced several months ago.

The price of the Syrian pound today