The occupation is prohibited to receive the Jews fleeing from Ukraine as settlers

  • Time:Dec 14
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Ramallah- “Al-Quds” dot com- The head of the settlement department of the World Zionist Organization “Yishai Merling” revealed that the establishment of 1000 settlement housing units has been started in favor of absorbing the Jews fleeing from Ukraine.

Merling said, according to what was reported by the National Office for the Defense of the Earth and the Resistance of Settlement in its weekly report, "He put weeks before the start of the Russian -Ukrainian war a detailed plan to establish temporary homes for Jewish families in Ukraine that plans to migrate to Israel," and that he presented the emergency plan to a presidentThe Global Zionist Organization and the Acting President of the Jewish Agency Yaqoub Hajuel, and the plan includes "residential buildings with different areas ranging from 55 square meters to 90 square meters that will be used as complexes to accommodate new Jewish immigrants".

According to the emergency plan, “buildings are held in areas near the northern border in the Negev, Wadi Araba, Wadi Al -Yanaa, near Bisan, and in the Jordan Valley.The head of the "Gush Etzion" settlement council stated that the council receives Jewish families who fled from Ukraine, stressing that the settlers are lucky to host the Jews who are "the owners of the land" as he put it..

The calls were immersed in the offices of the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem from soldiers serving in the occupation army who immigrated alone to Israel, but their parents and brothers are still in Ukraine.The Jewish Agency and the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews established a special hot line to answer the questions of the Jews in Ukraine, who seek to leave the country to Israel or to evacuate their relatives from there, according to the report..

He had arrived in Israel from Ukraine before the closure of its airspace with the start of the war, two departments, one from Kyiv and the second from Odessa, and they had only 100 immigrants, indicating that most of the Jews of Ukraine, who number more than 200,000 people refusing to emigrate to Israel and prefer to stay in Their country, or immigration to other places, is the position that is a shock to the Zionist project, according to the report.

The report quoted the Israeli Minister of Communications, Yawak Handel, as saying, "Israel will not remove the Golan Heights or give up the Jordan Valley in exchange for any security guarantees in any future political process.".He considered that "this position stems from the lessons learned from the Russian war on Ukraine," saying, "We must learn how Israel should remain a regional power that knows how to defend itself.".

In the context, the District Committee of the Municipality of the occupation in Jerusalem approved the plan to confiscate the lands of the south of the old town- the Friday market and the lands of the Monument of the Martyrs- and turn it into a biblical park, despite the fact that the antiquities crews found in last October human bones.

The plan approved, according to the report, is related to the number 1 of the parking lot of the Owais family, and in piece 2, which is part of the cemetery, in which the mausoleum of the martyrs, and the cemetery of the Committee for the Defense of Muslim Cemeteries in Jerusalem represented by the lawyer Muhannad Jabara, where it startedThe Nature Authority and National Gardens in the work of bulldozing and placing the hand on it even before the plan and the decisions of the committee.The Al -Dawiya Committee said that the plan includes the establishment of parks and tourist sites in the confiscated area along the walls of the Old City in occupied Jerusalem.

In the context of restricting the Palestinians in their land, the occupation authorities decided to establish a special unit whose mission is to follow up the Palestinian building in the "C" area in the occupied West Bank, where it is expected that the ministers of the Interior, Gideon Saar, and the army, Benny Gantz, the Israeli Supreme Court of Justice will inform the establishment of a criminal enforcement unit that works against construction "Illegal ”(without a license from the occupation authorities) in the region“ C ”.

الاحتلال يحظر لاستقبال اليهود الفارين من أوكرانيا كمستوطنين

The new unit will be able to take criminal measures and trial any person, including the heads of municipal and village councils, in which "illegal" was built in a "illegal" manner..

While settlers began building tents and barns in the Bayoud area, which is 400 meters east of Ain al -Hilweh in the northern Jordan Valley, specifically in the lands that the occupation authorities announced a "natural reserve" several years ago.

At the same time, settlers from the settlement of “Yitzhar” placed mobile homes (caravans) in the lands of the village of Asira Al -Qibliya, southwest of Nablus, close to the house of Abdul Basit, one of the southern end of the village, and the occupation soldiers provided protection to the settlers.The people fear that this step will be a prelude to setting up a new settlement outpost over their lands.

Settlers from the settlement of "Telm" located on the lands of citizens in the town of Terkumia, west of Hebron, made a road through the lands of the citizens in the town, where they were swept away by protecting the occupation forces lands in the area of "Marah Salman and Wadi Al -Murabaa" with the aim of splitting a settlement road towards the settlement, knowing that the settlers seek to formA settlement belt that sheds the town, cuts and steals its lands in favor of settlement expansion.

To provide more protection for the settlers, the occupation army intends to install security cameras in the occupied West Bank streets, to meet the increasing operations of stones on the settlers vehicles, where the commander of the Benjamin Brigade, stationed in the middle of the West Bank, Colonel Ellaf Elbaz for the settlers in his meetings with them in one of the settlements gatherings, confirmed thatIn the coming weeks, the army will ride cameras to help locate the stones archers and get to know them.

And the data of the "Shiite" settlement council showed that the number of settlers in the West Bank, including the Jordan Valley, will rise to half a million settlers by the end of this 2022..According to these data, there is a leap in population growth among the settlers, where it is settled in 15.890 new settlements in those settlements during 2021 compared to 12.123 in 2020.

The total number of settlers in the West Bank and the Jordan Valley had reached until January last year, 491923 people, 150 settlements and a large number of settlement outposts.The annual population growth rate in 2021 was 3.3% while in 2020 was about 2.6%, and population growth in settlements is much higher than in the entire Israel, which reached 1.7% with the end of 2021.

Since 2011, the number of settlers has increased, an increase of 43% in ten years, at a rate of 3.7% every year.At the end of 2021, the population of "Israel" reached about 9.449 million people, 5 of them.2% live in settlements in various areas of the West Bank and the Jordan Valley.The settlements of “Modiin”, “Ailite”, “Betar Illit”, “His Excellency Adumim” and “Ariel” are considered one of the major settlements in the West Bank and in which more than 211 lives in it..751 thousand settlers, and they make up 43% of the population of the settlements.

The "Battilm" organization (a human rights organization concerned with the rights of the Palestinians under occupation) monitored in a new report entitled "Violence Rotion", the exacerbation of settlers' attacks and crimes against the Palestinians in the West Bank in general and in East Jerusalem in particular, pointing to police and settlement groups in SilwanAnd Sheikh Jarrah, on the road paradoxes in the West Bank, and on the outskirts of settlements and outposts.

The organization said, according to the report, that what is happening in the occupied Palestinian territories reveals two tracks, the first is an official by the government and the army, as Israel has looted more than two million dunums of the West Bank lands since it occupied it in 1967, and these looted lands are harnessed by the state of building new settlements and expanding areasIts influence and the incision of the streets designated mainly to serve the settlers.Some of them were seized by Israel by official means, through military orders or declaring it "state lands", "gunfire" or "natural reserves" or through their confiscation, and others seized by settlers by abstract force by daily violence they exercise against the Palestinians and their property.

On the other hand, in a provocative step, a delegation of the American House of Representatives included 27 Republicans and 14 democratic heads headed by the head of the minority in the Council, MP Kevin McCarthy (Republican from the state of California), visited Israel last week, as part of a trip organized by the "American Israeli Relations Committee - IPACIn order to consolidate what I called the exceptional bilateral relations between the United States and Israel and to understand the security needs of the latter, and to benefit from the "outstanding" and "unique" Israeli experience "as an oasis of progress and democracy", according to the statements of some members of the delegation who praised their positive meetings with Israeli officials, while the authorities were powersThe occupation continues to suppress the Palestinians in occupied Jerusalem, who threatens forced evacuation many of their families in Sheikh Jarrah.

The report of the National Office for the Defense of the Earth and the Resistance of Settlement stated that the majority leader in the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi (democracy from the state of California) led another representative delegation to Israel, where it was welcomed and its group consisting of eight members of the Congress, including conservative democrats such as MP TedDeutsche (Democrat from Florida) and progressive like the deputy Barbara Lee and Ru Khanna, where Israel was cultivated in a vulgar way as "the greatest political achievement in the twentieth century".