The occupation is forced to freeze the "National Garden" expansion scheme in Jabal Al -Zaytoun

  • Time:Nov 07
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Jerusalem - "Al -Quds" dot com - The Nature and Gardens of the Israeli government announced the freezing of a settlement scheme in the sins of the Mount of Olives in the city, aimed at expanding the "National Garden" around the walls of the old town, by targeting private Palestinian lands and church spaces.

And "Jerusalem" revealed this plan in a detailed report the day before yesterday, in which it indicated that the aim of this is to control the vicinity of the old town under the name of the "holy basin".

The Nature and Gardens Authority said, in a statement, that it does not intend to "push the plan in the planning committees and is not ready to proceed with it without coordination and discussions with all the parties concerned, including churches in the region, regarding the best way to preserve this private area".

الاحتلال يضطر لتجميد مخطط توسيع “الحديقة القومية” في جبل الزيتون

Earlier, church heads in the city of Jerusalem warned of the existence of an Israeli "ideological agenda", which denies the status and rights of Christians in the occupied city, in a letter addressed to the Israeli Minister of Environment, Tamar Zandburg, after the disclosure of the plan to confiscate lands belonging to churches.

The Judaist settlement plan targets lands of about 275 dunums.Note that the area targeted by the plan includes lands with the ownership of many parties, most notably the Latin churches and the Roman Orthodox and Armenians, in addition to many Palestinian landowners.

The new boundaries of the scheme create barriers between the Palestinian neighborhoods in the Old City basin, namely: Silwan, Ras Al -Amoud, Al -Khuda, Al -Suwana and Wadi al -Jawz, knowing that the Planning and Building Committee of the Municipality of the occupation will meet soon, in order to approve the expansion of the borders of a "national garden", set up itThe occupation in the region to include these lands.

The "National Garden" is located in Jerusalem, around the walls of the Old City, and the occupation authorities established in 1968, shortly after the occupation of Jerusalem in June 1967, and it is located on large areas of the town of Silwan (one of the neighborhoods of occupied Jerusalem), Wadi Ibn Hanum and other regionsSurrounding the walls of the old town.

The settlement organization "Ead" dominated large areas of the park, especially those close to the town of Silwan, and recently, and the organization expanded its influence and areas of control in recent years to other areas of the "National Garden".

About a year ago, the settlement organization began supporting the local planning and construction committee of the occupation in Jerusalem, and the authority of the Israeli nature and gardens to push forward to implement a scheme to expand the park to 275 dunums, most of which are on the slopes of Jabal Al -Zaytoun.