The reality of the new restaurants .. continuous sterilization of tables, seats and payment devices

  • Time:Oct 30
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Empty tables at a restaurant inside Softlin Berlin Hotel.

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Visitors.While lounges at lunch were usually extending out of the door, only five or six people were allowed to enter one time.Screens from the BRISPEX were separating customers and employees at the payment points on the counter, while the signs on the ground indicate the distance that people can stand at.The list, which usually includes about 60 products, has been reduced to 11 and was only for "travel" meals.Bano Christo, CEO, admitted, "Brett will be a completely different operator," adding that after the Corona virus, the number of visitors at a time in the sales outlets exceeding 500 in the UK will be a "big step down"..Brett is one of the first major restaurant chains that temporarily restart part of its business, after governments in all parts of Europe have imposed full closure to slow the spread of Corona virus."Burger King" and "KFC" also opened a handful of their restaurants in the United Kingdom for ready -made meals and delivery last week, with measures similar to commitment to social spacing and tougher rules on hygiene.It is expected that the closure of restaurants, cafes, cinemas and gyms will continue for a period that may extend for several weeks, if not months..Workers in countries such as the United Kingdom, France and Germany have been warned that they would be among the last to get out of the closure.Aseer Merdock, CEO of Burger King in the United Kingdom, said that the group's "descending market scenario" extends for 24 weeks, although it is likely to be 12 weeks..But many hospitality companies are making efforts to prepare for a new natural situation, by providing additional space, regular cleaning, and protection for employees and technology that limits customer interactions with workers.Humphrey Copold, CEO of Pure Jim, which runs fitness centers in the United Kingdom, Denmark, Switzerland and Poland, said the series will increase the distances between running devices "Tayti Mail" and limit the number of exercises on the site at the same time.In another world, the Italian company "Nova Neon Group 2" suggested that the beach umbrellas and lumpy chairs to be divided into sunbathing on the two -meter -meter Biscuits in 4 meters..5 meters so that people can take a sunbath safely.The Michelin star, Jason Atton, told the Podcast program that he is trying to know how to provide his services "from a distance and a half".Reserves show the challenges that these types of business will face for a long time after reducing the closure restrictions, with the need to maintain the social divergence procedures that force operators to change the way to do the work.."Entertainment and hospitality are the most affected and you will be the slower in terms of recovery.In a clothing store, you can still practice social spacing, but in a restaurant or café, the main idea is social interaction..Even in the countries where the restrictions are declining, such as Denmark, which reopened its schools, the nurseries, the hairdressers and beauty salons, the entertainment is still far below the list.An official in a Vietnamese restaurant in Copenhagen highlighted the types of changes faced by many operators, indicating that when the restaurant will reopen the number of people allowed to be inside and outside to half, and that all the waiters and kitchen staff will use gloves that change them every 30 minutes."Amrit", a chain of restaurants in Berlin, said it has introduced strict cleaning rules for the travel meals, which will be transferred to its restaurants..She added: "Every day we measure and record the temperature of our employees before they start work - and when they finish.Any worker has the slightest increase (in the temperature) that is sent to the home..Ultra -reopening plans in the end of the end showed the excessive work that thousands of restaurants will have to be completed in major cities.."Every time the table changes, the table, the candle, the menu and the seat will be sterilized.Powerful payment devices will be cleaned every 30 minutes..The group also explained that it will create a "presence list" so that it can "track the infection chain if necessary".In Switzerland, the government indicated that it is open to creative suggestions that may allow the hospitality industry to reopen its doors to customers soon, although the official schedule to reduce the closure of the country in three stages - starts today and ends in mid -June - does not include restaurants."Justro Swiss", the influencing pressure committee in the restaurant industry in Switzerland, presented detailed proposals for the government to resume the work, including the use of "temporary" sidebirth tables through which the waiters can leave food, without the need to bend over the heads of customers or approach them.For chains of international hotels, such as Marriott and Akour, any exit from the closure is likely to be more slow.Richard Clark, an analyst at "Bernstein", said he expects "a level of normal status" of hotels by November (November).But analysts in "Morgan Stanley" put a model in which a return to 2019 level.But some large hotels chains referred to the recent developments in China, drawing some optimism, including some optimism.According to research company "STR Global", about 90 percent of hotels there are currently open and the occupancy levels are slowly returned to 31 percent last week, from its lowest levels that were close to scratch."When you look at what is happening in China, this gives you a feeling of hope that people will want to go out," said Guarf Booshan, chief development official in Accor.It will happen exactly elsewhere..For his part, Greim Smith, Managing Director of the Consulting Company "Alex Partners", said that the priority of companies is "to understand the true cost associated with re -opening and also practical restrictions related to the speed that you can work"."Companies should re -train employees, rebuild their stock, repair sites, arrange health and safety inspections, consider marketing campaigns.People do not want to re -open more quickly than necessary.Once you start receiving people, you have committed to.


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