The most famous scandals in the history of the auto sector

  • Time:Jun 22
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The "CNBC" website highlighted a number of the most famous scandals in the history of the auto sector, as the thundering scandal for the giant of the sector "Volkswagen" - the largest car companies in the world - opened the door to recovering the wrong practices of car companies to manage and find deterrent measures for them.

American observers recently revealed that Volkswagen used software to manipulate diesel gas emissions during their examination.

1- General Motors:

Problem: Operating Keys - 2014

In February and March 2014, General Motors summoned 2.5 million cars, including cars that were tested for the first time in 2001 due to fatal defects in the design of operating keys, and in June of the same year the number of cars that was called for about 30.One million cars worldwide against the background of key defects and other disadvantages that have been discovered.

As a result of the defect, more than one hundred deaths and many injuries, and the company has so far paid compensation exceeding 600 million dollars to the victims and their families, and it is expected that the value of compensation will increase to 900 million dollars, where the judiciary still considers cases related to the incident.

2- Chrysler Fifations:

Problem: Operating Dysplas in 2015.

In June 2015, "Fiat Chrysler" discovered a defect in operating software in "Jeep Cherokee" cars equipped with touch screens, and the defect allows the hackers of the hackers to control and steal the car.

The company summoned 1.4 million cars to repair the defect and modernize the technology used.

3- Takaka:

The problem: the airbags - 2014.

In 2014, a fatal defect was revealed in the airbags produced by the company "Tacata", which provided 11 different cars with these pillows, and the defect caused several deaths as the pillows explode, causing flying metal parts that penetrate the driver's body.

This defect is found in cars that were manufactured between 2002 and 2008, and more than 30 million cars were called for six million cars from "Honda" to examine the pillows and replace the defect from them.

4- Hyundai-Kia:

Problem: Tampering with fuel efficiency data - 2014.

In 2014, the American Environmental Protection Agency revealed two years after the examination that the Hyundai and Kia company exaggerated the fuel efficiency data that was produced between 2011 and 2013 such as "Hyundai Accent".

The two companies agreed to pay a fine of 300 million dollars, and they had had to pay $ 400 million in 2013 for the owners of the affected cars.

5- Toyota:

Problem: Fuel Pities - 2009.

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"Toyota" summoned 10 million cars from 2009 to 2011 as a result of a serious defect in gasoline pedals, which can suddenly stick and do not allow the driver to control the speed of the car, so the car is traveling more quickly than supposed.

This caused the killing of twelve people, and the Japanese company paid a fine of $ 1.2 billion in 2014, and has faced hundreds of lawsuits demanding compensation by the affected people.

6- Chrysler Fifations:

Problem: misinformation - 2015.

Fiat Chrysler was forced to pay a fine of 105 million dollars to the US National Traffic Safety Administration in highways to make deliberate errors during the process of recalling cars such as misleading investigators and dowry in warning the owners of cars of the defects of their vehicles and not expediting their repair.

The administration was forced to threaten the fine on "Fiat Chrysler" after it faced widespread criticism in its method of dealing with the special operating keys of "General Motors", and the administration then fined the last $ 35 million to fail to inform the observers early.

7- Ford:

The problem: the fuel tank - 1978.

The Ford Pinto launched by Ford in 1971 is one of the most famous models that the company issued in its history, and it was one of the best -selling cars at the time, but it was forced to retrieve 1.5 million cars of this kind in 1978 after discovering a defect inThe fuel tank leads to the explosion of the car and transformed into a flame of flame when the back of the car collides with a solid body.

This deadly defect caused the killing and injury of hundreds, and the company has paid millions of victims and their families, and Ford is the first American institution to face criminal murder as a result of neglect, but it was acquitted of that charge in 1980.

8- Ford:

Problem: Operating Keys - 1996.

Ford summoned 8.7 million cars in 1996, including the Ford Escort, as a result of a defect in the operating keys threatening the explosion of the car, and this is the largest number of cars retrieved by one company at that time.


Problem: Tires - 2000/2001.

Observers informed Ford in 2000 that the Firestone brand tires in its cars may suddenly fly, pushing the car to rotate around itself.

Ford and Fire Stone blaming each other, and in 2000, Fireston summoned 6.5 million frameworks for examination, and Ford followed in 2001 by summoning 13 million other frameworks.

The tire defects were linked to about 240 deaths, and Ford at the time faced hundreds of lawsuits against them in this regard.

10- Ford:

Problem: Automatic Control - 1999/2009

In 2009, Ford summoned 4.5 million vehicles, including 1.1 million Ford Wildstars due to a defect in speed automatic control keys, which may lead to fires.

Speed control keys remained formed for 10 years, during which the company was forced to summon 14.3 million cars to check and repair the defect.