The issue of the Moroccan Sahara .. What does the Spanish neighbor want from the honorable kingdom?

  • Time:Aug 20
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Abdel Moneim Bono, the Moroccan researcher in Spanish literature at Mohamed V University in Rabat, confirms that in the third millennium, Spain has become the first economic partner of Morocco, bypassing for the first time France, the traditional partner of Morocco.

The Moroccan community in Spain has also become the first African community in terms of number, “cooperation and coordination between the two countries in the areas of security, terrorism, clandestine immigration, drug fighting and money laundering became strong and exceptional” according to an article by the writer trying to answer the question “What does Spain want from Morocco?”.

But all of this, the Moroccan researcher adds, did not intercede for Spain, which she brings with Morocco links in various fields, “to give up its apprehension from the southern neighbor, and correct a number of ready rulings on Morocco and Moroccans.The Kingdom of Morocco continued to be subjected to economic, commercial and political extortion at the desire of Spanish public opinion and politicians..

This is the text of the article:

The historical recognition of the United States of America with Moroccan sovereignty over the Sahara has caused a bomb at the international and regional levels;This is because of this decision, the consequences of Gio are a major strategy on the course of this file, which has lived for nearly half a century.

This file, which the United Nations has not succeeded, throughout this long time, to find a solution to it that satisfies the two parties, the Kingdom of Morocco and the "Polisario" front;Given the direct intervention of the neighboring neighbor, Algeria in obstructing any path or rapprochement that can happen between the two parties concerned, until Algeria became a third and major party in the Sahara issue by harboring part of the Sahrawi population in southern Morocco, and arming them and carrying out the process of washing the brain of children and youth, directing them, and payingThey to take up arms in the faces of their brothers and their motherland.

The leaders of the neighbor, Algeria, were searching, from pushing the Sahrawi population to demand separation from their homeland, how to weaken the Kingdom of Morocco and try to surround it, and isolate it from its African depth, and thus access to the Atlantic Ocean, so that Morocco does not remain the only Arab and African country that has two strategic fandes:Mediterranean and Atlantic.

Before that, Morocco had suffered under the pressure of European imperialism at the end of the nineteenth century from a forced openness to its lands in front of foreign penetration, and led a high price for the expansion of European imperialism and policy, starting from the end of the ninth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, where it was French ambitions.The Spanish has shared the Moroccan "cake" by cutting the Moroccan soil into three parts: part of France in the center and two parts of Spain in its north and south.

قضية الصحراء المغربية .. ماذا تريد الجارة الإسبانية من المملكة الشريفة؟

France has also changed its original map and deduced the entire areas of its soil for the benefit of its colony in Algeria.In the mid -fifties of the last century, Morocco obtained its independence from France and Spain;But its south remained under Spanish colonialism until 1975, when Spain withdrew from the southern regions, and Morocco in the field recovered its Sahara, which had been robbed of it at the end of the nineteenth century due to European expansionary ambitions, especially Spanish,.Putting this file in the hands of the Security Council pending the finding of a legal formula that gives the local population the right to self -determination, or integration in the Kingdom of Morocco.

But when the United Nations began, through its MINURSO mission, in the process of counting the population, whether in the Tindouf camps in Algeria or in the desert lands in Morocco, it was found in the tangible and on the ground the impossibility of conducting any comprehensive census of the Sahrawi population with rights, based on the statistics regulations that the occupation had left.Spanish;Because of the demographic transformations that occurred on the population tissue, as well as due to the dumping of the camp residents with many individuals and mercenary groups, displaced from the coast and southern desert countries.

On the other hand, the intervention of neighboring countries such as the Algerian Algeria and Libya "leader" Muammar Gaddafi in this conflict, the first as a party from the beginning, and the second, during the first years, had a major negative impact on the path of the settlement that the United Nations and the UN Security Council worked on..

But since Morocco carried out the initiative of autonomy under Moroccan sovereignty in 2006, Morocco has become gradually in the position of strength;For the realism and seriousness of that initiative, as stated by many countries, as it can at the same time preserve Morocco with its legitimate historical rights on its usurped southern lands..It is also preserved for the residents of Tindouf camps, ending their tragedies, and putting an end to their inhuman exploitation by the military regime of Algeria.

During all this period of time that spanned forty -five years, Spain was initially, as a former colonial state, supporting the separatist thesis and justifying that, the government and people, based on its "historical responsibility" regarding its former colony, and the Sahrawi population, who was notThey exceed a few tens of thousands.As if the desert was an empty land that is not related to Morocco, and as if it had not been historically proven that its elders were renewing the pledge of allegiance to the various Moroccan sultans.

With the passage of time, and when the Socialist Party reached the leadership of the Spanish government in the person of Felipe Konteh in 1982, the socialist government has become some of the demands and Morocco seeks to complete its territorial integrity;But with the coming of the right -wing government, under the presidency of Khasi Maria Athanar, bilateral relations between the two countries returned to cramping again.Laila Island accident was only the point that overflowed the cup.Then the Socialists returned to power in 2004 following the terrorist events of Mars in Madrid in the same year;But soon the financial crisis of 2007 was ravaged, after which the Popular Party returns to the government until 2018, and then the Socialist Party returns thanks to its alliance with the "Bodimus" party to the leadership of the current government..

Throughout all this period of time, Spain was not satisfied with the completion of Morocco, its territorial integrity and its defense of its sovereignty over its desert, which had been extracted from it in the framework of the expansion campaign that Spain had mobilized spies and soldiers, starting from the end of the ninth century and the beginning of the twentieth century.

It is sufficient here to refer to a group of spies journalists who had come to Morocco to explore the Moroccan Sahara, where one of them (Julio Thirbera Babiara) cut more than a thousand kilometers to collect scientific information (geographical and natural);With the aim of signing commercial treaties with the Moroccan monarch at the time, and the establishment of factories for fish wealth, it will later become a means of demanding fabricated rights to Spain within the Wadi al -Dahab region, and thus converted into protection that the navigations in them are exploited and the desert oases are converted into agricultural colonies.

In the third millennium, Spain has become the first economic partner of Morocco, bypassing for the first time France, the traditional partner of Morocco.The Moroccan community in Spain became the first African community in terms of number.Cooperation and coordination between the two countries in the field of security, terrorism, clandestine immigration, the fight against drugs and money laundering has become strong and exceptional, in front of the security dangers that have become threatening the stability of the two regions;But all of this did not intercede for the two neighboring two countries that have ties in various fields much greater than what separates them.

He did not intercede for Spain, this country that the Moroccans love and admire, to abandon its apprehension from the southern neighbor, and correct a number of ready rulings on Morocco and the Moroccans..The Kingdom of Morocco continued to be subjected to economic, commercial and political extortion at the desire of Spanish public opinion and politicians.This blackmail takes on multiple forms: besieging the agricultural products, condemning the strategy of Morocco and its commercial policy in the cities of the north near Ceuta and Melilla, an affirmation of "the right of the Sahrawi people to self -determination" by the Deputy Prime Minister, before the bilateral summit meeting between the two countries, a summons to the ambassadorMoroccan after the Moroccan Prime Minister's statement about the cities of Ceuta and Melilla Al -Silibin.

Examples show clearly the lack of clarity of the positions of Spanish governments on the crucial issues of Morocco, and even the exploitation of the appropriate conditions in a desperate attempt to "distilize the wax" on Morocco instead of standing beside it in this particular circumstance.I think the power of the southern neighbor is, without a doubt, a source of strength for the northern neighbor, not the other way around.