The Moroccan government is moving to extend the "state of emergency" to August 8

  • Time:Apr 13
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

It is expected that the government of Saad al-Din al-Othmani will extend the state of health emergency until August 8, that is, two months from now; This is according to what its ministers reached within the draft decree extending the state of health emergency throughout the national territory to confront the outbreak of the new Corona virus “Covid 19”, which bears No. 173.

الحكومة المغربية تتجه نحو تمديد

The Government Council will hold a meeting this evening to approve the project to extend the state of health emergency, which will be presented by the Minister of Interior.

The government had approved a state of emergency until June 10, when it ratified Decree No. 2.20.293 regarding declaring a state of health emergency throughout the national territory to confront the outbreak of the new Corona virus “Covid 19”.

The decree qualifies the relevant public authorities to take the necessary measures to prevent people from leaving their places of residence, to prevent any movement of every person outside his place of residence except in cases of extreme necessity, to prevent any gathering, gathering or meeting of a group of people, and to close shops and other institutions that receive The public during the period of a declared health emergency.