The Ministry of Manpower in a week .. Details of the first request for recruitment for Egyptian workers in Libya and new appointments .. Learn it

  • Time:Dec 11
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The harvest of this week witnessed many important events in the Ministry of Manpower during the period - from 24 to 30 December - including the first announcement by the Minister of Manpower that today, Friday, is the last opportunity to apply for work in Libya, with 58 job opportunities that include 16 professions in the medical field, and those wishing to work in these professions should quickly register their data for these opportunities by entering the Ministry’s website, then choosing job opportunities abroad or entering the following link:, and The Minister at the periodic meeting of the Zagazig University Council, graduating 90 trainees from the mobile unit in Menoufia and employing them in the private sector, and holding 3 seminars within the framework of the “Your Safety Matters to Us” and “Your Rights and Duties at Work” initiative, attended by 43 companies in Port Said, and 16 thousand and 193 young people were appointed in 6 governorates, and the collection of 1.4 million pounds dues of Egyptian workers in Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

The following are the details of what came in the weekly harvest, as the Minister of Manpower, Muhammad Saafan, announced that today, Friday, is the last opportunity to apply for work in Libya, for 58 job opportunities that include 16 professions in the medical field, and those wishing to work in these professions should quickly register their data for these opportunities. This is by entering the Ministry’s website, then selecting job opportunities abroad or entering the following link:, after launching the electronic link system between the Ministry of Manpower in Egypt and the Ministry of Labor and Rehabilitation in Egypt. Libya.

The minister said that the required professions are: an orthopedist, orthopedic surgeon, 2 diagnostic radiologists, 2 ophthalmologists, 2 otolaryngologists, 4 ambulance and emergency physicians, 4 general surgery specialists, 4 pediatric specialists, and 4 1 obstetrics and gynecology specialist (females only), 4 internal medicine specialists, 4 intensive care physicians (PhD in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care), 4 anesthesia and resuscitation specialists, 6 obstetrics and gynecology nurses, and 8 intensive care nursing specialists (Bachelor of Pharmacy, high degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chemistry , Higher School of Pharmacy Diploma), 6 general nursing specialists (Bachelor of Nursing) and 2 specialist nurses - sterilization.

The minister stated that it is required to apply for these jobs that the applicant has an experience of 5 to 15 years, and the age is from 40 to 60 years, except for the position of an otolaryngologist, where the age of the applicant is required to be from 37 to 55 years.

The Minister of Manpower participated in the periodic meeting of the Council of Zagazig University, chaired by Dr. Othman Shaalan, President of the University, and the minister indicated that the current period is witnessing many serious and important achievements and steps in serving the Egyptian citizen, stressing that President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi did not leave a governorate in Egypt However, it had a share in the national projects that contribute to raising the standard of living of the citizen, especially the "Decent Life" initiative, which relieves the suffering of the Egyptian citizen in all fields, which has entered all the villages of Egypt.

For his part, the university president expressed his happiness for the presence of the Minister of Manpower in the council and his appreciation for the ministry's efforts in serving citizens.

Shaalan stressed that the achievements of the President of the Republic that are taking place on the ground are much more than what is being published. Had it not been for the President's visit to Upper Egypt, we would not have known the size of the work and the actual achievement, directed by the need to educate students about the efforts of the state.

On the other hand, the Directorate of Manpower in Menoufia graduated 90 male and female trainees who successfully completed their training in the mobile unit for vocational training affiliated to the Ministry of Manpower and the Directorate, in Kafr Ashma, in the Martyrs Center, in cooperation with the Council of the Martyrs Center and City, in the professions of detailing, sewing, electrical work, and plumbing work. .

Ali Hamed Al-Zaqm, Director of the Directorate, said: This comes within the framework of President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi's "decent life" initiative to improve the standard of living of citizens, especially in the neediest communities and regions, as well as the "Your profession is your future" initiative launched by the Minister of Manpower, Mohamed Saafan, to raise and develop efficiency. And the skill of the Egyptian worker.

At the end of the ceremony, the Director of the Directorate handed the trainees graduation certificates and completion of training, in the presence of Majdi Riyad, Chairman of the Council of the Martyrs Center and City.

The Director of the Directorate indicated that the ceremony was attended by representatives of business owners and factories, "Needle Craft Garments" in the free zone in Shebin El-Kom, "Town Team Garments", and "Giza Spinning and Weaving" in Sadat City, and they put forward offers available for work. They have the advantages available for the professions they have been trained in, and the salaries ranged from 2,000 pounds to 5,500 pounds, according to experience and competence, with the provision of transportation back and forth, as well as a nursery for the children of the workers at the expense of the company.

The Directorate of Manpower in the Red Sea concluded the activities of the eleventh training course for the mobile training unit in Hurghada on the sewing profession, with the graduation of 10 trainees, within the framework of the Ministry of Manpower's interest in the vocational training file and the state's plan to push young people to go towards establishing small, medium and micro projects to achieve development. sustainable and give them the opportunity to train and raise their level.

Ministry of Manpower in a week... Details The first recruitment request for Egyptian labor in Libya and new appointments.. Get to know it.

Dr. Hisham Ahmed Abu Zeid, Director of the Manpower Directorate in Sohag, witnessed the conclusion of the ceremony of handing over certificates of completion of the training carried out by the Sohag Center for Labor Culture for 200 workers in the Al-Azhar region, in cooperation with the Trade Union Committee for Al-Azhar workers.

At the beginning of the celebration, the Director of the Directorate conveyed the greetings of the Minister of Manpower, Muhammad Saafan, to the attendees, directing them to the minister's message of interest in educating workers, which includes workers' rights and duties, and spreading a culture of occupational safety and health, which has become a necessity to preserve the lives of workers and the capabilities of establishments, including machines and equipment, and the need to spread awareness within all Labor circles to face all challenges.

The director of the directorate said that the training included an explanation of workers' rights and duties, occupational safety and health in accordance with the legal rules contained in Labor Law 12 of 2003, as well as what was stated in Trade Union Law 213 of 2017.

The Manpower Directorate in Port Said organized 3 seminars on spreading the culture of occupational safety and health within the framework of the "Your Safety Matters to Us" initiative and the "Your Rights and Duties at Work" campaign. It was attended by 96 safety officials in 43 companies, in the meeting room of the Capsi Group of Paints and Paints, and the Hotel Port Said in the East, in the presence of Eng. Ahmed El-Sayed, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Capsi Company, and Major General Abdel Aziz Al-Dali, Director of the Occupational Safety and Health Department of the Group of Companies.

The Director of the Directorate, Mr. Al-Sanajabi, stressed the importance of spreading the culture of safety and health, and keenness to carry out periodic medical examinations for workers in companies, and to protect companies and their work environment, as well as keenness on those who frequent them, and the impact of this on the economy of our beloved Egypt, and care for the rights of workers when they are exposed to any Occupational injury or disease.

The Minister of Manpower is following up the progress of the training process in vocational training centers in the governorates, within the framework of the "Decent Life" initiative launched by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, in order to train young people in the professions needed by the labor market, which contributes to youth employment and reducing unemployment rates.

Yasser Saeed, Director of the Forces Directorate in Alexandria, handed over the graduation certificates of a new batch of trainees in the profession of auto mechanics at the Muharram Bey Vocational Training Center to 11 trainees.

During the graduation ceremony, the graduates praised the quality of training and enriched their capabilities in car repair. The attendees also listened to their proposals for developing training workshops to keep pace with the development witnessed by the automotive industry in the world.

The Directorate also participated with a high-level delegation of leaders and official cadres in the Directorate in the Christmas Mass ceremony. The delegation was headed by Deputy Minister of Manpower Muhammad Saafan, Undersecretary of the Ministry and Director of the Directorate Yasser Saeed. The delegation congratulated the Christian brothers on this occasion.

The ceremony was presided over by His Eminence, the Archbishop of Alexandria, Bishop Sami Fawzy, at St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral in Alexandria.

The Coptic Church expressed its thanks in the name of the Patriarch, the head of the Council of Patriarchs and Bishops in Egypt, in the name of the Holy Sanboudi, and in the name of the people of the Church, sincere thanks to everyone who came to congratulate the Merry Christmas. For members of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The Vocational Training Center of the Ministry of Manpower in Qeft, Qena Governorate, held a workshop entitled (The National Project for Advancement of Youth Skills under the slogan "Your Skill is the Basis of Your Profession"), in cooperation with the World Food Program (WFP) and Qudra for Development and Technological Solutions, in the presence of Eng. And Engineer Abdel Hamid Ghazali, Director of the Vocational Training Center in Kaftou, and Ahmed Shakal, the directorate’s training officer.

Hossam Tolba, Director of the Manpower Directorate in Qena, said: The workshop discussed the role of the national project to advance youth skills, which summarized the creation of job opportunities for young men and women between the ages of 18 and 45 years through technical and vocational training and entrepreneurship, while creating effective partnerships with the private sector. .

The Director of the Directorate also delivered certificates of completion of training from the mobile units to 25 trainees in the governorate, who were trained in the professions of detailing, sewing, plumbing, and electrical installations, in the presence of Engineer Hafez Mahmoud, Chairman of the Farshout City Council, and Engineer Abdel Hamid Ghazali, Director of the Vocational Training Center Baqt, and Sherif Shehata, representative of the Small Projects Development Authority.

The week's harvest included the appointment of 16 thousand and 193 young men in 6 governorates, the disbursement of grants for social and health care to irregular workers registered in the directorates of the workforce in the governorates of Minya, Gharbia, Ismailia, Menoufia, Cairo and Aswan, amounting to 3 million and 469 thousand and 536 pounds, and inspection of 3584 establishments to implement the provisions of the law, in addition to the issuance of 8799 skill level measurement certificates, and a craft license for 8799 workers.

Harvesting the workforce in a week Harvesting the workforce in a week Harvesting the workforce in a week Harvesting the workforce in a week Harvesting the workforce in a week Harvesting the workforce in a week Harvesting the workforce in a week