The Minister of Transport follows up the completion of the first phase of the smart road transport project

  • Time:Jan 06
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Lieutenant General Engineer Kamel Al-Wazir - Minister of Transport held an expanded meeting to follow up the executive position of the first phase of the Intelligent Road Transport System (ITS), in the presence of the heads of the Roads and Bridges Authority, the Domestic and International Land Transport Regulatory Authority, and specialists from all concerned authorities.

The minister reviewed with the specialists the executive position of the roads of this stage, which include Shubra/Banha, Cairo/Suez, Cairo/Ismailia/Port Said, Cairo/Alexandria Desert, the regional ring road and the ring around Greater Cairo and Katameya/Ain Sukhna, in addition to the middle ring road that the leadership directed Adding it to the urgent first phase methods to increase safety and security rates on it.

The main components of the system were reviewed, which include operation, control and technical support centers, data centers “applications – servers – digital storage units”, in addition to the data transfer network, the electronic financial wallet, electronic payment and collection, fee collection gates and control points, and surveillance cameras. And sensors and equipment on the roads.

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The minister stressed the necessity of adhering to the time plan for the completion of all projects of this stage, taking into account the coincidence of the installation work of the system with the construction of BRT bus stations on the ring road around Greater Cairo, and the implementation of all work according to high quality measurements, especially with the importance of applying this system, which will contribute significantly to Reducing accident rates, increasing safety and security rates, as well as improving the operational efficiency of roads, which will lead to maximizing the state's benefit from the new road network and hubs.

This system will also contribute to the rapid response to emergencies on the roads, reduce pollution rates on them, in addition to achieving a comprehensive and continuous vision of vehicle movements and accuracy in recording violations, and creating new investment opportunities and the consequent improvement in global indicators for investment in Egypt.

It is worth noting that the application of the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) on the axes and highways will enter Egypt's roads into a new phase that coincides with the comprehensive renaissance experienced by this sector.

In its first phase, the system includes a total of 8 roads, which are among the densest and most transportable roads for citizens, and the second phase includes 14 roads.

The political leadership quickly directed the implementation and establishment of the smart transportation system, in accordance with the highest international standards. With the aim of achieving the security and safety of the movement of citizens at the state level and the application of modern technology to manage the road network and hubs that link cities and logistical areas with commercial ports on the Mediterranean and the Red Sea; This opens up new economic horizons, and maximizes the state's benefit from linking and integrating its infrastructure.