The Minister of Higher Education reveals the departure of 49% of students without any certificate

  • Time:Aug 25
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Shocking data on university waste revealed by Abdul Latif Al -Merawi, Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, today, Tuesday, in a meeting with the Education, Culture and Communication Committee of the House of Advisors.

The Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation revealed that 49.4 per cent of students leave universities without obtaining any certificate, which constitutes a significant increase in university waste rates.

The Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation also revealed in the same meeting that 35 percent of the total scientific or technical baccalaureate prefer to register in the fields of economic and social sciences, literature and humanities because of the language obstacle, as they find it difficult to pursue their studies in the French language.

وزير التعليم العالي يكشف مغادرة 49% من الطلبة دون أي شهادة

This situation results in, according to Abd al -Latif al -Merawi, a difficulty in accessing and integrating in the labor market for holders of the leave certificate, due to the lack of ownership of university institutions with open access..

On the other hand, the Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation indicated that the Bachelor's system, which suggested to overcome these constraints, has a set of difficulties, according to the Supreme Council for Education, Training and Scientific Research.

Abdul Latif Al -Merawi considered that the adoption of two parallel wires in open access institutions will cause a management disorder in these institutions, and will create difficulties in managing the training paths of students..

On the other hand, the Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation reviewed the efforts made by the ministry to advance the higher education sector, and in this regard he explained that the number of approved paths was raised to 3858 pathways, distributed between 2812 tracts in public university education and 1040 students in university educationThe private;Also, the number of pedagogical seats open to exile in the institutions with limited polarization has been raised to 32.833 seats, with an increase of 5 percent, compared to last season.

A group of projects related to the expansion of the formative offer was programmed to facilitate and improve access and study with higher education, by opening 8 new university institutions distributed over several regions of the Kingdom, including the southern regions, according to the same official..

The Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation also revealed that the grant budget was raised by about 200 million dirhams, to reach more than 2 billion dirhams during the current university season, pointing to the benefit of 408 thousand students, i.e. an increase of 1.5 per cent, and Abdul Latif Al -Merawi recorded that 68 percent of the grant requests were answered.