The Minister of Health reveals the need for Moroccan hospitals for 97 thousand doctors and nurses

  • Time:Apr 05
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Health Minister Khaled Ait Taleb said today, Wednesday, that the shortage in human resources in the health sector is a “structural, quantitative and qualitative deficit,” noting that this shortage exceeds 97,000 professionals (32,522 doctors and 65,044 nurses).

This came when the Minister of Health presented Draft Law No. 33.21 to change and supplement Law No. 131.13 related to the practice of medicine before the Social Sectors Committee in the House of Representatives.

وزير الصحة يكشف حاجة مستشفيات المغرب إلى 97 ألف طبيب وممرض

In his presentation, Minister Khaled Ait Taleb explained that the current density does not exceed 1.7 professionals per 1,000 people, which means “a huge shortage of 2.75 professionals per 1,000 people,” noting that the rate of use of financial positions for medical and nursing staff, “does not exceed in Sometimes the 30 percent barrier.

The government official indicated that Law No. 131.31 relating to the practice of the medical profession imposes several restrictions on foreign doctors, including the existence of a settlement agreement or reciprocity agreement, marriage to a Moroccan citizen or a Moroccan citizen for a period of no less than 5 years, or birth in Morocco and residing there continuously for a period of time Not less than 10 years.

The minister highlighted that Bill No. 33.21 allows foreign doctors to practice medicine in the private sector as a continent in Morocco, under the same conditions that apply to Moroccan doctors.

The project also aims, according to the minister’s presentation, to motivate Moroccan doctors abroad to return to work in Morocco by dispensing with the requirement of equivalency of the certificate or diploma obtained from a foreign institution for the national diploma, given that the field professional experience acquired in the countries of the diaspora would dispense with every condition To equalize the certificates or diplomas obtained, and to delete the non-record clause in the schedule of a foreign body for physicians, and to delete the condition of finishing from the schedule of the foreign body if the doctor is registered in it.

The opening of the medical profession to foreigners comes within the framework of the project to generalize health coverage, which requires confronting the weak rate of medical supervision and the large deficit in human resources and the unequal geographical distribution, by opening the practice of the medical profession to foreign competencies, and motivating international health institutions to work and invest in the sector health in the Kingdom, and encourage successful experiences.