The largest Islamic party in Algeria supports the separatist positions of the Polisario Front

  • Time:Jul 14
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The "Peace Society Movement", the largest Islamic party in Algeria, is continuing to strengthen the separatist positions of the "Polisario" front regarding the recent developments in the border crossing "Karakat", as its president, Abdul Razzaq Maqri, received the sea this week, one of the officials of the Front in Algeria.

According to a media publication of the "Hamas" movement on social media, the bilateral talks highlighted the political situation and the recent events that the region has known, in reference to the security operation carried out by the Moroccan army, as the head of the Islamic Party confirmed his absolute support for the demand for "self -determination" that demandsIt has the front.

The Islamic movement has previously supported the separatist positions of the "Polisario" front immediately after the Royal Armed Forces secured the "Karakat" crossing, which was closed by desert groups for more than three weeks, calling for the imposition of "calm" in the region, by enforcing what it describes as "the referendum of fate”.

أكبر حزب إسلامي بالجزائر يدعم المواقف الانفصالية لجبهة البوليساريو

These positions come after the Islamic Party criticized the Kingdom of Morocco in 2017, accusing them of drug smuggling, which the leader of the organization expressed by saying: “The danger that comes to Algeria from Morocco is not only related to drugs.” Then he added: “There is a French -Moroccan -Gulf alliance that will beAlgeria is one of its biggest victims. ”

As for Idris Al -Kanburi, the Moroccan researcher in Islamic movements, “the position of the Peace Society Movement is normal, because the party is lining up with the Algerian regime;It is understandable in the current context, as it is an Islamic party that does not mean that it is non -national, because any Islamic party is not above geographical borders, sovereignty or the national constitution.

Al -Kanburi stressed, in an interview with the electronic newspaper Hespress, that "the peace community movement is a national party affiliated with the Algerian regime," adding: "We know the privacy of the military regime in Algeria, especially with regard to the issue of the very sensitive desert, so no Algerian party can announce a positionObstarian or contrary to the central system.

The Moroccan researcher stressed that "the issue of the desert is a red line in Algeria, and it poses a danger to the party, because it will be resolved, and people will go to prison;It is the nature of the military regime.

The same spokesman believes that the position of the aforementioned party “is supposed to take into account the good neighborhood between the two countries, and deals according to the Islamic thesis, by calling for a brotherly, religious and Islamic solution for existing conflicts, by opening the borders, and evoking the brotherhood between the two peoples, which is required by the Algerian Islamic parties and national partiesIn general, ”according to his expression.