The Israeli army discovered that the tower that brought it into Gaza was used by foreign media only

  • Time:Feb 01
  • Written : smartwearsonline
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الجيش الإسرائيلي اكتشف أن البرج الذي أسقطه بغزة تستخدمه وسائل إعلام أجنwith meة فقط


Written by: Yenv Kovovich


The Israeli army discovered that the tower that attacked it in the Gaza Strip in the operation of the wall guard is located in the offices of foreign media, including the "Associated Press" and the "Al -Jazeera" channel, only after it began evacuating its employees..The Intelligence Division, the General Staff and the leadership of the southern region started receiving information about the media found in the building when the reporters received an alarm to evacuate it in the framework of "surface -to -surface" procedure.Although various security authorities tried to prevent the attack on the pretext that the matter would cause serious psychological damage, they in the army issued instructions to the forces to continue the attack and then the tower fell.The projection process sparked severe criticism of Israel by the global media, and the American administration was not convinced of the attempts of the Israeli army to justify this.Last month, the reserve General Nitzan Alon, responsible for the Israeli army's investigation of the psychological impact of the operation of the wall guard that the building's bombing was "a psychological bombing and a self -goal".On May 15, the fifth day of the operation, the "Galaa" tower collapsed in the Al -Remal neighborhood in Gaza.And dozens of offices on the 15 floors were completely destroyed.Sources familiar with the details of the attack told the newspaper that at 13:40 am, that is, half an hour and a half before the projection, the citizens who were living in the building began receiving phone messages and data on the planned attack..According to these sources, in parallel with messages and communications, he heard gunfire of the air force before the bombing.A few minutes later, agency staff began to inform the communication men in Israel about the reports and examine whether the Israeli army really intends to attack the building.Correspondents who also tried to inform the security forces wanted to prevent the attack, or at least give them a reasonable period to evacuate the place.Even the owner of the building and other destinations in Israel and in Gaza tried to stop the bombing.After that, security authorities also attempted to transfer the message to the army leadership, and the information has even reached the Chief of Staff Office.Large parties in the military intelligence asked them to examine information, and after a short period they said they do not know about the existence of media outlets in the building.It is not clear, accordingly, whenever this is taken into account in the discussions that preceded the attack.Warning talks for citizens continued even at this stage, but the launch of the Air Force stopped.In parallel, they hesitated in the security apparatus, are they attacking the tower despite the new information they obtained, sources familiar with the details said that the chief of staff and the head of the Operations Division were able to stop the attack..An attack of this kind needs to be ratified.Before 15:00, it was decided, however, the building was bombed despite the expected repercussions. Those who support the bombing said that the media constituted for Hamas a human shield in order to prevent harm to the seper means that were in the building, including the means of disturbance..with me.S ”.The sources indicated that the information about the building, as it was known to the army, was not fully transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the media apparatus that it occupied during the operation.At 15:17, the building fell when the Air Force bombed it with heavy weight bombs. في with meان المتحدث بلسان الجيش بعد القصف قيل إن البرج كان “قاعدة عمليات استخبارية مهمة”، واستخدم أيضا لإنتاج السلاح وأن نشطاء حماس والجهاد الإسلامي استغلوا التحذير قبل القصف لإخراج المعدات من المبنى.After a severe criticism of the operation in the international media, the Israeli army continued to try to justify the bombing.The spokesman for the army at the time, Heidi Zellberman, said a few days later: “We have examined ourselves and we confirmed 100 % that there are combat means for Hamas in the media building in Gaza.”. الwith meت الأwith meض قال إن الولايات المتحدة أوضحت لإسرائيل أنه يجب عليها التأكد من أمن المراسلين ووسائل الإعلام، والسكرتير العام في الأمم المتحدة، انطونيو غوترش، قال إنه “قلق جدا من الهجوم وإن المس من دون تمييز بمنشآت إعلامية هو خرق للقانون الدولي”.In the aftermath, Zalberman told military correspondents: “If they fired a single missile at Washington, I would have wanted to see what the Americans would say.”.The attempt to justify the administration in Washington.It was called for evidence that the building was used by Hamas and that there was justification for its bombing.Defense Minister Bani Gantz said that information has been transferred to the Americans justifying the bombing.But US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinkne, said he had not seen any information like this and asked Israel more solid evidence.According to another source, he was familiar with the details of the attack during its occurrence, and he was familiar with the behavior of all participants, he said, “The decision to bomb the tower was not necessarily taken for operational considerations.. كان من الواضح أنه لا يوجد أي شيء يبرر للعالم قصف وسائل الإعلام الأجنwith meة.Meaning was clear to everyone.Many of the Israeli army believed that the bombing could have been suspended, ”he told the newspaper. “تم تطwith meق القرار مع ذلك لأنهم في المستوى السياسي وفي الجيش شعروا أن حماس تحرز انتصارات نفسية في القدس وفي المدن المختلطة، وبحثوا عن صورة انتصار”.Another source said that at the time they did not know the army for how long they could continue the fighting round, taking into account the wave of violence that was in the country.Therefore, "search for something they can present to the public, a victory, even if it was a small victory.".According to his saying: “This was parallel to the metro process (destroying the Hamas tunnel network), which started well, but then it was clear that this process did not succeed.This is why they are in the unity of the Israeli army spokesman, they rushed to issue pictures and films on the attack.In the army, they did not know the repercussions of the event and published pictures of the rubble as a psychological confrontation..قبل أسبوعين، تم في معهد بحوث الأمن القومي في جامعة تل أwith meب عقد مؤتمر حول الوعي أثناء القتال. الجنرال احتياط الون كرس في المؤتمر جزءا كwith meرا من أقواله لتوجيه الانتقاد لقصف البرج."The dropping of the tower is equal to a psychological explosion and represents a self -goal," he said, "He said," He said.“Not everyone in the army agrees to this.But I am convinced that it is a mistake.The operational achievement was not commensurate with the diplomatic and psychological harm that this matter caused..Nevertheless, Alon explained that he will not address the legality of attack or operational consideration, but rather the difficult media repercussions that cause it.In response, he said in response: “Information about the presence of news agencies in the building was known.In the building, there were military intelligence systems, including research, development, information centers, and technological equipment, which were used against Israel.. القرار اتخذ على ضوء تقدير استخباري ووفقا لتقدير الوضع خلال القتال ووجد أن القيمة الكwith meرة في القصف تبرر تنفيذه.According to the conclusions of the investigations conducted after the operation, attacking the building really led to severe damage to the ability of Hamas. وحسب معرفتنا، لم يكن هناك أي مصاwith meن من قصف المبنى”.